Tuesday, August 21, 2007
-*- My Journeys - Life, Fun, Work, Travel
Dear Long-forgotten Diary,Been a long while, kinda miss days when I can wile my time away just blogging the entire day. I didn't even have so many things to blog about at that time! Irony!! Haha now that I have more things to blog about, I really have pretty much no time to blog about them all.
Quick Summary: I am still happy! :P Though times are hard.
Work is really hard at times, really really hard. So hard I just want to break down and cry, but rarely anymore. Somehow, I think I'm much stronger than before. A year ago, I would have cried looking at the shitloads of work I have to do. Now? I shut up and CHIONG! Odd thing to hear from me, I'm sure! But really, bite the bullet and chiong is kinda what I have to do to get through with the piles of work.
Sometimes it just feels so taxing, I need to scream at everyone and/or run away from life. Just for a day. Nobody but me. Focus my world on me. And nothing else, no one else. No emails, no human interaction, no forced smiles, no hypocrisy. You think?
Everyone around me seems to feel that I'm not doing a lot. A lot of people actually undermine my efforts. But HECK them! (Sometimes even the supposedly supportive people are totally not encouraging.)
I will prove them wrong, I promise myself this.
Anyway, on a much lighter note, I did kinda just take a break.. Went Genting with Ah Fu! Pictures available! Click here!
Trip was very short, but was definitely fun! Hehe, we did very many silly things, but was all good fun! Being silly is our thing! :P Themeparks were different with Ah Fu, I say! He was SO FUNNY on the rides! If only I could take pictures of his look on the rides! Hehe!
By the way, Vin thinks that the below ride is the SCARIEST Ride in the entire world!
Well, the gist of it is that: I TOTALLY ENJOYED MYSELF during the SHORT trip we had. :)
So there was the long journeys (there and back, I mean) that Ah Fu and I took together.
Next up for me?
Yet another long journey in the pipeline - TWO, in fact.
In about 6 hours, I have to wake up to a gruelling day. Lugging my packed bag, I will prepare myself for a 6-hour long journey to a place never been discovered, a land where no one has found - KUALA LUMPUR...............
On a COACH, no less.... BAH!
It's gonna be like a major Deja-Vu for me man, I was just on the coach like a few days ago? Taking the long long journey. To a place unfamiliar to me, where it's gonna be home for me for barely a day and half. Yeah, blardy short trip - All CRAMPED with work. I'm gonna be very good friends with the office in KL - and I'm talking about the office space, not the colleagues, since I'm gonna be in the meetings/trainings like DAY LONG. Blegh.
And I have been warned about this trip - it kills, bad. With the boss, NO LESS. THE BOSS, THE COO, THE DIRECTORSSS. Basically a regional meeting/training. Oh! I didn't mention, I'm on the same coach with ONE director and THE BOSS. *kill me now? PLEASE?*
Onto happier thing... 2nd long long journey. Come Tuesday, I will, once again, lug my packed bag (this time about TEN TIMES bigger), and starting yet another estimated-to-be-7-hour journey. Thankfully, or not, this one will be on the plane. Destination China, here I come!!!
Yeap! Going Beijing! The Heart of CULTURES and all traditional beauty! Where Zee is gonna be bombarded by right about 3000 delegates, from ALL OVER THE WORLD! With the EWET China team, naturally.
I am really excited and nervous about this trip. It's gonna be with THE COO (a fine lady - she's one of the main reasons I shut up and chiong - main main main reason being I wanna rock the world!), and the LAO JIAO or old bird of the company. Stress! But super looking forward.
And oh yes, I've been warned about THIS trip as well - yes, it will also kill, bad! But it will be a most treasured memorable journey of my life - I promise myself. Will be the first real away-on-business in my life, and it will be BIG. Can't wait. Really. No words can describe my excitement now.
But as always, it's gonna be a whole shitload of work I will have to do, there and before. So I will still die.
Oh did I mention? It's gonna be a GOOD TEN DAYS. Will be back on 8th September. Nice.
I love my life. As if you didn't know that. :P
Yours sincerely,
Long-forgotten Blogger
Labels: Happy Days, Travel, Work
My Journeys - Life, Fun, Work, Travel -
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