Tuesday, July 27, 2004
-*- shooshed up?
hello! hmm if anyone noticed, there's a comment on my entry option now.. at the end of every entry.. so if u wanna say anything about the entries, just go ahead... i suppose ill be able to get the comments.. hahah this is at the request of a particular troublesome person.. aiyah, but i suppose it'll be useful too la.. so do keep ur comments coming in! but hey, dun neglect my taggy k?? hehe i spent more time on that than on this haloscan comment thing.. it's quite easy to have the haloscan comment thing la.. so ya.. oh well, try it out! :)update
on module bidding: well, school's gonna start soon again.. so im back to oh-so-boring bidding of my modules.. haiz.. it sux.. luckily i was pre-allocated 2 modules.. if not i doubt ill be able to get all the modules i want.. i cant get one module as it is already.. damn.. but oh well, at least i've gotten like 4 out of my 5 desired modules.. and guess what, worse comes to worst, i shall take a biz module.. it fits into my timetable rather well, and best thing about it? i dont need to use the programme a/c to bid for it....
(dont understand programme a/c???)hmm okie, lemme explain.. the nus has a rather f-up system... basically, we are supposed to prioritise our modules (courses) we wanna read for the sem.. and we are given some points every sem... so we can use these points to bid for the modules we want... giving more points for the modules that we deem more important...
okay, about the programme a/c thing? well, there are different kinds of modules.. so for different kind of modules we have to pay (bidding points) from a different a/c.. there are 2 kinds of a/cs...programme and general.. for core modules (modules from own fac - in my case, FASS), we have to pay from the programme a/c.. for most of the others, we pay from the general a/c....
SO!!! i was saying.. if i take a biz mod, i wont have to pay from my limited points in the programme a.c... i can pay from my general a/c!!! hahah so i can bring forward my points in programme a/c!
so, after all the explanation, does everyone not from nus get it? hahah doesnt matter u get it not.. just to say that i can still have my 3day week!!!! wahahhahah all those for nothing.. hahah.. oh well, if u'r concerned u wouldnt mind knowing more la.. hahah
aiya, but the nus bidding crap is really pointless.. all it does is to make people not get their modules! rubbish right! urgh! this is the 3rd sem of my uni years and it's the 2nd sem that they screw up my timetable! it had better let me get my biz mod! other wise ill be damn pissed with the dumb system! urgh!
on my life: erm well, as always, slacking is my fave hobby and my biggest pasttime! haha but other than slacking, i do other things too! hahah like playing the PS2 that vin lent me.. hahah oh! and i met up with my nus tutor-lecturer today!! heheh cos she's leavving singapore.. so i met up with her, along with 2 of my frens.. she's soooooo adorable!!! i love this tutor!! she's the best la! haha.... had a super long lunch! hahah from 2 till 430! hahah.. anyway, ajisen salmon sushi suckx!! urgh i couldnt even finish the two little pieces!! urgh..
hmmm other aspects of my life? i.e my love life? hahah well, best as always! haiz but he's sooooo bz all the time!! haiz.. oh well, what can i do? he did warn me about it.. hehe but we still go out every weekend!! ahha *grinning blissfully* ya ya i noe, my love life is not all-so-exciting.. hahah but oh well, im happy! so be happy for me!
wah i realised there's really nothing for me to blog about.. yet i feel bad about not bloggin.. haiz this sux.. my life is duller than ever! hahah hmm maybe too exciting, that's y i cant exactly pick one thing to blog about! hahah wat a self deluding way to see it.. haha
oh well, guess that's all, actually i blogged cos i wanted to whine about the stupid bidding crap of the dummy nus! hehe.. okie! now that i've finished whining, i may not feel better, but at least i got to whine! hahah nothing to blog liao!!! BYEEE!!!
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