Monday, March 15, 2004
-*- oops again...
hahah oops.. again.. my sunday entry slow.... hahah this really shows how "on time" i am all the time.. *_* hahah yeah so today 10 right?haiz anyway, i didnt go for my lessons today again.. hahah cos it's a presentation.. very pointless.. hahah altho i usu will learn something from these presentations.. *_*
hehe yea today dearie's out!! hahaha so im now at his place.. was trying to study.. but hahah yeap, knowing me, i studied for only half an hour and i had to come to the computer to "relax" hahah.. yeah.. later gonna play mahjong!! whoohoo!! hahah
haiz anyway, saturday was so exciting!! haha i went ktv with a bunch of frens.. then when i was sending them home, there were 6 of us, which means that behind there were 4... and that's illegal... hhaha and one of my frens was just saying he'd nv seen a roadblock b4.. hahaha and yeah, we kena road block.. lucky for us, there was a turn right before the roadblock... hahah so we turned into the street...
but the not-so-lucky thing was that it was a dead end.. so i had to drop one of my frens.. erm yea he was the one we were sending... and the one who hadnt seen a road block before.. hahahah ... so since we were the nearest to his place... he got down and walked.. so poor thing!! *_* but it was rather near... ;p
yeah and sunday was an eventless day.. hahah hmm yeah i guess that's all for today!!!
so here's the 10 that i pwomised.. (Days 6&7):
26. Teach a kid to fly a kite
27. Walk in the rain
28. Schedule play time into every day
29. Take a bubble bath
30. Be aware of the decisions you make
31. Believe in yourself
32. Stop saying negative things to yourself
33. Visualize yourself winning
34. Develop your sense of humor
35. Stop thinking tomorrow will be a better day
wheehee.. i love walking in the rain, bubble baths (im just a kid inside) and play time in my schedule!!! ahahah yeah like that's not obvious... hahah... wah but i dont even know how to fly a kite.. let alone teach a kid.. hahaha... decision making is something i suck at the most! hahahah *_*
hehe.. i strongly recommend 31!! i tink the most impt thing in life to succeed is to believe in urself, and furthermore, u shd love urself! there's nothing more important than the love for oneself.. im serious.. not that im a narcissist or wat.. but i really feel that it's very important to love urself! ;p
and hence, dont say negative things to urself.. hahah but that's something i do relatively often! hahah as much as i love myself, criticisms for myself is essential too.. haha to improve ma.. bleh...
wah i think 33 is cool! visualize myself winning! sounds like daydreaming! hahah i shall try that! u try that too! hee.. then evryone's a winner!!! wheeeEE!!! hmmm i have a good sense of humour.. right? don't i?????? hehhe.. yeah i do! hahah and i love myself for that! whee!! hahaha
hmm and i've always thought it's positive to think that tomorrow will be better.. isnt that always encouraged?? okie.. i think i wanna stick to my own belief.. tmr WILL be a better day.. ;p
horkies!! that's all man! thanx for listening! hahahah yeah i'd love to be a radio dj.. so u guys are not readers of my bloggies.. u guys are the listeners to my programmes!! hahaha oops im lame.. actually, it's called GOOD SENSE OF HUMOUR.. *ahem* hee...
I smiled to many people
for more than a billion times;
but when I first saw you,
my heart took over and smiled for the first time.
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