Sunday, December 10, 2006
-*- Two months and Happeeeee~
Hmm sounds like I'm in a new relationship huh? Haha I guess you can say that I am, in some sense of the word.. Yeah, I'm in a relationship, with East West Executive Travellers. And I'm totally enjoying the relationship, as well as the relationships within EWET!I love my job, my jobscope, and the industry (but of course, that's no surprise). I love that I get to know more about M.I.C.E, I love that I am exploring new places, in and out of Singapore. Though I have not been OUT of Singapore for work, strictly speaking. But I've been out in the sense that I am being exposed to many things in the region that not everyone can really get exposed to, and I love that. And we are doing more than just remaining stagnant, which means I WILL get the chance to go one day, as many in the office have told me, even my manager. So that's great!
And I love that I get to learn A LOT OF THINGS. From proposals, to handling of clients, to researching, to talking to suppliers, to everything involved in creating exciting events! Of course, I do do some mundane stuff, but who doesn't right? And in midst of the mundane-ness, I see excitement, I anticipate what will come and I REALLY CANNOT WAIT! And like I said in my previous post, Travel Industry is good la, no doubt la. Hehe..
Oh, and as it is, I am enjoying quite a bit of perks from working in the company already. We are in the inbound tourism industry, so we have to understand Singapore better than anyone else. And so we go for a lot of site inspections, and that just means that I get to see all kinds of places in Singapore, especially restaurants. And although the seeing of new things in itself IS a perk, the most exciting (and shameless) perk is the FOOD! Hahah, we have had so many people sending us Mooncakes (or Autumn Festival related stuff) and Christmas goodies! AND SO MUCH MORE! And we have gone on many restaurant site inspections, where we can try the food and everything. Hehe, shamelessly, these perks really CAN perk me up. Hahah..
Besides everything, I love my colleagues. Like ALL of them. Each has his/her own likeable-ness and I like them all, and most importantly, I like how they make me feel very at home, and not very stressed at work, even if I have got loads to do. They really make working ENJOYABLE, to say the least. Of course, sometimes, some people may get on your nerves (outside of the company, as well as within the company, though the latter is less). But at the end of it, I can still, and I do, talk about my job with a smile (even a wide one sometimes) on my face.
And! And! And! I actually am willing to work till whatever hour that I have to, even though sometimes I can really just stop and do the stuff the next day (I'm doing a lot of researching work, so it's practically ENDLESS). Just yesterday, I was in the office till SIX PM, on a SATURDAY! Hahaha I totally didn't realise how late it was till I realised it was SIX! -faint- I mean, I never did expect myself to want to work overtime until like that!
And when working, I feel like I can really learn, in that people are willing to teach me and help me whenever they can. And it just feels a quite heart-warming the way they treat me and one another. Like Mich says, it feels like a homely environment. And I do like it a lot. And they are willing to let me try new things, and be very understanding when I make mistakes. Obviously, it's this understanding that will make me all the more determined to perfect the job. And I really love the feeling of that.
So in this relationship of barely two months, I have established more than just a relationship with work. I have formed friendships and increased my passion for something I never knew I could like so much (tourism, in case that wasn't clear enough). And I'm sincerely thankful for the day of that my HR colleague called me in for the interview that I had been so happy about. And thankful that my COO actually decided to employ me, despite me being so fresh out of college.
I'm happy, really. =D
Labels: Work
-*- KTV With Jo-JO-no (Post-dated: May 6 2006)
Yet another post-date. This is about half a year ago.. Was after my LAST papers in NUS..Went KTV with Jojo & Jono after Jono's last paper TWO SEMS AGO (our last sem that is), think Jojo and I ended ours one or two days before him. This KTV session was planned more than one month before the exams.
I got a feeling that's me in the dark...
JOJO!! Very 痴情 (love-lorn/affectionate) looking hor? Actually it's just her not knowing the lyrics! Hahahahah!! =P
Jono totally enjoying himself. HAHAHAH
Shameless Jojo acting COY!!! (HUH?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!)
Jono also wants to join in the fun! Hahahaha
Now we're trying to act cute!! HAHAH!!!
Me and JOjo! (OMG! My gongkia HAir!!! HAhahahahahahahah! -faint-)
My turn to act COY! Hee.. Good try huh?
Haha it was actually our VIRGIN KTV SESSION! But we obviously weren't shy during our first time huh? Good old times without any stress... I MISS SCHOOL!!! (Doesn't mean I don't love work. I just miss studying.. Really.)
Labels: Happy Days, KTV, Post-dated
KTV With Jo-JO-no (Post-dated: May 6 2006) -
-*- V-day 2006 (Post-dated: Feb 19 2006)
Am looking through my blogger account, and I see a lot of drafts that I hadn't had time to blog and post. So this is from TEN MONTHS ago..On Valentine's day, we went to Spagheddies @Paragon to have dinner. Totally forgot what we had or what we did after or before liao.. But here's some pictures that I took the effort to upload..

Labels: Happy Days, Post-dated, Valentine's Day
V-day 2006 (Post-dated: Feb 19 2006) -
-*- Are you watching closely? (Post-Dated Oct 22, 06)
Dang! The Prestige rocks!It's been a while since I've watched such a great movie.. It's such an amazing plot, with twists that blew my mind away. Hahah a simple mind I have, but still!
Note: Watching the show, I realise how possible it is that magicians in the past probably did the crushing of birds thing for real. Which makes my heart ache..
But anyway, the show had my mind very boggled for quite a while, especially during the show.. Halfway through the show, I thought I had it all figured out, and then I was proved very wrong.
(Dec 10, 2006) Hmmm I forgot what I was trying to blog about. That's the thing about post-dating your blog posts. Oh well, let's just take it as I was VERY IMPRESSED by the show. And I was DYING to share it with everyone. But it kinda just slipped my mind. Oh, and I LURVE both the magicians! Both Hugh Jackman & Christian Bale! I like the rugged-ness of Hugh Jackman and Christian Bale's charisma and accent! And both their VOICES. Okay, that's all I can remember. And so now that it's two months past, I think I can safely say that this IS a POINTLESS blog-post. But I did try, so I better post it up, so as not to disappoint myself huh? Hehe.. Okay, that's it then. Till later!
Labels: Movies I Like, Post-dated
Are you watching closely? (Post-Dated Oct 22, 06) -