Tuesday, March 15, 2005
-*- the ups and downs of IF2210
hmm my last update was actually 3rd march, when i put up the million dollar baby entry under the moovee column.. very bz lately. hardly have time to blog.. hehe but have all the time in the world to chat on msn tho.. hahahah dun understand huh? yeah but im up to my neck with my sch stuff... got an interesting proj, a semi-interestin one, a boring one, and a ultra-draggin-my-life-and-soul-down-to-hell presentation going on..well first the interesting one.. it's for my IF module.. aesthetics of new media. it's quite interesting a module.. quite arty farty.. but fun nonetheless... ;p anyway, the proj is a filming proj.. filming narcissist looking at himself appreciating himself, eventually getting addicted to himself.. slowly, as he becomes too addicted, the entire room will be darkened to nothingness and his mirrors will be smashed and his life ended.. hahahah cool huh? addiction to self! :P that's what kills.. anyway, this proj is so fun! i think cos the grpmates are quite fun la.. and we agree on things rather easily.. so all's good for this proj!
erm since im too lazy to blog about the boring and semi-interesting proj, i shall tell u guys about my shitty-not-looking-forward-to-it-except-for-it-to-end presentation.. it's tmr.. the same module as the interesting proj.. but diff grpmate.. the topic is fun! its about net.art very interesting cos i learnt alot of new things.. it's just the partner.. he's a geek.. and he sucks at geeking! grrr.. he din evn do the reading!!! gosh! i feel like a bigger geek than him!!! grrr.. anyway so i hope he is one of those stealthy geeks who sneaks around studying and not lettin people see and then BOOM! stun pple with the extensive work he puts in! if not im pretty much dead for tmr.. haiz but my parts aint that great either la.. haha. but i did my best! haha so well, let's see the outcome tmr la... *grumbleS* at least it will be over tmr.. heheh
k then.. gotta get back to preping then shower then go out for movie! hahahah *sheepish* a girl's gotta relax!!!! hehe bye all then!!!!
-doing presentation with a person u almost feel like hating but you know is waste of energy to hate...
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