Sunday, August 29, 2004
-*- an update..
hahah well, havnt blogged in a long time.. erm so i thought i shd do a little update.. :Pschool:
well, as everyone noes, school has started.. erm was excited about it, cos i was friggin bored at home and all.. oh well, it turns out, school was as boring as home.. hahah but well, i managed to meet up with a lot of my friends! heh so good to have friends..
anyway, my lessons are quite shiok.. first of all, my days are wed, thur and fri... only!!! meheehh that's like so shiok already.. and 2nd, my lessons are quite interesting... erm im taking like a hundred english lang modules (erm actually just 3) and i feel they interlink!! haha i cant even rem what i learnt in which lecture.... (but actually, i just cant rem wat i learnt.. hahah) but!!! it's all fun! lectures are intriguing! and it actually makes me wanna go for the tutorials.. and tutorials are sometimes quite fun.. haha but i've only been to 1 tutorial for each module.. hehe.. but well, good that im enjoying it... at least that will keep me going to school for about another month? hahah then after that it'll have to be more than just interesting to make me wanna go for lessons.. it'll have to be easy! hahaha..
anyway, since my weeks are just so short, it means that some of my days are rather hectic.. my weds are from 8-3.. erm an hour break in between.. hehe that's actually quite good.. cos it's a lect then break then lect then tutorial.. so that's quite ok.. but thurs are the killer...10-6..(note: my "hectic" days are very short also.. hahah thur are the longest..) on thur, a lot of travelling to be done! i have to reach biz at 10 for a marketing tutorial.. then at 12, slowly walk back to arts/ have a little lunch.. from 1 to 3 i have 2 tutorials in arts.. and they are quite far from each other.. i mean, for the first lesson, i was late for the 2nd tutorial... erm cos i had to walk quite a bit to get there.. *_* after the 2 tutorials in arts, i have to go back to biz for a marketing tutorial.. which meant i have to take bus from arts! cos walking will take forever!! esp for me.. haha cos im just such a lazy bum.. ;p and then and then after the one hour tutorial at biz, i have to quick quick ruch back to arts for another lec!!! that's from 4-6, straight after the mkt tut!! sooooooo troublesome!!! hehe but i have fun la.. seems as though im such a bz person! hehehe.. anyway, at 6, im off!!! yay! but homebound, i will definitely get stuck in a jam. haiz.. but at least better than public transport, so i shant complain.. ;p
lastly on fri.. hahah shiok-a-doo-doo day! hahah cos i only have one lesson on fri.. that's a lecture.. heheh and it's 10-12!!! wheeheee... so all in all, this sem seems ultra slack! wheeheheh.. but!!!! i will study very hard.. *determined* cos i wanna get a CAP that is not so revolting this sem.. hehehe... alright let's all give me a lot of support!! hahah
well, same ol' same ol'... getting scolded all the time and all for going out too often, too late and till too late... oh well.. what to do.. hmm just last sat.. cos i fell asleep at vin's and set wrong alarm time, i was scolded like mad.. which i think i do deserve a little.. cos i didnt tell them i was going home late (like duh. i was sleeping) and i wasnt home at 4am.. hahah i think it got them damn pissed.. scolded me like mad.. took turns to say a lot of nonsense.. haiz which included possibilities of grounding me, disallowing my friends to come over, disallowing me to go out AT ALL, stopping me and vin together, putting curfews (which, hello? , i already have.. sucksx), cutting back my allowance and most importantly, taking back the car *gasp*!!!! oh man i better behave myself this week.. hahah but then again, doubt they can ever do that la.. even if they do, at most i just say that i have to do a lot of projects lor! mehehehe if i have to, ill lie all the way to go out... hrmph!
hahah but oh well, since none of that has happened and they are more or less back to normal.. (well at least my dad... think my mum still pissed with me.. bleh) i guess nothing's gonna happened to the spoilt brat here!! hehehe no worries everyone! im fine! haha maybe have to act good girl for a bit for this few weeks though. hehe.. so actually, now, im trying to hurry this blog entry and start studying.. heheh do some research for my project and all.. whee.. im so excited!
hmm ya i think that's all about home... ;p
bet u'r sick of me saying how much in love i am.. but oh well, i am very much so.. anywayz, just a little update.. erm doubt i told anyone abt this.. vin has this unfused bone (which basically in layman terms, or in a simplest term, an extra bone.. in a sense la..) at the side of his left foot.. so he has gone for some consultation and all, and there's a chance he may have to go for operation.. but im not too sure about his decision yet.. we're going back to the doc this saturday again... so ya.. will update u guys k? haha u may not care, but i do, and since this is my blog, i will say whatever i want, and whatever i care about.. :)
but all in all, vin shall be fine.. so no worries..
hmmm and regarding our relationship? better than ever! hahah no need for further description.. it's still the best.. :P *bliss*
am great.. loving the mundane life since school started.. guess im the boring kind who likes to noe what's gonna happen and all, like my timetable and all.. great to be studying.. feels as if im such a busy person!!! hahah so busy that i dun even have time to blog.. hahahah more like i dun care about bloggin.. hahah just plain lazy la.. sorry guys! will update whenever i can k? ;p but just noe that when i dun blog, doesnt mean i dun come to my webbie to check out the taggy.. so keep tagging k? :D anyway, am loving life.. despite all the scolding from my parents (urgh!) and the nasty weather (was caught in heavy rain sometime last week.. all drenched *sniff sniff*) and the heavy school work load (but that's cos i wanna study hard this sem.. hahah i bet if i wanna slack , i can.. just suffer the consequence of lousy grades... so i dont wan.. ;p) and everything sucky...
when things get nasty and unhappy, i shall look forward to better times that's gonna come soon! and i noe good times will come.. so smile on everyone!
alrighty, guess that should be it! ciao~!
(Note:actual date and time of this blog entry is 1658hrs on 30 Aug '04.. just so happened that i started this entry on 29 Aug at 0525hrs.. u noe, after coming home at 4 plus and kena scolded for a full half hour.. hahah)
Wednesday, August 18, 2004
-*- to the love of my life...
happy... ...
happy... ... ...
happy... ... ... ...
happy... ... ... ... ...

to you, my dearest:
hey love!!! u'r 20!! a big man (and a little boy at heart)!!!!!! heheh hope u enjoyed urself the other day.. :P and i just wanna declare to the world how much i love u!!!! so here goes:
hope i can be there for all ur birthdays.. like i said.. till u'r 40 and old and balding!!!
i love u dear.. happy 20th!!!!
Tuesday, August 10, 2004
-*- "some of them are retarded"
that's the comment that the mean old Glenn Ong gave.. with regards to the contestants of the oh-so-anticipated Singapore Idol last night..i managed to catch it (the Singapore Idol).. and realised that some people would do anything to get the 10 secs of erm, fame... the guy who stripped for example... man this is a show looking for talents!! not shamelessness... it's like it's bad enough that u dont noe how to sing well, u are disgracing yourself by stripping! urgh! and he wasnt even embarrassed (or he didnt seem) about the judges' bewildered expressions and laughter - targetted at his shameless act.. seriously, if he feels that he erm, has the erm, talent, then show it! stand there like a normal person and sing, for goodness sake!! if one has to resort to this kind of means to start a career in singing, he probably cannot make it.. even if he does make it (right.......), it'll be a shame to remember how he started singing - by stripping in front of four renowned individuals of the entertainment circle.. and in front of the people in for a laugh in front of the tv... that's rubbish, plus he seriously cant make it. not his face not his body and definitely not his singing (or did he sing at all?)... i couldnt bear to look at his performance! urgh.
and there was the lemon tree william hung wannabe guy? man that was such an embarrassment! imagine the people from overseas who happened to watch the show! they would be thinking that singapore is an embarrassment, with people who dare do these things! self choreography? erm what with the victory signs (v*_*v) uncovering his eyes? and the swinging off the arms all over? damn that was lousy dancing.. if i cant dance, i wont try it in front of national tv! keyword is try... and he dare say that he had performed in front of his friends and they laughed at him.. well if they laughed at you, maybe there was something wrong with ur performancE! how to get these simple concept into the thick skulls of these people, i dont know.. urgh.
oh, and the careless whisper guy? hmm i wonder, maybe he didnt remember the words.. but seriously, i doubt anyone would have known... i mean, yes i know, the song is careless whisper, but need you whisper? and he demanded the judges for comments!!!! they were all laughing at him already, must he do that??? if i were him, i would have just ran out in disgrace!!! damn if i were a judge, i would go in front n killed him there and then... together with the lemon tree guy and the stripper.. and this careless whisperer didnt give up even after they rejected him about thousand times! on his way out he was still trying to sing.. erm, apparently, he sings with his stomach..
i have to say this.. they did make an impression, albeit a lousy one, on a lot of people.. but i wouldnt want to do this kinda thing on national tv, ever.. now, maybe if i were given a million dollars......................................
but... (luckily, in life, there's always a "but" to make things better)... there were several rather potential ones! erm there was the girl with the supposed auntie dressing.. i mean she so do not look auntie lor! maybe retro? hehz. but i feel that makeovers are so commonplace that looks dont matter.. in this case, im sure she'll turn up the next time looking much better! and she is one that i really like.. maybe it's the looks, but definitely cos her singing is rather impressive.. and she was very natural.. i noticed little or no makeup on her, and she already looked good! and the little girl ponytail thing? it may not be very commercial, but she looked good enough! her smile, i have to agree with the ken guy, is very captivating.. good potential!
erm there was this other geeky looking guy? his voice, not bad! his dress sense, erm, well.. zero? but at least he was given a 2nd chance? so, he'd better go do a makeover and come back to impress... not just with his voice, but with his image too, maybe?
oh.. and there were the disappointment of the rejects.. i feel for some of them, esp the rocky guy.. he was soooo sincere and real! he came all the way from shanghai! i mean, yes, he's chinaman... but he isnt like the other chinaman that are sooo turn-offs. and since i doubt china will have this Idol competition.. (erm i doubt they'll b able to find anyone good anyway...) so he came all the way.. so sincere! at first i was put off by his stubbornness.. refused to leave unless they gave him a 2nd chance.. and his singing werent great at all.. yes, maybe for opera.. but idol music? maybe not.. and he seemed so deluded and all.. but under all the delusion was his determination.. i really admire him for that.. and it was rather touching when he cried.. he must have gathered so much courage and must have had so much hope and to have everything burst here.. poor thing.. and i think gurmit singh was soo encouraging!!! i bet he was gonna cry.. as were i.. i feel for him.. cos his perseverance is the true spirit that all contestants should have.. and i do hope he makes it somewhere else, like opera or something.. not a cynic remark.. but a sincere blessing..
many more rejects and much more shamelessness... and several attitude problem cases.. one example, was the indian woman who said she'll go for a makeover (good one!) but wouldnt change much cos she likes the way she is (*failed attempt at showing confidence and self-love*)... i mean it's hurting, but yes, the public does want to see what they like, not so much what the artistes like.. so ya.. makeovers are definitely essential for a lot of them..
oh, there was the other attitude case.. the rather goodlooking guy? had great english and great dress sense, good body and quite okay face.. and of cos, he had the most important thing.. the voice.. he has a nice voice.. reminded me a bit of Fei Xiang.. i noe that sounds orbit.. but Fei Xiang was the hotman of the 80s (or was it 70s? 60s?).. his voice was as manly as Fei Xiang and it appealed to me.. but his attitude.. he should have practiced several times more! and he shd have showed a better attitude.. i mean, the judges had to sit there all day everyday for god knows how long to listen to people sing not up to standard.. its sucky as it is.. and to have people forget their lyrics just becos he doesnt wanna pin too much hope on the show? just becos he is a busy man? i think that dampens everything.. HOWEVER, i would give him a 2nd chance, if i were a judge..(ok maybe if i were a judge, i would have been arrested for killing the lemon tree guy and the careless whisper guy and the stripper.. but well.. im not, that's y im blogging.. haha).. see if he does have the drive that he supposedly will develop,.. after all, he has the image, and definitely the voice.. but oh well, too bad..
anyhow, i feel that this Singapore Idol is interesting.. and like Glenn Ong, i would look forward to it, for entertainment sake.. and i will try my best to not laugh... but i do sincerely hope more good singers will appear.. and good luck to the contestants! and goodbye to the shame (hopefully)...
finally, i would like to express my admiration for those who seriously believed that they could make it, and gave it a serious effort to try their best. i bet even if they cant make it in the singing business, they will make it big in their own life.. at least they sincerely gave it a full effort shot..
so i would like to say: "some of them are retarded"
Monday, August 09, 2004
-*- best weekend!
the week started with vin informing me that he won't be booking out early on saturday.. but at least he has a long weekend.. thanx to the independence of singapore today 39 yrs ago... merdeka! hahah so at least we can have something like a normal weekend, cept that it starts on saturday nite and ends on mon night? :)so the oh-so-boring weekdays passed by minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day.. and without a car, my weekdays seemed much much much longer.. but soon...... weekend!!!!! erm well, technically speaking, to me, weekends start on fri evening!! and since i had something interesting on fri evening, i shall all the more talk about the weekend as of fri!!!
after a looooooong time and a lot of failed attempts, me and my cj pals FINALLY met up, just four of us!!! man that was a rare opportunity!!! i treasured it like mad!! heheh... well, started at about 6? when i left my house in a mess, looking like the mad woman that i always do.. cos i was rushing.. was supposed to go save the poor animal lovers from the torture of their lives - picking out non-innocent-looking crabs for dinner.. hahah but well, as ALWAYS, i was late.. so the two little harmless poor souls had to force themselves to pick out the ones that werent looking at them accusingly.. hahz! anyway, so i reached joey's place at about 7? and i was the earliest!! hahah.. oh well, that's a first! hahah so we had the not so innocent looking crabs for dinner.. man the chilli crabs were yummas! and the kangkong and the tofu? deeeeeelish! *slurp*
after dinner, since none of us wanted the night to end (erm, plus it was only 9 plus.. hahahah).. we decided to try out ktv.. erm the keyword is try... we went to some sleazy ktv place along changi road and got no rooms.. hahah and yeah jem is right in saying that we were the only young ones at the sleazy ktv with ah peks and aunties.. hahah but oh well, we ended up at east coast.. great wind, great company, some good songs for music, and the best thing? it was us... us 4.. finally.. we chatted and drank (lime jud!) and just enjoyed the peace (?) of the sea and the wind that lets us feel so cool... erm, but also very cold! hahahah.. so in the end, we went to jemmimimok's place! to just sit and talk some more!!! heheh left her place super late... but glad that joey kept her promise of getting me home by 3.....
was a fantabulous night.. so happy to be able to hang out with my darling cj pals again! after all, it was really hard to get all four together without the interruptions of other people...
so anyway, since i slept late, i woke up late.. hahah at about 2? so slack slack slack till about 5.. went to take the car from the workshop (erm, not the one that i dented.. was another one,.. my sis got into an accident two days after me.. and the cefiro went into the workshop like 2nd time in about 3mths? poor cefie..) ANYWAY, went to get the car with dad and left to pick vin up to go back to bedok and have my carrot cake!!! i love carrot cake!!! must be black black chilli duo duo!!! hahahah lately i just love black carrot cake la! oh but the one i had on saturday evening wasnt black.. :(
hahah so we spent a quiet evening at home, just playing games.. we got this new game!!! it's called Typer Shark.. hahaah download it at: popcap games!!! it's a very fun and brainless game! all u have to do is type the words on the screen!!! hahahah yah so we spent the rest of the evening playing that.. after that i "tucked" vin in.. heheh it's such bliss to watch him sleep.. i would have looked at him for as long as i could.. but i was too tired.. hahah so i was worried i'd fall asleep.. and so i left after 20 mins of looking.. heheh it's like i love him so much that i can spend forever looking at him sleep with such serenity... in such peace that you cant bear to leave him!! *googoogahgah* hahah oh well, im too mad about him!
and comes sunday! sunday was the day that my parents left for kukop (erm, some msia place... i dunno how to spell.. hahah)... so my house was all empty and all, leaving me alone at home.. (cos my 2nd sis also went overseas.. she went bali..) and so i asked vin over.. we went for breakfast and went for some supermarketing.. and bought some stuff for our lunch and dessert for dinner!!! hahah i made a, erm, slightly low fat lunch of tuna mayo salad. (tuna salad mayo. or watevr)... and for dessert for dinner, he made us choc!!! erm it's called rocky road!! shiok-a-doo-doo!!! hahah cept that the marshmellows werent sticky or somethin... but it was grrrrreat nonetheless!! *wide grinz* i still have a lot in the fridge!!! heheh im gonna be sooo fat..
while having lunch, we played oh so boring chess.. haha and the super fun Game of Life!!! hahaha was so fun being so lame playing silly games with the person u love soooo much!!! heheh
hmm then i cooked dinner... (erm in a sense..) i used the soup that my mum made for me and put a lot of ingredients in!!! and viola! our dinner.. hahah and some dumplings thingie and fried rice that my dad bought on saturday evening... the dinner was great.. but of cos! i was with my beloved dear!!! :P
after dinner was a brief mahjong session! hahah i miss playing mj! meanie vincent doesnt wanna play mj anymore.. hahah but he was nice and entertained me.. hahah... after mahjong was movie!!!
watched the village.. actually i just got home from the movie! hahah erm, my view on the movie? great twist.. i mean at first u would think it's dumb.. but i think it's very clever a plot.. im totally impressed by the plot and the directing.. hahah not a big fan of thrillers tho.. so i was grabbing onto vin's arm throughout the entire show.. poor thing.. hahah but great show! i give it 4 popcorns! out of 5!!! most of the credit goes to the plot.. definitely.. amazing plot i must say! this movie is: a must-watch! ;p
oh well, i better get to bed.. hahah poor vin is sleeping in my parents' room alone.. im going to bed also liao!!! bye!!! -yawns-
***i had the most amazing weekend!***
Tuesday, August 03, 2004
-*- craving of the day.
any kind of steak!!!