Monday, March 22, 2004
-*- hmmm??
hmm an interesting topic came up in a conversation amongst my frens...would you think twice about raping if law permits it?
many many guys will say NO (i.e they will go ahead and rape... *_*) almost immediately. but when given to think for another second, it's almost definite that more than half will change their minds. seriously, think about the high, high, HIGH possibility of getting some kinda disease or something? i'm not sick here.. but seriously, if law permits rape (As ridiculous as it sounds), what will happen of the society? i would feel (or at least i really hope) that people will still be themselves, and find normal sex partners.. goodness, isn't it so icky to think that pple can rape freely?
which leads me to another point: is it just because we live in a "civilised" society that we feel that rape is wrong? pardon me, cos im doing a project on The Vagina Monologues.. I'm pretty sure a few of you have read it.. yeah i feel that it's a super powerful play.. it has a rather violent impact on me.. rape cases are all over the world.. and if the society shuns it so much, why are there STILL so many cases? is it because some people are just plain sick? or is it because they have a different set of belief system? i dont noe if i make sense, but if i parent my child in a way that doesnt deem rape as an act of deviance, will he/she really feel that it is alright? this sounds damn sick! sick sick sick!
goodness, i cant believe a world in which rape is alright! it's disgusting!!!
hmm and i seriously hope people will not treat rape as a trivial issue.. it's very important, and it is as real as the air we breath...
i dont noe what came over me. and i dont know if this entry makes sense.. but im just trying to "pen down" my random and lame thoughts.. im deeply influenced by the Vagina Monologues... i dont know if it's good or bad.. but i am... lalala...
okie then that's all for today...
oH! and the 10 ways to relieve stress! ;p
99 ways to relieve stress: (Day 11)
51. Ask someone to be your "Vent Partner"
52. Do it today
53. Work at being cheerful and optimistic
54. Put safety first
55. Do everthing in moderation
hahah who volunteers to be my vent partner?? heheh u get kicks out of it!! mehehe..
wah.. i think i like just do it better than do it today.. i like being spontaneous... ;p yeah but i always procrastinate!! arh someone help! hahah yeah but im not a do-it-today person....
im so cheerful it freaks people out sometime! hehe.. don't i? as in freak u out? hahah lalala i do, but i dun care! hehe.. but well, lame as it sounds, im a very negative person, even though im cheerful ALL the time! hahaha... sad eh?
safety? hmm if i dont live life dangerously, how can i REALLY enjoy? life must be exciting, and if i ALWAYS put safety isn't that a bit bit boring? hehe..
hehe do everything in moderation??? hehe even food?? aww... im sad.. hahah
99 ways to relieve stress: (day 12)
56. Pay attention to your appearance
57. Strive for excellence NOT perfection
58. Stretch your limits a little each day
59. Look at a work of art
60. Hum a jingle
i love myself! so i love to pay attention to my appearance!!! hehe..
wahahah excellence not perfection? that shall be my new motto!! heheh.. strive for excellence NOT perfection!! whee.. heheh...
yawns. im bored..
anyway, stretching my limits? i havent reached my limits for a very long time! argh! im so disappointed in myself!! *_* hehe
a work of art? me!! hehehhe.. hmm but i tink i would love to visit the museum.. but not for a long time.. i cant stay long looking at art, ill bet.. heheh
hum a jingle? how about "tis a season to be jolly, lalalalalalalalallaalal......"?? heheh i love that!! whee!!
oh my.. im so tired! *yAwNZ*!!!
go sleep already! nite peeps!
Love reminds you that nothing else matters.
- Amy Bushell -
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