Sunday, January 15, 2006
-*- Cocky Cockles. SATC. And in the middle of it all, Shih Lin Chicken...
Hahaha sorry for the lame (and CORny) title.. Hehe.. I wanna eat cockles!! Those fresh cockles thingie I love at East Coast Park!!!When am I gonna be able to meet up with my kakis to just stone in ECP?!?!??? *Wails*
Anyway, if you didn't know, I'm rewatching Sex and the City.. Still can't decide which girl I like the best... Each has her own flaws.. But each has something that I like also.. I wonder which one I am most similar to... Anyway, I doubt I'm like any of them lah.. They seem so, different...
But watching SATC can really make me feel like people idealise love and relationships too much.. Those girls have so many weird and unbelievable problems.. But since some of them (in fact, many of them) are rather realistic, the show makes me feel that relationships really ain't that easy.. Stuff you have to go through together, to overcome in the start, that kinda thing.. I know, sometimes they are very exaggerated, but I like the stuff that happens to the girls.. Kinda makes me emphatise with them sometimes.. Anyway, good show, and very funny anecdotes of the single girls living in Manhattan, NY. Comparing themselves with the Connecticut folks, and everything.. Background of each girl makes each of them very different and yet the fact that they live in the same city gives them a kind of cameraderie that pushes them on (in the battleground of love and relationships), and finally, it's their faith in love (despite many many many fail trials) that helps them find love (of different sorts, definitely, but they do find love..) eventually...
Anyway, one thing about watching SATC, it makes me feel fortunate to have Vin with me. We have a special thing going on and it gives me the faith too! On top of that, things seem preeeeetty simple with me and Vin, not half as complicated as the girls and their relationships.. So yah.. Hehe.. *mush*
(Shih Lin Chicken!) <---- A sudden craving in the middle of the blog..
***I should start colour-coding my words... Hahaha random thoughts too random sometimes..***
Er, I doubt I'll do the colour-coding.. But sometimes, just the intention is enough right? Hehz.
Anyway, back to SATC... Hmmmmmm.. Actually I think I'm done. Haha.. Back to watching SATC!! Bye!
Cocky Cockles. SATC. And in the middle of it all, Shih Lin Chicken... -
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