Saturday, February 28, 2004
-*- Salute To You
are you a person who is really passionate? who would do anything to pursue your passion? like ANYTHING? a passion so strong you are willing to give up so many things in your life, like give up love? a passion for poetry maybe? or passion for music or something? if you are, i salute you.i was just watching this show, erm Love Poetry, on channel 5.. and the love the female lead has for poetry is amazing... she was willing to give up a guy who truly loved her and was willing to do things for her.. even lie to her.. (acted by keagen kang, i used to love him heaps!!!!) yesh, it's bad, he lied.. but it was for her.. he lied to her about being a poet.. he doesn't noe a damn about poetry.. and pays a guy (played by this unknown guy...) to write poems for him to give the female lead... but all out of love...
when the female lead finds out, she was pissed, especially since the 'poet' (the unknown guy) tat keagan kang paid was also in love with her.. (erm i think she liked him - the unknown guy - too, someting like that.. i didnt really pay attention..) so she just broke it off with keagan, even tho he truly loves her.. and she actually did love him.. and the reason why she can't be with her is he's not a poet.... she feels that without poetry, life is empty, without poetry, love is meaningless...
is there really this kinda people?? passion over love? passion for something other than love, that is...
i'm a rather passionless person.. my passion is for sleeping.. hahah and i am ready to give up sleep for love, for fun, for anything.. (erm, most of the time that is...) and i feel that people who are SO passionate are admirable.. their passion is so strong that it may actually keep them alive! i salute them.. really..
i noe this entry sounds lame.. but i really feel that passion is important in life.. haha and yea sometimes i get sad that i dun have a REAL passion in life.. bleah.. but really, passion keeps a person going.. that's the amazing thing about it...
(quotes: dunno which to choose.. hehe..)
***Passion, though a bad regulator, is a powerful spring. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson***
***Passion is universal humanity. Without it religion, history, romance and art would be useless. ~Honoré de Balzac***
***The most beautiful make-up of a woman is passion. But cosmetics are easier to buy. ~Yves Saint Laurent*** (hahah i tink this is funny)
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