Wednesday, January 19, 2005
-*- you won't miss it till you've lost it
haiz suddenly now i miss dearie's companion when he had his full freedom (well, not say FULL la.. but good nuff..) he was able to accompany me everyday and i could go over to his place ever so often to look him up and just slack with him, at the expense of possible summons of cos.. but it was worth it.. but damn i should have treasured it more! i should have gone over everyday! heh maybe not that much, but more often la.. haiz too bad now dun have liao.. i miss having him there.. just there. it's like it's not as if ill go over to his place everyday, but aint it great just to have the option? all those whose bfs are not in the army.. u wont understand!! haha maybe u will, but to the same extent, cos this is FORCED! this is not by choice! which makes it all the more suckier, considering he doesnt have to "protect" the stupid country.. cos seriously, if we are really under attack, there is no way we can defend ourselves with the army lor.. i mean yes, we may be able to resist the power, but in time, we will still lose the fight.. so seriously, what's the point of having the army? and forcing young guys to be separated from their families and lovely gfs? hmph! not considering that they will be delayed for two years in their studies.. *roll eyes*anyway, so i was whining about not having him around.. haiz ya la i think i miss him so much more than before, in the sense that once i had been given some kinda feel of how it feels like for him to not have the army life, and yet have the money, i feel that they shdnt take it away from us again. hmph.. oh well, nothing much i can do, cept whine.. grr.. ahhaah
hmm i shant whine about that.. haiz.. every wed sucks like mad.. unless i get the tut that i wan for my IF, i will have a 4 hr break every week! damn.. i better do something constructive during this period every week, and not blog all the time :P ya i brought notes to read and i have this new assignment from my IF module.. heheh all about art.. quite cool module.. but the weekly assignments are killer.. not as if it contributes ALOT to the marks la.. but still need to. haiz oh well. anyway, even if i do get the tut that i want, ill still have a 3hr break every week.. makes me feel like skipping the 4-6 lect.. which i wont, cos it's interesting.. hahah damn im contradicting myself.. haiz hungry.. waiting for my fren to call me.. meeting for makan at 1.. :S hungry hungry..
haiz i think im a bit rambling...
oh does everyone noe that im watching Charmed like mad? dunno y.. it's not THAT interesting (unlike friends and sex and the city) but i like it nonetheless. not as much, but not bad.. im at season 5.. ;p i think i lurve that julian mcmahon guy! erm if u do watch nip tuck, it's christian troy in that drama.. erm he's the one with the looks and all the sex drive! whahaha yummas.. and his bod is like fantabuloustic! hmm u noe, without his bod, he may not be such a looker.. cos his face is not that great.. but hey, good nonetheless.. yummas.. anyway, after this season of Charmed, he's no more the main cast.. but hey, i dun mind watching more Charmed la... altho i hate the new girl.. she's like ugly max and her character doesnt really have a real character.. as in to say she's very everything.. and yet very nothing.. can be nice and forgiving and can be harsh and pissed of with everything.. very characterless.. *roll eyes* but the sister is HOT! Alyssa Milano.. her breasts are like popping out of my computer screen all the time! damn i would kill for her bod man! erm maybe not.. but u get the drift.
hmm i just realise im soooo off topic.. but oh well, who cares about coherence? im just rambling anyway ;p
aiya enuff of rambling.. i shall start slowly walking to the canteen and smell the yummy food. and try to whet up my appetite.. ;p slurps! haiz how am i gonna lose weight for my birthday like that? :[ im so sad.. how to lose 10kg in 3 weeks? hahahahha impossible right? well at least 3? or 5? heheh i shall try... ;p
sheesh ramble ramble...
ok la. bye all! and thanks for listening.. (i wish! u were only readin! but thanks anyway! ;p)
you won't miss it till you've lost it -
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