Sunday, November 23, 2003

-*- i survived!!!  
oh my! i survived my very first sem in nus! wheehee.. *beams with pride* hahaha not much things to be proud about la.. but oh well, at least i survive the exams.. hmm the results are the next to come.. haiz.. a beet beet worried.. got the ans key for my e.lang paper... i very scared im gonna fail!!! haiz... *fingers crossed*
anyway, now that exams over, im FREEEEEE!!!! wheehee.. sshiokk!! hmm had a fantastic day today sia! went shopping, eating, ktv-ing, n play monopoly-ing!!!! so funnnnnnn!!! shopping getties: 3 plushies that are SOOOOO adorable.. erm one is xmas eeyore (dearie bought it for me!!!!)... then there's the xmas winnie pooh and xmas piglet!!!! i bought them for my erjie, n my dajie respectively!!! for xmas duh... they are SOOOO ADORABLE... the plushies that is... hehe!!!
eating place: BILLY BOMBERS!!! shiok place.. i think of that place my saliva will flow nonstop sia!! hahah i had the oh-my-goodness-so-damn-fantastically-great nachos chilli!!!!!! n dear had the ever-the-best-and-always-yummies alcatraz!!! sumptious!!! *tummy growl growl* hehe.. yeah that's my only meal of the day by the way.... *slurp*
ktv: SHIOK! sang my guts out man! hahah but only 3 hrs.. well not the best but good enough! hee.. for the ktv freak i am.. not enough.. but i shd be contented.. n its so cheap.. hahahh $20 for 2 persons.. hee.. shiok! there were 7 of us.. hee..
monopoly: hahah just mi n dearie.. hahah he lost to me big time! he's not that smart la.. hahahha yeah so fun! n he owes me about $15k... hahahah he sore loser play until lose then dun wanna play! hahahah...
yeap! that's my day!!!
tmr big day too!!! vinvin's mummy's birthday! we're bringing her out to have a day of fun!!! yay!!! yeah n MAYBE i can drive.. hahahha... fun!!!
okie then i gtg.. wanna go grab something to eat from the kitchen then go to bed!! hahah yea im a pig! byee!! n nitenite!!! ***today's quote: from a song in moulin rouge. elephant love medley... a great song!

***Love is many a splendid thing
Love lifts us up where we belong
All you need is love***

i survived!!! - 

jazzi craved @ 1:39 AM


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