Saturday, October 07, 2006
-*- @ Office.
Dang, now I have OPERATING HOURS!Hi, nice to meet you, my operating hours are:
Monday-Friday: 0830-1730
Saturday: 0830-1300
(I am closed on Sundays and Public Holidays)
Thank you.
Oh, and I work for free after 1730hrs on weekdays and after 1300hrs on Saturdays.
Oh well, so it has been a week.. Six days, to be exact. So far? I guess I can say that I like that I'm working, and I like that I can drive to work everyday for free (credits to Erjie), and I like that it's a mostly-girls environment, and that they seem harmless... And I can say that I can see myself loving this job quite a bit in time to come. Not that I don't like it now, but I'm still in the process of adapting, so it's yet to be seen..
The good thing about this job is that it's in a fun industry. Tourism, I think you cannot fight that. It allows you to see the world, and maybe even really go there.. Even though this company only handles inbound travellers, to Southeast Asian countries, it still does mean that I can travel to these SEA countries once in a blue moon, and experience the kind of travel that my company's clients will be experiencing if they were to let us handle their corporate travels. So that's gooooood. I can't wait. But it should be a while.
Anyway, AS I AM STILL IN THE OFFICE, and probably shouldn't blog too much, I shall go back to looking as if I'm busy but in fact have nothing to do... (I'm JOKING! But then again.. Hahaha)
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