Tuesday, January 31, 2006
-*- 五年天!
A certain love story for everyone....In the wee hours in the morning of 31st January 2001, a certain boy and a certain girl were on the phone.. Chatting as they had been doing for a few months, the two were experiencing emotions they didn't know to explain... Something had happened to them, something extraordinary, something very wonderful...
It had all started a few months before The Day...
One fine day, because she was a very "sociable" person, a certain stupid form teacher decided to change her seats to shut the girl up.. Changing her to a seat where she was surrounded by guys she didn't usually talk to... And teacher thought that would help.. On the girl's part, it did help, the girl stopped talking to her neighbours... But on her neighbour's part, the certain boy was trying to ease the girl, making her feel at home in the strange land called "The Back of the Classroom." But little did he know, he wasn't exactly the favourite person of the girl.. Due to a certain reason from about a while back, she didn't really like this boy..
And so he was being friendly... But she was extremely displeased with her new seat, though she tried to be nicer to the boy.. (SHE DID!)
Another fine day, the boy and the girl were both extremely bored of studying at home for the examinations (for O Levels..), and both went online to chat.. The popular online chat programme then was ICQ (not IRC, mister!!), and both of them were happening kids, and had each other on their list... Chatting halfway, both decided that they wanted to go out, and so they decided to go for a movie in Plaza Singapura together.. Lame enough, the show was "Gossip"..
After that, things pretty much got friendlier.. The girl realised that the boy wasn't that bad after all.. In fact, he was one of the nicer boys she knew.. And so they start to hang out very often... Playing pool with a whole bunch of friends, going chalets organised by friends, or just hanging out... And definitely talking on the phone A LOT....
The exams were over, and the girl was pseudo-attending school in Serangoon Junior College for the first three months.. Why pseudo? She was barely in school.. Early morning, she would head toward school, mark attendance and leave the school for his home, to hang out until they find something to do, or until their friends (actually there was one specific friend who hanged out quite often with them.. He who stole her bed!) asked them out for pool or something..
And yet another fine day, something happened, they were alone, and they sort of had their first kiss!! Just a tiny one though! But what the hell was that, they both thought.. And it was then that it struck them!! It's so obvious to everybody else, and yet they were blind to it..
They had fallen in love, without even realising it.. They had crossed the friend-line and entered the love-zone..
And so their journey began...
And that's the story of VinZi.. That is, by no means, the end of the story.. Not yet, not ever (hopefully)... It's been five years since, and having gone through ups and downs, we are still very much in love...

"What does the future hold for us?" he asks. Uncertain of what may come, I hope that whatever the future holds, it's for us, together as VinZi..
Dear, I'm glad to have found you in midst of all the dislike ... Falling in love with you has been the greatest thing that has happened to me.. I know there are days when we have try exceptionally hard, but at the end of the day, it's all worth it.. Looking at us now, it seems too great to be true. And yet it is.. :)
Happy 5ifth Anniversary, my Love!!! Happy 五年天!
I love you.. Thank you, for being you, for loving me...
For so much more, thank you..
For as long as love will last...
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