Tuesday, April 15, 2008
-*- All the Best to Ms. Zee
I'm up at TWO in the morning. Not uncommon at all, cept for the fact that I am supposed to be up at 7.30, which, come to think of it, isn't uncommon either! Haha.. But I must be going to bed straight after this.. Which I will, I promise myself (silently)...Aaaaanyway, if you are reading this in the morning/afternoon of 15th April, please pray for me okie?
I shall be going for an interview at 5pm, and this is thusfar the most exciting opportunity I've gotten even near to, so pray for me. Pray that I will be the bestest candidate they see all day, that they would offer me the 2nd interview!!
If all goes well, then I shall announce the nature of the job. Otherwise, it shall forever and ever remain a secret that few will know, and those who know shall be killed if they expose the secret...
So let me know if you did say a prayer for me okay? Hahah in whichever religion, I'm an anything-goes girl. ;p As long as I know you love me enough to pray for me ya?
Haha okay then, Good Luck to ME!
Labels: Interviews, Work
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