Saturday, January 21, 2006
-*- I shopped, And I shopped, And I shopped.
Hmm, just got back from a major shopping spree... Been going for lotsa shopping sprees since late December... For good reasons, and excellent excuses!! Hahah.. Okay, reason number one: My clothes are getting old and tattered... (Fine, that's a bit of an excuse also. Whatever.) Reason number two a.k.a Excuse number one: Chinese New Year is coming, so must wear new clothes, to signify a new year, happy beginning etc etc.. I mean seriously, Chinese New Year is like once in a year la! Of course I must wear new stuff right? Erm, the clothes being nice is just an added bonus, of course.. The most important reason is actually cos I have free shopping sprees!!! All thanks to my dearestestestest ("dearestestestest" means Very very and truly dear.) Vincent!!! Okay, don't you think that I'm leeching off him!! It's for legit reasons! First of all, he decided to sponsor my shopping trips in December as my Christmas pressie.... So I decided to buy my CNY clothes, so I won't waste money buying CNY clothes again...So I went for several shopping trips.. And I managed to get some plain looking stuff... Which are as follow:
From Zara:

Okie, I like these, because they are very simple and casual, and quite nice too. Suits me..
From Topshop:

As above.. Haha simple, plain and nice, casual, comfy..... ;) I know, I have lotsa tops pretty much the same as these, but they are all old and tattered, remember? Heh.
From Fox:

Okay, I have stopped wearing nice long sleeves, so I decided to get like, three at one go.. Hahaha.. All from the same shop same day!! Okay, the act sporty one is one that I really quite like.. It's a white long sleeve, with a racerback thingie coming out from behind, and it looks quite sporty.. So I like it quite a bit.. Maybe I can fool some people into thinking I'm into sports... *erm, maybe not, but I like the top, so who cares!*
From B.U.M:

I love the green top!! Very bright and chirpy feeling! With the BUM word so big! Hahah that's like my middle name la! Jiazi Bum Xu! Wahahahahah... And the skirt? I figured I should buy stuff that I may be able to wear to work. So there you go! Hah..
From Diesel:

From East India Company:

East India: long ivory skirt

I lurve these skirts! Okay, those who know me well may know that I've been complaining of lack of skirts.. So I figured, might as well buy a few more! Hahah.. Oh, but these aren't paid by Vin, just so happen that ALL four are from my Erjie.. Haha.. Oh well....
And I actually have this two pants (one long and one capris) that I bought about two months ago, but haven't worn.. Decided to categorise them under CNY clothes a month after buying them... But lazy to take pictures of them..
Ermmm, I know, the clothes are quite plain looking stuff, but I like them a lot..
Then came another gift from him, for my birthday.... Now this is much more exciting.. Well, obviously, another shopping spree is what he has given me for my birthday... But it was quite an impromptu thing, because my birthday is actually a month from now (17th February!!!).. And we hadn't planned on buying much stuff today (20th Jan, that is..).. Lay and I had wanted to go shopping for something for me to wear for Mich's solemnisation, so we went Orchard after our Cultures lect.. And round and round we went, but didn't see anything that I exceptionally lurrrrve, so we didn't get anything.. WEELLLLL, at least not until after dinner (bento set from Tori-Q)!!! After eating at TANGS basement, we decided to head toward Heeren..
There's this MAGICAL shop there.. Magical because everything there looks FANTABULOUSTIC! It's called MU '木' ('wood')... Lurve the clothes there! So different and very fashionable! Hehehe SO, I decided, I MUST buy something from there.. And so I tried on SOOO many things.. And as I came out of the fitting room for the hundredth time, Vin pulled me aside and told me that I should buy more things from the shop.. I was majorly hesitant, because the stuff ain't cheap, and I had already bought so many things from previous shopping trips! And then he was like, "No, I shall pay for you!" And I was like!! WHY???? I didn't want him to be wasting so much money on me, after he had already bought me a lot of things for my Christmas pressie!! Then he was like, "I'll buy them for you, but you must let me off for your birthday then!" And apparently, my eyes glittered! Hahahah inside I was mildly extremely excited.. Hahah I mean, isn't it any girl's dream to have shopping sprees paid for? (Lay said YES!!! to that question.. So I believe that to be true..) And so I bought.. But I was nice, I didn't wanna waste too much of his money.. And so I ONLY picked out two sets.. But that was erm, wasteful enough...
From MU:

I exceptionally like the blue skirt a lot, because it was picked out by him.. And he seems to be extremely pleased with himself.. And it is really very pretty.. Lurve it! The grey skirt is very irresistable too! It's very well, artsy? Hehe.. And the green top was quite an interesting top.. Has stringies from all over to all over, with crunched up cloth.. Very messy, but a bit artsy too.. Hehe.. I had actually picked it out as just a top to see if this other bottom looks nice, but I ended up buying it.. Haha quite silly... But it's nice.. And the red top, haiz, the picture seems plain.. But it's quite a nice top, a little plain but with a certain design at the collar, and the red is very striking, but not too loud, so just about right. ;p
Hmmm, Lay also bought two tops and a bottom. Her bottom is very Jap, and yet not very over.. And I lurve her tops! Erm, one is just a tank, but with very nice trims at the bottom (flowy kind, if I'm not wrong) and the other one is very nice.. Erm, the sleeve (on one side) is capped, I think, and one the other is three quarter, with a slit!!! VEry classy and very beautiful..
So we had a great time shopping in the magical shop.. Haha and I got membership at the place! Hahaah we kind spent more than enough to have the free member card la! Aiya, but the clothes were very pweeeetty la, so we left the shop happy women (and man)! Hahaha..
I lurve my dearestestestest!!!! ;)
I shopped, And I shopped, And I shopped. -
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