Thursday, March 23, 2006
-*- Fu-bberish
In a late night chat with Mr Fu Vin Vin:Z: OIE! Don't fall asleep! You haven't answered me! What if someone threatens to kill me if I make you fall asleep on the phone? (*sorry, a lame topic we were discussing)
V: Then you weigh the crocodile lor!
Z(???): HUH?!?
V: Yup! You put the crocodile on the left side of the scale and then you put something on the right side..
Z: EH?! Put what?
V: Something lah! I forgot liao...
Z: Why do you have to put leh? (the crocodile I mean..)
V: Because I need to find the yellow...
Z: Yellow?
V: HM! The yellow in my report...
Z: Huh? Why do you have to find the yellow??
V: Because Sunshine bread is better.........
After a while...
Z: So why is Sunshine Bread better?
V: Huh? (as if I was the one not making sense..) That's a line (in advertisements I suppose).. Because Sunshine bread is better!
Z: So what has it to do with crocodile?
V: Got link one! But I forgot what's the link liao...
HAHAHAHA!!! I was so sad that my phone couldn't record his Fu-bberish! Hahaa!!
And then I just let him fall asleep.. We still stayed on the phone though.....
V: Hello?
Z: Ya?
V: What were we talking about?
Z: You were talking to me about weighing the crocodile...
V: OH!
Z: What were you talking about anyway?
V: That made a lot of sense to me okay!
Z: Errrrr okay.. *pregnant pause* Anyway, why were you talking about weighing the crocodile?
V: Because I had to weigh the crocodile, so I don't have time to pick up the phone! *totally dignified* HMM!
Haiz... Adorable pig..
Saturday, March 18, 2006
-*- 228th Post!
Nara has NEARLY 200 blog posts. I mustn't lose out.. I have only about 227 after years of blogging! She only started in Aug last year! Shame on me! Heh.. But in fact, I've only been blogging for 2 years la.. But well, I stopped in the middle of it, actually I stopped several times.. I guess I get bored easily.. Bah. Now I'm bored.. Hehe.. No laaaaaaa, joking laaaaaaa...Anyway, helluva week man! Since last week, I've been blind busy.. I had a presentation (Tues), a german Vocab Test (Wed), a newsletter exercise tutorial due (Wed), an outside Exam (Wed Evening), a german oral (today) and a kinship paper due (today)...
Doesn't that sound very hectic for a week? No?? Lemme split it up!
Okay, the presentation on Tuesday? Well, we started preparing last week on Tues, when we came up with a VERY BRIEF outline as to what to do... We had arranged to meet on last friday to work out everything.. But something came up on Friday and we couldn't meet, and so we arranged to meet on Mon.. And on Sat, I found out that one of us couldn't make it to the presentation, due to family matters. And that left me and Lay to do it... So the whole of Monday, we did the entire presentation, and we presented on Tueday... Some kinks here and there, but we got through it.. Thankfully...
My German Vocab test... Grr, my vocabulary is sucky at best.. I understand the words, I know a lot of meanings, but I dunno what the article in front of the words should be (German Language has three words for one article "The" - Feminine, Masculine, and Neutral.. And the gender for each thing is arbitrary! Totally no link!! Grr..) and what the plural forms of the words are! Grrr so obviously I couldn't do it very well.. Blegh..
My examinations outside went preetty well though.. In fact, I got the results already! I got 89%!! Yay! Hahaha to think I didn't study for it and was panicking on Wed..
Speaking of Wednesday, DAMN that was an exhausting day! Like I said, I had a German Test in school, and the lesson started at 8am... After German, I had tutorial... And in the tutorial I had to make sure that my entire newsletter was PERFECK.. And for that, I had to print out the damn thing in colour about 3-4 times!!! That's like $4.80!! And not including the black and white onesssss that I printed out? And I only sent in a TWO-page newsletter... Grrr.. Was a major waste of my money... 60c piece of rough paper.. Damn I better treasure it! Hmph.. Plus the damn tutorial was so time consuming that even though I had completed most of it, I had to spend like 2.5 hours correcting the thing, aligning everything perfectly, making sure that it looks like the example that the Lecturer gave us.. So waste time! Well, and that ate into my tutorial which was supposedly 12 to 2.. I went in at 12.40.. But thankfully the tutor is a nice guy, and he didn't even say much.. And after that, I had YET ANOTHER tutorial.. After which we had a small project discussion.. After discussion was a rush down to Orchard for my outside examinations, which lasted from 6pm to almost 10pm!!! Grrr.. By the time I got home, it was late late late.. Actually not that bad, but I was caught in a jam.. And it made the journey home seemed so so so long.. Got home at almost 11.. Hehe.. And it was time for relaxation.. MAHJONG! Hahahah I know, it's horrid.. But I had to relax!! Haha I was half falling asleep though.. After mahjong, I had to prepare for my oral (today)... So I called my partner and we went through the thing once or twice.. And Finally, I could sleep.. At 2.30am, I conked out..
That was a 7.30 am to 2.30 am day! With 8 am to 5pm in school, and another 4 hours taking an exam... Damn.. But as always, I seem to love long days, despite my complaints.. I feel more accomplished on long days.. Hehe..
Anyway, after getting past mid-week, I was only left with two things to worry about.. Kinship paper due today and the oral today...
Kinship paper was actually easy.. The hard thing, though, is the kinship diagrams that I have to draw.. Most people have 2 sides of the family, and all in all, probably about 50-80 members? But I'm not most people... I'm from a family that has 120 members (and counting) on my paternal side... And 30+ on my maternal side.. If you're thinking I may be counting like 10 generations, nope, it's 4 generations.. My father has 14 siblings! I have cousins as old as my dad!! I have nieces and newphews older than me!!! Oh well, the drawing of my family took a total of 3 + 1.5 + 1 hours... That's............ FIVE AND A HALF HOURS!! That's less than the time I spent on the essay itself!! Grrr.. Anyway, the main reason I took the pains to draw out everything and not cheat, like everyone tells me to, is because I wanted to illustrate how bigger families may tend to have weaker family bonds... So ya.. But well, I managed to finally finish everything at 3.30am this morning! Hope it gets appreciated.....
And finally, my Mündlichen Prüfung!! Oral exam!! Well, despite being late and a little not as well prepared as other were (my partner and I didn't actually meet up to go throught the texts face-to-face!!), I think it went pretty well.. Anyway, the main thing is that we had to come up with five scripts of given topics and practise and pick a random topic on the actual day and act out the script of the topic.. And we also had a one and a half minute self-introduction... Long story short, we were pretty good! Hehe..
Whoa! What a long week! And more to come.. I have another paper due in a week, again! And I have JS proj!! Grrr... Shintoism.. Haiiiiiii....
Friday, March 17, 2006
-*- Venture Era Group...
Last week, someone gave me a call out of nowhere and addressed me as "Zee".. And the girl told me to go down for an interview for a job (!!!).. Stunned, I listened to what she had to say, and agreed to go down for the "interview" on Monday..Come Monday, due to my project, I had to cancel on the job interview.. I mean seriously, if I had put "Zee" in the form, it probably would be something that isn't very significant... So I called to reschedule the interview, well prepared for them to thnk that I'm not sincere and tell me to not bother about rescheduling.. But well, they were understanding and said I could come down on Thurday 5pm instead.. So I agreed, since they were being nice..
Come Thursday, I totally forgot all about the interview, until it was 4 pm and my sister had called me to ask me some stuff.. Somehow, I suddenly remembered the interview... And so I rushed down...
When I was there (the girl met me at Lau Pa Sat and brought me to the company), I knew I was cheated.. Venture Era Group - Healthcare Products!!!! Most people would know what that meant! It's Multi-Level Marketing!!! Goodness! I was cheated! Okay, first up, personally, I HATE MLM.. Majorly.. I understand the workings of MLM, and I feel that it's very deceitful! Argh.. But the girl seemed nice, so I stupidly decided to stay on to see what they have to say, before politely and insistently refusing..
But I really hate MLM la.. And they had thought I was a MALAY! I mean, no disrespect for malays, but come on! Just because I'm called Zee doesn't make me a Malay!! Can't I have a nickname for myself?? Grrr.. And I believe I spoke a bit of Chinese to the girl lor! Seriously no brain! Grrr.. Just because I'm called ZEE!!! Idiots!
Anyway, the product did seem convincing, but I'm super not interested. And the presenter pissed me off quite a bit.. I guess she was "trying to be friendly", but if I don't drink Coke, I'm not lying... I DON'T drink Coke! Goodness.. Anyway, since I wasn't too happy about being cheated, I didn't like her comments very much...
And after the presentation and this business plan overview, the girl who called me for the "interview" asked me to sit down with her for a cup of coffee... And a certain manager came down to talk to me about their organization structure and evrything.. But I gave him a very obviously-not-interested look.. But he still wasted like half hour of my time anyway. Stupid idiot..
Anyway, all in all, it was a majorly unpleasant experience and for that, I blame ALL MLM companies! I hate MLM!
I sincerely HATE multi-level marketing companies! DIE MLM DIE!!!
Thursday, March 16, 2006
-*- The Prettiest Picture in the World!

Ain't it pretty? Lately dear Mr Fu has been fiddling a lot with Photoshop, and he has successfully created several admirable pictures.. And this is the prettiest amongst all! Hehe, mainly because I'm the main focus.. Er, well, WE are the main focus.. Hehe.. So this is the prettiest! :P
The Prettiest Picture in the World! -
Sunday, March 05, 2006
sandwich. biscuits. fresh and crunchy veggies. mummy's soup. my own soup. yakiniku rice burger. caesar salad from NUS. potato salad. oyako don from waraku. oyako don from NUS. McDonald's french fries.but i just had soup....... no wonder..
Saturday, March 04, 2006
-*- My 2nd Instalment of Presents!!!
My second instalment of presents!!!!!!
Ain't it pretty?? Hehe.. Like it quite a bit.. Though it's a tad bigger than my "miserably small" wallets, I like it a lot!!! By the way, Ms Lay, I lurve my miserably small wallets! Hmph! In fact, the wallet looks very big to me.. Hahah I guess I'm very used to small wallets.. Been a while since I had big wallets.. Dunno why also... I guess because Vin bought me the old White Guess one and I kinda gotten used to tiny wallets..

Oh and before that was the M)Phosis one..

Oh together with the Guess one, I have recently started to use this Pink cardholder thingie which is quite magical in keeping my notes tucked in safe.. Er, lazy to explain, just know that it's a magical cardholder.. Heh..

Anyway, before that was my FX one, which I used for a little while only, I think because it was too bulky (like really bulky).. AND before that was a Renoma long wallet.. Okay, I think that was the last big wallet that I had.. Wow.. Been a long time.. I think that was in secondary school when long wallets were happening!! Hehe.. Wow I think it will be quite some time before I get used to the wallet.. Hahah it doesn't even fit into a lot of my bags (but definitely fits into the NEW BAG that they gave me!! Hehe.)!!! Shall alternate wallets sometime.. Hehe..
All in all, I love the new Wallet!! Thanks guys!!! I wurve you all!!! ;p
Anyway, I got another pressie this week too!! It's from D the Bum.. Oopz, I should be nicer hor? Anyway, took a picture..

It's chocolate!!!!! Yumms.. So SWEEET.. Hehe.. So I thought I should be nice as well, and thank him on my blog.. Thanks Darryl! Heh.. Mi wurve ya too!!
I know my birthday has passed for a while.. But I think that still getting pressies for it is really fun! Yay!! ;p
My 2nd Instalment of Presents!!! -
Friday, March 03, 2006
-*- Frenchie Zee!
My Frenchie Name is: |
![]() |
This is added a while after the above...
Oh shit.. I hate going into these quizzes webbies!! I'm stuck! Help!!!
Your Birthdate: February 17 |
![]() You tend to find yourself lucky - both in business and in life. And while being wealthy is nice, you enjoy sharing your abundance with others. You put your luck to good use: you are very ambitious and goal oriented. Often times, you get over excited and take on more than you can manage. Your strength: Your ability to make your own luck Your weakness: Thinking you can do it all Your power color: Bronze Your power symbol: Half Moon Your power month: August |
Eh.. My power month is Vin's birthday month.. Hehe sounds like good huh?