Thursday, February 26, 2004
-*- like, watever
haiz im in nus...the suckiest place on earth.. hahah actually no la.. i actually quite love this place.. it's very singapore.. as in u seem to be able to meet everyone that u've ever known before, all here... hahah my life is this limited.. all in NUS... bleh.. hahahanyway, this entry's title.. this entry's a follow up to the previous entry...
*note: sorry for another long entry.. im pissed...............................*
well, that friend went to tell this other fren, erm our common friend, we used to hang out very often in sec 3 and 4... yeah then this common friend, erm let's call her H.. and the girl who lost my earrings K...
okie so i was damn pissed with K and all, so/but (not sure which to wirte....) i didnt bother to contact her.. so days after.. erm, on tues evening, H called me to tell me that K had told her about the quarrel... yeah so i was telling H that it wasnt just the earrings, it was the everything that the girl was doing.. i was telling you abt the pining for a guy thing? haiz yeah that was one of her major flaw...
one side story to let u guys understand: okie.. this K girl.. erm i think she likes a lot of guys.. and i mean ALOT... the many crushes on guys from our class (sec 3 and 4) and the many other guys i think from outside.. hehe actually by many i mean like about 4 to 8 in a year... for some years, she will be carrying a torch for a particular guy for quite a while... like more than a year kinda thing, erm while hving crushes on others... erm yeah.. so in the years in sec sch, she liked this guyfren of ours.. erm, call him B la.. okie anyway, B is rather close to me n dearie... as in we hang out and stuff la, even now.... sheesh i think those who noe them will noe who im toking about.. anyway, yeah K liked this B for a very long time and all,.. but B is not that kind that would settle down and all... so yeah...
but recently, B got attached with a dear dear dear fren of mine.. and when we broke the news to K on my bday chalet day.... i think she got rather pissed, as if she was the one who was supposed to be with B... and she even said something like "i dun think they will last" or "i dun think they will be happy one lor" something to that kinda effect... erm yeah so i kinda conclude that she's sour that she's not the "chosen" one... and she's sour that "everyone" is getting attached except her.. and im not basing this on nothing.. it's HER.. and we all know that that's in her char (as H may put it)......
okie so that's K... yea.. so she recently broke up with a bf.. and she's bitter about it.. cos she still loves that idiot.. but he doesnt love her.. says she has AP and all.. haiz but she doesnt really have THAT bad an attitude problem la.. but just sometimes a little self centred.. erm i dunno if the side story proves that, but yeah...
so she told H about the quarrel and that she's very upset about it.. (can accept that? yea i guess.. but read on...) so i think she kinda got H to come tok to me, either that or H is really concerned... and i told H it wasnt just the earring incident (after all it's just a tiny little thing, insignificant)... it was how she's always coming to me for advice then later agree to go with wat i say, which i think is rather good advice, erm that is to just ignore wat the guy does to her from now onwards (cos supposedly, that guy is screaming vulgarities at her and he's still saying that she has AP, when it really doesnt even concern him anymore, since she's no longer his gf and he's already going after someone else...).. so she supposedly heeded my advice.. the nxt thing i noe, she's calling me at THREE AM in the morning ( erm that's the kinda time she calls pple cos she works late)... and telling me that she's upset that he's ignoring her.. like wateva man.. he ignore her isnt it for the better? so she can move forward liao... but No, she must be all upset... i mean yea, i can understand that she's hurt and she's pained, but it's been FIVE months.. and their relationship was only about 7 mths.. like wat the hell right? haiz so this 5 months she's been calling me in wee hours in the morning and asking me for advice and then not heeding them....
so nvm... at least i was being a fren.. so i told H that i feel that it's very siannening to help K cos she doesnt even care about my advice.... then H agreed that that was her character... and she accepts her as that.. haiz i noe sometimes it's hard to change character, but can't she just see that she's like that (K i mean).. haiz.. so that was the end of the conversation with H..........
one day later.. H told me that K said that I was the self centred person who feels that things not done my way are considered done the wrong way.. haiz maybe to a small extent i am like tht... but if she's referring to the advice thing, to hell with her.. pple try to help and THAT's wat i GET???? yeah, so like, watever....................
i was damn pissed sia! like wth lor i tried to help... im telling everyone who reads my blog.. im NV gonna help her in her STUPID problems anymore.. like i dun have my own probs.. the world doesnt stop just becos i have probs (ooh and that's wat i told H to tell K.. the world doesnt revolve around her and the world doesnt stop when she has probs... blah blah... oh and that she nv tries to solve her own probs.... btw this girl K feels that I dont have ANY problems at all... so yea..... she thinks just becos my parents are rich-er than few other people im problem-free......sheesh btw, those who feel that that's true... it's not.. sincerely not...) anyway, im not gonna help her anymore.. i have my own problems that I have to settle MYSELF!
sheesh, some people......................................................................
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