Wednesday, April 18, 2007
-*- Randomness is the cure of staggering posts...
Has it been yet another two months? Man, if I keep this up, perhaps I can manage with a healthy 6 posts a year huh?Apologies la.. Been so busy!! Day by day, Week after week, and months just pass so quickly. And before you know it, you have been on your first job for more than half a year. Amazing, no?
Work hasn’t been too bad.. Though busy, I am enjoying myself, with occasional grouses. But like what’s new right? Who doesn’t complain about their jobs? And who doesn’t hate their work sometimes huh? At the end of it all, all that matters is that you will have to make sure you did your best and you have accomplished the most that you can.
Just to update everyone, socially, yes I’m still alive.. Been doing a lot of alone shopping lately though, with occasional extravagant play/musical goings… Haven’t met up with many friends la.. Guess it’s because everyone is busy with own things as well? What with everyone working extremely hard, and studying for exams and mugging lives away… Once again, I have to remind myself that I do miss mugging my life away… Better remind myself of mugging life, if not I’ll really soon forget the feeling of it… Anyhoo, been happy anyway. So why look back huh? Memories are meant to be placed in our hearts ma, hor? HAHAHA Cliché with capital C!!!
Anyway, was saying that I had gone on shopping spree lately, on my own! After work! Hahah just last month, bought SIX pairs of shoes!!! (inclusive of FOUR pairs of heeeeeeels and one heelys, and a cutesy casual wear flatties..) and a bag (or two? Don’t remember), and quite a few tops, quite a few skirts and perfumes and whatnots! So ya, I think I have spent quite a bit last month la huh? But I feel so happy la!!! Hahhaha..
And I think I really have to officially claim March 2007 as the luxurious month la! I went for the shopping spreeeessssssss, and like FIVE Productions la! There were a local play (Titoudao - very local very hokkien and yet very poignant, I Love it), a ballet dance performance (Coppelia - I got a bit bored after a while...), a NUS production (Watching the clouds go by– I SAW TAY PIN HUI THERE!! And the play a bit too "communistically-themed" for me, though I did enjoy it..), another local play 251 (the story of Annabelle Chong - quite good, I was a little surprised. Was well-done, though it's a little not too disappointing that there was no input from Annabelle Chong herself..), THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA (though I was a little disappointed, and felt a bit cheated by the fact that it's the Australian cast, was still a great experience for me! :))
Though I went for the few productions, I have give credit to Michelle! She was the one who gave me the tickets to Titoudao & Coppelia! Thanks Mich(tz)!
Hmm anyway, that was that la huh? Not much update to talk about.. April was just a busy month with a lot of preparation for my BOSS (not the big big big boss, but the director of my division) and a lot of chionging out with stuff for the company only.. Hahahah..
Hmmm guess what? I have come to the end of my free time to blog! An hour is all I can spend la huh? Hahahaha oh! Another part of my exciting life is my family! Mainly my DARLING HAN HAN!!! Presenting... Rhys Toh Jun Han!!!!!
And of course, not forgetting the photo whore in me!!! Hee~!
Labels: Baby Rhys, Happy Days, Piccies, Plays/Musicals, Shopping
Randomness is the cure of staggering posts... -