Monday, February 21, 2005
-*- my little cam eye @ Marina Bay CNY
since i've gotten my handphone for my 21st birthday, i've fallen head over heels for it.. and i've been takng lotsa picts..so i've decided to sometime put up pictures of wat i have taken on my bloggie.. whahaha so here goes...
was at marina bay for the chun dao he pan thingie.. the one that happens every yr.. ya.. was quite fun there... cos we (mi & my parents) went quite late.. so pretty much everyone was leaving.. but there were several ultra cool stuff.. there are a lot of china talents there.. there was this girl who could draw designs for names out of dragons phoenixes fish birds and all things pretty... couldnt take pict of her cos no picts were allowed.. and then there was this bunch of guys who drew picts of pple.. that i took...

he's pretty good at it i would say.. cos the girl had a grumpy face and everything but he could draw her with so much life.. i would imagine the girl to have such a lively look if she was not deaden by all the walking in the carnival thingie.. :p
then there were these shops which sold extremely cheap stuff.. and the signs were pretty interesting.. haha
the signs say: "Jump Building Prices" and "Gotta all go even if we're Bled Dry" (literally!!! well not really literally but that's word for word what the chinese words mean..)
hahah like really silly hor? hahah then there was this little corner place where they show how a traditional chinese wedding is like.. i took something too..
cool eh? wouldnt mind being carried in that thing by 4 strong hunky hot men! whahahahaha.. (note:that's my mum in the background..;p)
hmmm i think that's all for the showy stuff.. hahah but i took some picts of the lit animals for the 12 chinese horoscope thingie.. but i only took those that were of my concern.. so here goes..
i'm a rat.. so is dearie hun..*squeak*

daddy is a DRAGON!!! *puffs fire!*

mummy & erjie are goats/lambs *meh-eh-eh*

dajie is a ah-bit! conincidentally so are my ah bits! *bouncy bounce!!*

korkor (my bro in law) is a rooster *cock-a-doodle-doo!!*
yupperz! those are the peeps i lurve!! hehe and most of my frens are rats! so yupz! mi wuvie u guys too!! heh and guess what! apparently this yr is gonna be pretty good for us!! social network expanding and everything!! wahahahah hot hunks!! here i come!!! wahahhahahahah *cheeky*
anyway, last pict to end this entry..

a beautiful night with beautiful night lights of Singapore!
my little cam eye @ Marina Bay CNY -
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