Monday, February 25, 2008
-*- It's been a while, hasn't it?
Okay fine, I haven't been blogging. Again. Like what's new? And yes, I haven't seen my own blog since the last time I "updated", which was barely a real update, since it was a re-post! Heh. Anyway, no Zen, I don't blog. I really don't.BUT! Things may just change!! Because.......
*drum rolls*
Stunned by my happiness? Yes I was happy in the job, but many things had changed since September. Many people left, and many new people came in, and I guess it was time for me to move on from the company.
AND I'M HAPPY!!! It's been a month plus since I tendered, and almost 3 weeks since my last day (cos I had leave to clear!), and I'm so totally enjoying myself! Sleeping late, waking up late, KTVs, MJ, poker (but not so much), plays, and miscellaneous rubbish things I do when I'm absolutely, totally FREE! Like going to Sentosa to spend a few hours in the sun ON MY OWN! Absolutely lovin' it!
Anyway, latest on me? Looking around for a job, but not mass-sending out resumes yet - tap on my network of friends first! HEh. And responses seem quite reasonably excitable. Oh well, we'll see what happens!
Now on to more urgent things! Pictures!!!!!!!!!! (or rather, videos!)
Okay, so I was at the Airshow yesterday, and I LOVED IT!!! There was a Black Knights Demo - OMG OMG! They were SOOOO COOOL!!! AND! I've decided that I wanna marry the last single black knight!!!! Heard that his name is Jeremy or something!!!!
Okay I'm totally droolin, but man! A girl is allowed to drool okie! *slurps*
So, we're having a contest, my dear friend Alyssa and I, to fight for the last single Black Knight of 2008.. so come join us! Haha! If you wanna check out your competition, here's a little preview of the two very sexy contestants!
ANYWAY, the display was very exciting, and they were really damn cool la, with several "stunts" that were more memorable, like the one where one of them was flying upside-down! And underneath it, was another one! Damn cool! I only have videos of their stunts, and I think the videos speak for themselves! Okay first one is pretty simple, they are just flying across the sky - WHICH I WAS ALREADY IMPRESSED LA!
Haha, yes I'm a loser like that!
Disclaimer: Personal Camera + Unprofessional Videographer = Shaky results, and many umbrellas & heads in view...
Okay, if the vids display funny (i.e there's an additional picture beneath the actual vid), I'm sorry, but I have no idea why...... But can you hear the roar of the fighter jets! Damn! So sexy lah!
Next are the crosses, where two of the aircrafts will come from either end and cross each other! One of them is the single one!!! Think it's the one that starts from the right (at the very start of the vid)! Haha.
Disclaimer: and sometimes, a finger at the corner...
Whoohoo! I think at some point, I said "This is the one I'm gonna marry!" HAHAH!
Next up: They TWIST AND TURN!! I think the official name is Twinkle Roll? Something like that....
Pretty Cool huh.
Next up: PRetty cool as well - the afterburner climb!!!
Man, I would love to be in the planes man!!!
Next up: very tacky stunt, but quite sweet as well - I would love to call it Love is in the Air, but that's TOO CORNY! Well, the black knights call it the Flaming Heart...
Oh, quite cool, after the "Flaming Heart" was formed, we heard a cheer behind us, and when we turned around, we saw a guy on his knee, and then followed up a whooping hug of his girlfriend... Tacky, but apparently it gets people into the marrying mood..
okay, next up: My most favourite vid! It was what I was talking about above, the Mirror Pass (a.k.a upside-down) and some other tricks!!! Be patient, the mirror pass is the last part of this vid...
Ain't that the coolest!
More information on the Black Knights can be found @ RSAF Black Knights 2008 Website
> > > OMG! Visited the website, feel UTTERLY cheated by the people who told me about the single Black Knight - the name is not Jeremy (or it could have been Jeffrey that I heard, but that one is married). The un-married one is called Lester... And he's not the one doing the cross.. Erm, very hard to identify him in the demo...... But he IS the youngest la, so still okay la... Anyway, Alyssa and my contest shall be still on! Wahahh come join us! ;p The rest of the Aero Demo, erm I wasn't paying attention - haha did a LITTLE walk around, went for lunch and all, and waited till the AIRBUS came out!
And AIRBUS came on -- only got pictures, but it was quite cool - seriously it's like a very very quiet humongous giant... Very mild and tender - but very serious as well! I like!
And who can resist pictures with the giant?
Of course, Alyssa couldn't resist a picture with the hot pilot! Haha..
I shall just settle with my little Ferrari private jet....
And so airshow was great, and we were leeaving - only to realise....
Queue for shuttle bus - all mixed up with the queue for cabs, which I was supposedly in...
That's the queue that continues from the mess inside....
And - FINALE: The queue from across the canal!!!!
The above is the queue for the shuttle bus - and mind you, that's just a third of the view, and it's layered, meaning people are snaking around, along that length... Think these people should be just about to reach home now.....
Not as bad, but below is the queue for cab...
So the two of us decided to walk, and have Vincent come drive us home.....
What an adventure!
Labels: Happy Days, Singapore Airshow, Videos
It's been a while, hasn't it? -