Thursday, July 29, 2004
-*- accident.
i had an accident.ok shuddup. dun ask unless you're told.
i bumped into a lexus. the bigger one. the one that looks like camry toyota.. plain bad luck.
was trying to hurry home from vin's camp, cos told my parents i would be home before 7. plus if i reach home with vin after they reach, they'll be all suspicious and everything (they disallow me to pick vin up.. this is another problem about them.. but oh well.)..
so i was rushing home. changing lanes. and bam! i bumped the car in front. scratches on his left side back bumper. dents on my right side front bumper and hood. bad.
want lucky numbers? my car plate: 537. his car plate:370. go ahead and strike it big. just remember to gimme some money. i need it.
got home and called help (my dajie). then parents got home. told them. with a little lie. since i wasnt supposed to drive vin, i couldnt have told them where exactly i was. so i told them it was at tampines. *pray hard that my lie wont be discovered*
scold scold scold.
guess i deserved it, but why now? im sad as it is. they always do this to me.
one good previous experience: O levels. got lousy grade. crying cos of grades. scolded. why?
they always do that. cept that this time, my mum was still quite alright. guess she has come to terms with it. my erjie and dajie and bro in law had accidents the last few months too. in that order. seriousness? my erjie's the worst. whole front was pushed in. badly dented and all. so i think my mum has come to terms with the bad luck in driving of the family members. but well...
my dad is pissed. but guess he can do nothing about it. hope the repairs wont amount to too much. *pray hard again*
then again, i guess i do deserve the scoldings.. i wasnt paying enough attention. im a lousy driver. bleh.
now i had better be a good daughter and all. to hopefully please them so they wont be so pissed. so i think im going msia with them tmr. what rubbish right. oh well. just this once i shall try to be happy. i dented their car.
oh did i mention? it was the new car.
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