Saturday, July 29, 2006
-*- The First Week of Baby Rhys!
Since Sunday, little Angel has been staying at my home. Gonna be here till 20 Aug, for the confinement month. Yes, it does mean that I will be uploading a lot of his pictures on my blog for the ENTIRE MONTH! Woohoo!!Here are some from Monday:

Little boy's awake!
And looking around for people to carry!! Heh.
Tuesday's edition:

" OH!" says Baby Rhys. He does that a lot!
See what I mean? SO CUTE!!! Hee
" OOOOH!" to Uncle Vin Vin too!


Baby in the COT! I think he's starting to be very hiao liao. Looking at the camara and everything..

Erm, apologies, stupid Fave Ah-Yi actually FORGOT to take his pictures on the day he turned ONE WEEK OLD!!
Sorry Rhys dear..
Fave Ah Yi took VIDEOS!!!
Okay, a bit warning first.. He is doing ABSOLUTE MUNDANE things.. But since I lurrrrrve him so much, it's ALL VERY CUTE AND EXCITING FOR ME! Hehe..
Okay, like, this is him DRINKING!!! *GASP!*
And this is him LISTENING TO ELMO!!! *GASP! GASP!*
Oh. But this is seriously a cute one.. He's HICUPPING! Hehe.. *TRIPLE GASP!S!*
Labels: Baby Rhys
The First Week of Baby Rhys! -
Sunday, July 23, 2006
-*- Rhys' First Day!
Yay! I got the memory card back!!And of course, I have uploaded ALL the pictures onto my computer. Or at least those of his first day!
First of all, my adventure of that day!! Carrying RHYS!!!!

Hahah there are actually quite a few pictures, but apparently, I look too scary in them. Bah. So I should only upload this. Blegh.
By the way, carrying him wasn't such a scary thing after all! I kept thinking that he was too fragile and I am too clumsy and yada yada. But as it turns out, the covers on him were more than enough to make him easy to carry, super snugged, and very comfortable and not fragile feeling at all!! He was such a dear in my arms, didn't do much, only wriggled himself a little to get snuggled in, and that's it! I carried him around the room for quite a bit. HAHA and I carried him while the nurse was giving Dajie some very lengthy instructions. Kept asking people to help me, but everyone ignored me. Bah.
But I lurve that I carried him on the first day! Just about 5 plus hours after his birth!! That's like how exciting lah! Hehe.
ANYWAY, now, the exciting parts! Baby Rhys' first day!! The minute I could, I took as many pictures of him as I can. And here goes.
Note: You may think that he looks pretty much the same in all the pictures, but he looks excitingly different in each and every picture to me! Heh.
Another note: Did I mention I love this guy??
Many shots of the bb in the span of minutes (about 2.5 hours after birth!):

Labels: Baby Rhys
Friday, July 21, 2006
-*- Out of Hiatus and Into Aunt-hood!
I have a new reason to blog!!!Because........
Today, on the 21st day of July 2006,
I have officially become..

Anyway, this little angel's name is Rhys Toh! Chinese name is still unknown. Haha.
He has big eyes, and he looks SUPER KPO la! He keeps looking around! Not as if he can see much what, silly boy! I think after 10 months inside this dark and constantly moving funny water place (a.k.a Dajie's body), he is curious about his surroundings! Haha.
When I carried him (Yes I did carry him, even though I said I didn't dare to), he ACTUALLY looked at me!! But I know he isn't really looking at me, but I would love to think that he's looking at the direction from which my voice is coming from, since I was talking to him! Aiyo it is super adorable! Lurve him!!!
By the way, these are just pictures from handphones all over. His dad's (a.k.a bro-in-law), his grandma (a.k.a Mummy dearest), and Vin's (a.k.a errr, an unknown korkor/uncle to Baby Rhys.. HAHAHA!).
Everyone was rushing up to take pictures/videos of this little guy and I snapped so much I think everyone must be thinking I'm a crazy aunt. HAhaha. I think my camera was a bit low batt.. Haha.
So yah, I have more coming up. BUT, that's when I do get my memory card. I had stupidly put it with Vincent, after I made the effort to change the memory card so I can bring the one with Rhys' pictures home. Grr.
But never mind, these shall be the "appetizers"! Heh I lurve this little guy!
And he's coming to my house to stay!!! FOR A MONTH!! YAY YAY YAY!!! So exciting!
Look out for more pictures coming up!! ;)
Note: Aunt-hood is the correct name. I'm NOT AN AUNTIE/AUNTY! That sounds WAYYYY too old. I'm an AUNT!
Labels: Baby Rhys
Out of Hiatus and Into Aunt-hood! -