Friday, February 17, 2006
-*- Today is the day that...
Today is my birthday!! (YES!! My Angmoh Birthday!!) Hehe.. But things don't seem that great today.. So far, today has been the day that (not in chronological order, but rather, for the effect, in level of seriousness...):- my buddy cannot make it for my birthday dinner because of food poisoning (poor girl...)
- my other buddy can't make it on time for my birthday dinner...
- I got back my lousy german results...
- my paper clip's cutesy character dropped
- I got a big fright by a stupid friend who came out of nowhere from behind me and wished me Happy Birthday (Thanks hor, "A**h***" ;p)...
- my sandals broke...
- I had my first time... walking barefoot.. all over Arts Fac... (according to Lay, every one will have to have walk barefoot at least once in their life.. So there, today was my turn...)
But!! Luckily, I have some happy events to make me, well, happy (hehz):
- Many people remember my birthday! And most of them messaged me to wish me Happy Birthday!
- I got my money for my TOTO winning a week ago... (I chose to claim it today because I thought there will be a receipt for me to boast about my birthday present to myself... But well, there isn't...)
- I'm having a Birthday Dinner at The Ricetable (@Cuppage Terrace)!!
- I'll be getting a cake! And no ordinary cake! It's a cake that is baked from scratch (erm, actually I'm not sure.. But I would like to believe that it was baked from scratch)!!!! So exciting! First time in my 22 years that someone is baking me a cake.. Thanks Nara dear!! Wurve!
- Today is my birthday!!!! Hehe.. That is the most important eh? ;p
To everyone that remembered, Thanks a Million!! To those who forgot, YOU HAVE UNTIL MIDNIGHT!!
To the five who are having the dinner with me tonight, thanks for spending my birthday with me.. And to the poor girl who cannot make it, thanks for being the first.. Wurve u all!!
By the way, I shall upload some lame pictures for your viewing pleasure.. Don't be jealous!

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