Sunday, February 25, 2007
-*- Nolstagia and more..
Man, it's been so long I don't even know where to start! Do I start talking about how different my life now is? Or about the events I had done in the past two months? Or what? But I'll try...Working for almost 5 months now, I feel like my life is very radically changed.. My group of friends have shifted from school-mates to colleagues, whom I have grown very attached to.. After all, I spend everyday with them. I see them when I step into the office at 8.30am (typically) and leave work with them when I get off at 6+pm.. During events (only two so far, but two BIG ones), I sleep and eat and slog and work and slave with them (some of them)... It's hard not to grow attached to them, really.. And even those that I don't work onsite with, they bother to come over and talk with us onsite.. It's really a close knit company and I really love it.
Of course, I miss days when I can slack and just stone at the forum in NUS, or walk to Arts canteen during the break of a lecture just to get a strawberry lime or can Milo, or sandwich or caesar salads to gobble during the lecture.. I miss being able to go for KTV-cum-go-crazy sessions in the middle of the day, skipping half the day's lectures.. Or even Skipping the whole day's lessons just to sleep at home! I miss hanging out, with everyone.. I miss NUS, I do.. Most importantly I guess, I miss the carefree life that I had, and did not treasure.. Towards the end, I did realise how good my life was, and I treasured it to heart, but of course, it had to end right?
Now that I have moved on to another part of my life (the peak, I would say, since I'm supposed to be working and earning my living for a better future..), I have begun to lose grip of many little pleasures that I enjoy when I was still studying.. Gone are the days with leisure afternoons, just sleeping my time away, or even playing games or going shopping alone.. Gone are the days when weekends don't matter, since every other day felt like weekend to me. Gone are the days when I can just sit and chill with friends at coffee joints, just chatting our lives away..
I'm sure I can still do most of what I was doing, but it does feel different.. KTV sessions are now scheduled in the evenings, coffee sessions are few and far in between, leisure afternoons are now strictly on Sundays.. Going out can be a tiring chore now, though I try very hard to squeeze time for that.. Doesn't it feel different? Does, to me..
Looks like I've decided to go the nolstagic direction for the post huh? Haha.. But really, I miss the studying days.. I don't want to slowly lose grip of it.. Really not.. Oh, and I just realised.. I miss blogging about mundane things like buying a new camera, going for KTV, going SETTLERS.. and all other silly things I do..
But I must say, beyond looking back, I feel that what I'm doing now is no less exciting than my studying times (duh! haha the excitement in the past was trivial actually).. It's exciting in a totally different direction. I am experiencing very different things from before, and very different from my friends as well.. I'm being exposed to things I hadn't expect myself to be involved with when I was studying.. I'm meeting ASEAN ministers (of tourism only) and I'm meeting Middle-easterners who pay thousands just to have dinners (from the two events that I have been involved in so far, will talk about the events I was involved in soon ).. I don't think that's shabby.. In fact, it's quite cool, if you think about it.. So yeah, I do love my present.. I love that I get to be onsite for different types of events, I love that it's giving me very different type of life from before.. I must really say that I don't think I could have had it better at the other jobs that I was offered.. I'm sure those jobs would have given me a different type of satisfaction level, but I'm really glad that my first step is East West.. And there's so much more to come from the company.. Tacky it may be, but I really can't wait!! Haha..
So although I really miss the old times, I love what I'm doing presently, and I can't wait for my future to surprise me. And I think you can say that I'm truly happy. That's all that matters, really.
Labels: Life