Tuesday, January 17, 2006
-*- Of Nara, Maple Cookies and My Canadian Idols (upclose!)!
So one of my most fave girls is back from an exchange.. Christine Chen Huiqing!! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!!! She went Canada for FIVE months and finally came home on 6th January!!Been three weeks since she got back and finally I saw her yesterday, for KTV, and today, for SSB2216...
First: Grand Arrival of Nara my dear!
For the week of 6th January, before Nara's arrival, we had arranged to sort of give her a surprise by going to the airport to receive her! So on the day before, we confirmed her flight number with her sis, and notified everyone (er, actually only Lay, me, Elvin and Esther) of the time of arrival..
On the day itself, well........ I woke up about 30 mins before I was supposed to meet the peeps at the airport... So rush rush and messaged Lay and everything.. Rush Rush Rush.. FINALLY, at the time which I was supposed to meet them, I left HOME. Hahaha even driving isn't that fast! Pretty dead huh? And before I left for the airport, I checked the arribal schedule, turns out, her flight arrived EARLY and had already landed SEVEN minutes before I left home!! Hahahah so I SMSed Lay to ask where she is.. And she was late TOO!! Then our last resort, Elvin... We SMSed him, and he's EVEN LATER!! Goodness, so much for surprise... We might not even get to see her, and Elvin was coming from JURONG!!! (apparently, he had to have his passport "chopped".. Haha) Just for HER!!!
So in order not to make everyone miss the star, I parked VERY QUICKLY and rush rush rush run run run!! I didn't even know the belt number!! And the flight was out of the arrivals' displays!!! Haha.. Blindly, I went up the escalator, on the phone with Lay, informing her that I'm the earliest.. At about half hour after the plane touched down...
As I was reaching the top of the escalator, I saw the most splendid sight!!! CHRISTINE CHEN HUIQING!!!! QING~~~~~~~~!!!! I went absolutely mad... NARAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! I think that was my exact word! Wahahhaha!! Instantly stupid bimbo just wanted to take off and run away from ME! Stupid pigu! And I was like mad, jumping up and down, running after the panicky woman to snatch hugs and pushing the phone to her and screaming in her ears!! Haha I think she got a big shock.. So did about three of her friends (including Cass, who went on the exchange with her..) and Cass' FAMILY!! Oh my god I was such a disgrace...
Anyway, finally, after I managed to convince jet-lagged Nara to stay for a bit longer (and her family had to park their car just so they could wait for her! Sorry Uncle, Kor and Mei!), everyone got there.. And hugs exchanged, words exchanged.. Man I missed her so much! She looked just a tad haggard from the long flight.. And so finally, we decided to release her, to let her go home to rest.. Poor girl, she has been jet-lagged since then... It's been almost THREE weeks... *stares*
So finally, after two and a half weeks, I met up with her for KTV yesterday....

Me, Nara, Lay.

Me & Nara

Me & Lay (A.k.a LayZee!)

Lay & Nara
Was quite fun, considering this is the first time, in the two plus years that I've known Christine, that we went KTV together! Her voice very soothing, and powerful at the same time. Very pleasing.. I LIKE! Hehe...
And!!! She finally passed me the Heavenly Maple Cookies!!!! And Vin is quite bitter that I have it and I'm only willing to share ONE tiny piece.. Wahahaha!!!
Here's what he says:
"Nara's back from Canada and with her, she brought cookies. Of which I have received absolutely none, I am terribly furious and I, of course, will never forgive Nara for it. NEVER. While Nara has denied me the opportunity of consuming these fantabulistic cookies, I however, was able to acquire one off the charity of Zee. The cookies are amazing la! Every bite is like a bite of heaven. It fills you with bliss and the maple filling just MELTS in your mouth making you feel all warm inside. I hate that I'm only gonna have one in my entire life because their from Canada..."
Anyway, to make everyone jealous... Here's a picture of my BOX of Maple Cookies! Total of eight Maple Cookies. Enough to feel heaven but not enough to ever satisfy me!!

So I decided, for the benefit of all who visit my blog, I shall demonstrate how good it is, by EATING one and posting PICTURES of me savouring it! Whahahhhah

Feel the crunch of the cookie.. (Although mine was a bit soft already... I think I didn't cover it properly yesterday....)

Feel the filling MELT...... HMMMMMM


NO!!! It's disappearing!!!!!!

Finally, My Canadian Idols!

Xiang Xiang~~ Cheeeeeee Kian~~~
Hehe got the picture from Christine's blog.. This two guys.. I heard so much about them for five long months, and yet today was the first time I met them... They are two superstars!! Heheh they are part of Christine's gang in Vancouver.. They (the whole gang of them, about 8 people, mostly from Singapore, and one from Hong Kong) practically spent every single day together, doing everything together... So since Christine developed into a "obsessive compulsive blogger" (as Elvin puts it..) in Canada, I read about the whole gang so much I feel like I know them so well!
So I was psyched to be meeting them for the very first time!!! Hahaha so very uncontrollably, I shouted Xiangxiang's name really out loud, when he came into the lecture, late and flustered.. Hahaha I felt so excited, I couldn't help it!!!! So sorry Xiangxiang~.. And Chee Kian was overwhelmed by Yanying, Lay and me.. Hahah I think I was a bit star-struck... Haha damn lame man!!!
A little about them... Xiang Xiang has a proper name, Yan Xiang.. And he took very good care of Christine over there.. Makes sure that the girls in the gang are well taken care of and everything.. He has extremely long eyelashes!!!! Goodness, I couldn't stop looking lor!! Super long.. So jealous.. Hmph! If I get to know him better, I'll snip it off! Wahahahah.. Joking... Hopefully he won't find out.. If not he'll run away from me FOREVER.....
About Chee Kian.. He's Bitchy.. Caps intended... But I was too blur and sleepy to catch their bitchy conversation!! But I'll bet it will come up very often in future conversations.. And man, I would love a bitchy conversation with Cheeeeeeeeeeee Kian! Hehe.. By the way, both of them look way cuter in real life!!!!
Hehe but seriously, I hope they weren't put off by our/my madness.. Hahah they seem like great guys la... Heheh.. MY IDOLS LEH!!!
More to come, I hope! I would love to meet Ever-so Radiant Mabel-jie, Ang Moh Lian Selena, Aunty Killer Dan (I did meet him once, but he was shy I think.....) and the most anticipated Cinnamon Bun Joe!!! Joe is the Hong Konger.. But I think he's coming in May!!! Hahaha.. I hope I do get to meet Nara's friends, because they are such a fun gang... Don't mind knowing some cool people.. Hehehehe...
Okie.. Sorry for the long post... Kinda took me a while to do it too... Blogger didn't let me post the pictures!! So I had a hard time!! It's now 1.35am.. Should go sleep liao..... Morning lecture!! GERMAN!!! Gute Nacht!
Added: An irritating guy Mr. Darryl Bum forced me to say he says "Hi....."
Of Nara, Maple Cookies and My Canadian Idols (upclose!)! -
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