Saturday, January 01, 2005

-*- 2004-2005  

happi neu yeer to all!!!!

hehe 2004 was great for me, well, better than a lot of pple, what with all the disasters and everything going on in asia and everywhere else.. btw, let's have one min of silence to mourn for the tsunami victims, those poor pple..
may their souls be at peace and my condolences their families and friends.. i hope they recover soon.. pick up the broken little pieces and fix them back to lead a normal life again.. altho it's hard, they have to live on for those who died.. haiz i feel so wrenched whenever i read the papers, or watch the news... it's like they are so helpless.. they didnt have any warning or anything, and they were attacked, just like that.. so scary.. and if im not wrong, i read that there could have been a few hours notice lor.. haiz some pple are just irresponsible.. informing the area of the earthquake may have saved thousands and thousands of pple! grrrrr these pple are the ones that ought to die.. not cursing them.. but just a bit pissed off that so many lives were lost just like that.. grr
haiz i hadnt wanted to start the new year (on my blog, that is) like that but who does huh?
on a much lighter note.. i enjoyed myself this new year's eve.. i didnt do any countdown or what.. i didnt hold any parties or what.. it was just a simple evening with my deardear.. mac's dinner (a romantic one though!) followed by a night of VCD watching! hahah wasnt very celebratey, but was simple and very warming.. :) was a night of cuddling, imagine that! :p watched only 2 shows la actually.. so ya.. haha.. oh after that we started looking through my photos.. hahah from several yrs back.. some photos my family and i took when we went overseas.. a few countries, like NZ, Aust, Jap, Korea, HK, China and the boring countries like Thai and Msia.. i was so cute at 4!! hahaha not that im not cute now la.. whahahahahah *blushes* hahah no la.. but i was really cute at 4 la.. hehe oh well, pple change.. and now im still lookable la.. hehe
all in all, was a great NYE.. :) was so grateful that i can even be spending NYE and xmas at ease.. pple in the tsunami attacked areas.. haiz im always saddened whenever i think of that.. :s may peace be with them..
k then.. nuff of sad stuff.. a new year ahead! jiazi jiayou!!!!!!! hehe i will strive again this yr! hopefully my grades will get better, relationships even better, life even even better!!!! hehe yup it will! ;p

signing off,
Zi '05 ;p

2004-2005 - 

jazzi craved @ 1:21 PM


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