Saturday, January 15, 2005
-*- d'uh
heya all! haiz so bored! dear is having fun with his frens at home, my family is having fun playing mj.. erm ya, all but me.. hahah cos we're a family of 5 and well, mahjong aint exactly made for 5.. so yarpz.. and being the youngest, well more or less means no priority eh? haha not that i mind.but im just pissed with the bitch. well, noe me well enough and u'll noe which of the 4 downstairs i'm toking about.. so ya.. i dun mind if i dun get to play.. but lately it's been much of a usual that we share so we split winnings and losses and also split the playing time. 1st half 2nd half kinda thing. and guess what.. she wants to split the winnings or losses (erm, which seems to be more of the case of the latter as of this moment..) but doesnt wanna split playing time. so i was like, nope, then i dun wanna share.. well, lucky for me, im not sharing, winnings/losses nor playing time.. and erm, she is losing erm, quite bad. seriously, it's not that im cursing her or what, but she deserves it la.. too bad.. *roll eyes* so my family is like saying, girl! lucky u nv share.. whahahahahah (then they will start laughing).. haha erm they mean no offence to her, of cos.. but damn a lot taken i suppose.. well, it doesnt pay to be petty la.. (by the way, whenever we shared, we always won.. for the past few times at least.. oh and by the way, she always loses..... at one point she actually lost so much she stopped playing with them... and then i started to play with them again and i started to win money and she wants in again, as my partner.. geesh! *roll eyes big big*)
anyway, i wasnt so pissed with her actually.. but she actually blamed me for causing her to miss winning one particular game, just cos i gave an "eh?" sound.. i mean hello? im not jus looking at YOUR cards! im looking at daddy's too u noe! crapp.. but of cos i was "eh?"-ing to what she was doing, cos she could have actually won, which of cos she didnt, cos her skull is just that thick.. after my "eh?", she actually explained to me why she didnt think she could win.. which is plain stupid, cos if she didnt, no one would have figured who i was eh-ing at and what was the significance of the card that she missed.. which my mum did figure out and didnt put that card out.. turns out, my other sis won.. and so, i got the blame... but seriously, it's her own fault.. there are some things u dun have to tell the person who's just watching.. if it's crucial, dont bother telling me.. and then blame me for it? geesh! some bitch.. *roll eyes even bigger*
anyway, i shant be petty like her.. hahah complaining just this once to all who read my blog will do.. whahahahahahhaha.. =P
haiz im so bored of typing already. hrmph. bye all. hahah till next time! ;p
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