Monday, November 10, 2003

-*- *PASSED*  
i passed i passed i passed! hahah i passed my driving!!! as in my dad finally passed me liao! hahah yeah since i've gotten my license, i'd only driven under his supervision..
but these two days, he let me take the car out! yeah! hahah maybe cos he thinks i only drive to bedok at vin's place so he's okie.. hahah but WRONG! i drove all over the eastern side of Singapore! hahah but just the eastern part of Singapore la.. but that's good nuff liao lor! hahah cos im a newbie..
hahha yeah n i think he has passed me.. so happy! hahah wheeeeeee.. but i dun wanna push my luck.. so only weekends then! hahaha that's quite pushing my luck liao but watever! hahah !!! but then again, he may not let me take the car as n when i like wat... hahah...
yeah! i passed!! hahah yeah that's all for today...
oh yeah i watched matrix revolutions today.. ***blur*** hahah im not very smart la.. so yeah.. hahaha.. yeah plus i was damn tired.. so couldnt really understand a lot of things.. so i guess ill wait for vin to explain to me! hahahahah
yeap that's all then! no qoutes.. lazy to think.. bleagh..............................

***quotes occur when people say the right things... by accident***


jazzi craved @ 1:35 AM


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