Thursday, January 06, 2005
-*- my pet!
check out my new added feature on my blog! whahaha i got a pet! hahaha duckie, naturally!! i lurve ducks! and who doesnt noe that? erm that and dolphins, of course.. i would have chosen dolphins, but who keeps dolphins as pets? so there was the dolphin option. oh well, but hey, ducks are best too! hahah duckies! ah bits! and dolphins.. my favourite animalS!! heheh.. was trying to decide between ah bit and duckie.. decided on duckie, cos i already have wabbits! hahah i think the duckie will be happy living on my blog! feel free to play with it ya? hehehe *quack quack!* whahaahh i love the way it jumps when u click! *quack!* whahahah so fun! :P ok, fine, so im not matured, big fat hairy deal!damn, which reminds me, im turning 21 soon! gosh in a month ill be an adult? *gasp* sheesh.. gonna book the hall tmr.. hahah erm well, still hvnt come up with a list of guests yet, so pple, queue up and sign up okie? whahahha not shy.. but seriously, still havent decided on the number of guests yet la.. shd be very few pple.. so sorry if i cant invite u! *apologetic*
but i digress.. ya, my duckie! whahahaahh cute! lurve it! hmmmmmmmm digress again.. 23rd is my ah-bits birthday!! whahah my dad managed to make their home a better place today! so happy for them! =D gleeeeee heheh
okie then.. gtg.. shd sleep.. tmr a lot of things to do! whahahha book hall, deliver some stuff, pay bills, buy stuff, clean up with dearie, dinner with family!! whahah im a busy person! whahahah lalala ciaoz!
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