Thursday, July 29, 2004
-*- accident.
i had an accident.ok shuddup. dun ask unless you're told.
i bumped into a lexus. the bigger one. the one that looks like camry toyota.. plain bad luck.
was trying to hurry home from vin's camp, cos told my parents i would be home before 7. plus if i reach home with vin after they reach, they'll be all suspicious and everything (they disallow me to pick vin up.. this is another problem about them.. but oh well.)..
so i was rushing home. changing lanes. and bam! i bumped the car in front. scratches on his left side back bumper. dents on my right side front bumper and hood. bad.
want lucky numbers? my car plate: 537. his car plate:370. go ahead and strike it big. just remember to gimme some money. i need it.
got home and called help (my dajie). then parents got home. told them. with a little lie. since i wasnt supposed to drive vin, i couldnt have told them where exactly i was. so i told them it was at tampines. *pray hard that my lie wont be discovered*
scold scold scold.
guess i deserved it, but why now? im sad as it is. they always do this to me.
one good previous experience: O levels. got lousy grade. crying cos of grades. scolded. why?
they always do that. cept that this time, my mum was still quite alright. guess she has come to terms with it. my erjie and dajie and bro in law had accidents the last few months too. in that order. seriousness? my erjie's the worst. whole front was pushed in. badly dented and all. so i think my mum has come to terms with the bad luck in driving of the family members. but well...
my dad is pissed. but guess he can do nothing about it. hope the repairs wont amount to too much. *pray hard again*
then again, i guess i do deserve the scoldings.. i wasnt paying enough attention. im a lousy driver. bleh.
now i had better be a good daughter and all. to hopefully please them so they wont be so pissed. so i think im going msia with them tmr. what rubbish right. oh well. just this once i shall try to be happy. i dented their car.
oh did i mention? it was the new car.
-*- shopping with daddy and mummy!
wahahah!!! i was soooooo happy last nite!!! i didnt know shopping with daddy and mummy is so shiok!! haha!!ok, the thing is, my mum hates shopping... she would so much rather stay at home and play on the computer.. but yesterday, she and my dajie had arranged to go buy my mum's oceanus fragrance oil from the body shop... at wisma.. cos that's where my sis knows the manager or something.. erm y the trouble? cos the body shop staff has 50% discount off their items.. so ya.. erm so when we need the body shop stuff (or rather, when my mum needs), we go to my sis... heeh.. so we went to wisma yesterday....
we spent like more than half an hour in the body shop lor! hahah my mum wanted to buy some perfume stuff.. and i was just browsing.. hahah then FINALLY, we were at the counter going to pay for the stuff (at 50% oFF!!!!!)... and then i saw this eye thing. erm it's for the dark rings la.. so i asked about it.. supposed to make dark rings go.. hahah duh right.. hmm think it was about $32.90? hahah saw the price then i put it back.. it's a tiny bottle of nothing! so ex!! then my mum heard me asking and picked it up after me.. so she asked how to use and all.. then she just added to our stuff!! hha she said if she doesnt use, i can use.. which practically means that it's mine! hahah cos she prob wont use it after a week.. hahah partly also cos she doesnt care even if i "share" and finish it all... haha oh another thing, it was 50% off!! hahah so ya we got it! haha and dunno if it's effective.. so i shall try! hahah
anyway, after the body shop.... my mum says she wanna go taka foodcourt and eat.. and so we went.. haah except that we stopped by a girodano shop! hahah the beeeeeg one at taka.. ya my sis has someone she knows inside too.. she's an ex-giordano staff.. (note:gio staff has 30% off) so ya.. we went in... erm and i love shopping at gio.. i think the cotton tops are comfy.. hahah i just bought a very common v neck cotton top from there when i went shopping with kong!!!
erm so my sis saw some yago stuff that she wanna buy.. cos she's gonna join some yoga classes... (taitai sis, wat to do...) then my dad and i started to shop for a bit... and we saw some tops for my dad.. hahah nice looking common tops (as always, gio tops are very common).. but it's a polo tee.. so looks not bad.. and so we chose two for my dad...
wahahh then it's my shopping time! hahah since i told u that i love shopping at gio, im not gonna stay there and not try on thingS!!!! i tried this shirt! and i lurved it!!! it's a short sleeve stripe button shirt! man i was looking all over for something like that to buy! n i found it! hahah and the best time to find it? at gio shop with my dajie! hahah cos ill get the 30% discount... and the best thing? my parents were with us!!!!! wahahahahah it's the best.. haha cos being the cheapskate, i lurve it when my mum buys me stuff!!! i think if i wan something and it's not too ex (like those branded crap), she'll prob buy.. plus my sis actually said the top looks nice! so mehehe, i put it at the counter with my dad's stuff.. hahah then i went to walk walk around with my mum (erm, not much stuff at gio.. haha dun like the bottoms at gio.. so i only looked at tops.. and nothing much..)... then i told my mum tat i was actually wearing ta gio top.. (erm the one i just bought the other day).. then i asked if i shd buy a few more.. hahah cos it's super comfy and very casual.. can wear to anywhere i want that kinda top... then she looked at the one im wearing (and gave a pretty approving look!! haha so happy!!!) and asked how much... wahhahaha half the success!! (i think im wicked.. *_*) so when i told her its $14 (erm $9.80 after less), she said to buy two! hahah even tho i already have like 3! hahahah then she even helped me choose colours!! and considering my mum is someone who hates shopping, i felt so happy!!! cos at least she doesnt, like, just give me money and ask me choose myself.. she involved herself!!! aint that cute? hehe.. so i was very happy!!! wheee!!! so i bought a pink one.. (haha im so into pink this year!) and a beige one (at my mum's advice.. but the colour IS pretty)...
i noe u peeps will be thinking that im bo liao.. but seriously, u dunno my parents well, they hardly shop.. and when they do go shopping, its to supermarket! hahah my mum loves shopping only in supermarkets! haha.. so when they told me that they arranged to go shopping with my dajie, i was so happy i said i must tag along! hahah... some of u may shop with ur mum all the time but not me.. so i was very happy last nite.. hehe
hmm then after that we went taka food court for dinner.. hehe my dad actually went to buy tako-pachi! haha he's damn cute la! we were waiting for seats all over the foodcourt then he just went missing.. by the time we found a table, he was nowhere to be found! haha then when i went looking for him, i caught him at the tako-pachi stall! heheh i think he's sooo cute!! heehee and greedy la.. hahah
oh well, after dinner was home.. but i really had a great time.. even though it was a small 3 hours of out-time with my parents, i really did enjoy myself.. they are too cute la.. hahah i noe i tok about my parents like some little kids.. but really, they are very adorable when shopping.. hehe *gleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee*
erm haha plus i got 3 tops!! and i lurve my shirt!! hehe.. i think it's soooooo lovely!!! hehe.. im mad...
***mi luvies shopping with my daddy, mummy!!!***
shopping with daddy and mummy! -
Tuesday, July 27, 2004
-*- shooshed up?
hello! hmm if anyone noticed, there's a comment on my entry option now.. at the end of every entry.. so if u wanna say anything about the entries, just go ahead... i suppose ill be able to get the comments.. hahah this is at the request of a particular troublesome person.. aiyah, but i suppose it'll be useful too la.. so do keep ur comments coming in! but hey, dun neglect my taggy k?? hehe i spent more time on that than on this haloscan comment thing.. it's quite easy to have the haloscan comment thing la.. so ya.. oh well, try it out! :)update
on module bidding: well, school's gonna start soon again.. so im back to oh-so-boring bidding of my modules.. haiz.. it sux.. luckily i was pre-allocated 2 modules.. if not i doubt ill be able to get all the modules i want.. i cant get one module as it is already.. damn.. but oh well, at least i've gotten like 4 out of my 5 desired modules.. and guess what, worse comes to worst, i shall take a biz module.. it fits into my timetable rather well, and best thing about it? i dont need to use the programme a/c to bid for it....
(dont understand programme a/c???)hmm okie, lemme explain.. the nus has a rather f-up system... basically, we are supposed to prioritise our modules (courses) we wanna read for the sem.. and we are given some points every sem... so we can use these points to bid for the modules we want... giving more points for the modules that we deem more important...
okay, about the programme a/c thing? well, there are different kinds of modules.. so for different kind of modules we have to pay (bidding points) from a different a/c.. there are 2 kinds of a/cs...programme and general.. for core modules (modules from own fac - in my case, FASS), we have to pay from the programme a/c.. for most of the others, we pay from the general a/c....
SO!!! i was saying.. if i take a biz mod, i wont have to pay from my limited points in the programme a.c... i can pay from my general a/c!!! hahah so i can bring forward my points in programme a/c!
so, after all the explanation, does everyone not from nus get it? hahah doesnt matter u get it not.. just to say that i can still have my 3day week!!!! wahahhahah all those for nothing.. hahah.. oh well, if u'r concerned u wouldnt mind knowing more la.. hahah
aiya, but the nus bidding crap is really pointless.. all it does is to make people not get their modules! rubbish right! urgh! this is the 3rd sem of my uni years and it's the 2nd sem that they screw up my timetable! it had better let me get my biz mod! other wise ill be damn pissed with the dumb system! urgh!
on my life: erm well, as always, slacking is my fave hobby and my biggest pasttime! haha but other than slacking, i do other things too! hahah like playing the PS2 that vin lent me.. hahah oh! and i met up with my nus tutor-lecturer today!! heheh cos she's leavving singapore.. so i met up with her, along with 2 of my frens.. she's soooooo adorable!!! i love this tutor!! she's the best la! haha.... had a super long lunch! hahah from 2 till 430! hahah.. anyway, ajisen salmon sushi suckx!! urgh i couldnt even finish the two little pieces!! urgh..
hmmm other aspects of my life? i.e my love life? hahah well, best as always! haiz but he's sooooo bz all the time!! haiz.. oh well, what can i do? he did warn me about it.. hehe but we still go out every weekend!! ahha *grinning blissfully* ya ya i noe, my love life is not all-so-exciting.. hahah but oh well, im happy! so be happy for me!
wah i realised there's really nothing for me to blog about.. yet i feel bad about not bloggin.. haiz this sux.. my life is duller than ever! hahah hmm maybe too exciting, that's y i cant exactly pick one thing to blog about! hahah wat a self deluding way to see it.. haha
oh well, guess that's all, actually i blogged cos i wanted to whine about the stupid bidding crap of the dummy nus! hehe.. okie! now that i've finished whining, i may not feel better, but at least i got to whine! hahah nothing to blog liao!!! BYEEE!!!
Saturday, July 24, 2004
-*- nicey nice nice~!
new layout!! YAY!!! enjoy! ;p~~~%%%~~~
-*- great shopping great company shite show
whee!! hahah shopping was ggggggreat!!! hahah i didnt buy much! :( only two tops and a small bag (the bag is my dajie's) but dunno how, i managed to spend like, a lot! hahah think i think too much la.. i spent about $50? so that's alright, hahah considering i spent the whole day shopping... from 12 plus till 6 plus (had lunch at 1plus and started shopping after lunch).. went so many shops!! hahah but didnt buy anything cos very boring la.. and the two tops i bought? it's just normal tops that i wear everyday.. so no biggie... but was great to shop la.. heheh was so tired, but nv had wanted to stop...if it werent for my cj mates, i would have continued shopping till the shops closed!!! wahhaha
anyway, so after my shopping, went to pick vin up and went to meet my cj mates at bedok!!! hahah we went ba chor mee!!! shiok.. actuallly im not too big a fan of the ba chor mee there la.. just that it was great to see them, finally, after soooooo long! it's like the last time we met up was months ago! man that was hard organising a dinner eh? oh well, but we had dinner alright.. at bedok blk 85! hahah quite nice la to just eat and chat, cept that we ate rather quickly, and left the place very early... straight after dinner we left liao.. went to marine parade! hahah so lame, cos we wanted to ktv! hehe would have been fun.. cept that it was TOOOO EX!!! so we decided against it! hah..
ended up renting a vcd to watch.. crappy show i tell u... and i bet all three of them agree!!! (cept maybe the pig who fell asleep!!! HAHAH) it's called "they"... rubbish show! urgh wasted my one buck!! hahah eh actually 2 bucks.. hahah cos i paid for vin too! hahah rubbish!!!!! i'd rather give the 2 bucks away! man wat a waste of time! urgh.. hahah but oh well, i had a great time!! even though we were lacking a person, i did enjoy myself.. pity about the missing person though.. but nvm zarn, we'll try to meet up soon again, erm without ur irritating bf, hahah and mine also... *_* cept that mine's a lovey!!! hahah okie i shall not be mean to him.. hehe erm ya, we should meet up without the guys la.. more fun! hahah... oh well, till next time!
haiz great day great company great shopping but shite movie!! hahah..
okie then. nothing much to say.. gotta go sleep.. *legs aching* gotta wakie early, to send vin dearie to yishun! hahah he very poor thing, so i must drive him!!! heheh *eyes closing* okie dokie.. gotta go.. *yaWns* bye peeps.. goodo nighto!
***off to bed!!!***
great shopping great company shite show -
Friday, July 23, 2004
it's shopping day today!! so excited! im leaving in half an hour to meet kong!!! mehehehe and we're heding TOWN for some serious shopping!!! hahaha im mad...aiya but must get some stuff before the GSS ends... hmm not as if the sale is really a great sale la... but just an excuse to shop la.. heheh wHEEE ... heheh
oh well, shall see if i have time to update u peeps about my shopping trip tonight k? hahah but most prob not la. cos i'll be meeting cj mates!! wahahh another exciting thing!
hmm plus im quite tired... slept less than 5 hrs!!! boohoo!! hahahah but no worries, shoppping shall wake me up!!! wheee!!!
bye ALL!!!!!! ;p
Thursday, July 22, 2004
-*- hrmph?
man, im mad!!! hahah im awake early... (well, earlier than usual).. and im ultra bored.. hahahwoke up cos i thought the actual bidding for modules is today... well, turns out, nope, it's not.. how can i be so blur? today was just to put in the modules that u wanna read this sem and place advance bidding.. so yeah.. not as if i needed so long to do the bidding.. i woke up at 10plus (i think.. i was still very blur when i saw that i didnt have to do bidding today..) haiz then i realised im awake so early to do nothing! argh... haha..
so, i ended up watching few episodes of sex and the city.. been soooo long since i last watched them... erm watched some episodes of season 6.. hehe haiz i think i missed watching satc!!! hahah it makes me feel sooooo pretty!! hahah dunno why la.. as if i can be influenced by their pretty-ness!!!
oh well, and i like carrie bradshaw!!! lurve her!! haha hmm and i lurve charlotte too!!! hahah she's so proper and everything!!! she has the perfect life, in a way... like perfect marriage(s), two, but wow!!! hahah i lurved her first wedding!! hahah like a fantasy man! and her 2nd hubby? he's sooooo fantastic to her!!! oh well.. hahha just a show.. and her body is fantabuloustic!!! hahah all their bodies are great la! even the erm, old sam....
and sam? her sexuality? her openness? her boyfriend??? hahaah he's sooooooo good looking! man! hahah... out of the many many many guys she screws.. (erm sorry for the crude word) i think he's the best looking one.. and the way he cares for her? man, he's great!
miranda's cool too! i like the way she's in charge of her own life and everything.. like very career woman and yet just a little woman.. rocks!! and ending up with the man that she didnt even wanna continue seeing after they had sex once!!! hahah that's quite cool.. erm well, that's life.. or that's their lives.. hehe...
oh well carrie's still the lead, in a way.. everything's about her.. seriously.. they shd focus on the rest more.. eh wait, hahah the show's over.. so ya.. bleh
haiz i dunno what i wanna do now man... argh! shd i sleep? hahah im soooo tired! but i dun wanna sleeeeep!!! urgh!
oh well, i shall watch my happy SATC!!!
Saturday, July 17, 2004
-*- my best sexual skill!
Thursday, July 15, 2004
-*- cool Real cool!
wheee!! i've created this music file!!! and it's playing a song that's in the dolphin bay show that i've watched and am re-watching! the song is very nice.. erm i think they resang it la.. cos there's supposedly an original version from last time.. so ya. and the singer is the main leading actress of the drama! rox! er, ya if u dun like the song, u can just shut it up.. haha just go to the third box on the right and scroll down to the most bottom of the box.. erm ya. then u can control the player from ther.. haiz i think this thing rox man! i can now put watever songs i wanna put on my blog! wheee!! hahahwondering why i've become so smart? haha yeah i followed the instructions on this webpage.. hehe so ya.. then i downloaded the softwares from downloads.com and real.com and converted the MP3 files and uploaded it on my angelfire webshell and then put it on my blog template! yay! and viola! that's how i made it possible for u guys to hear the nice song that i love! hehe well, now that i noe all these things, i'll be putting up songs that i love.. and hopefully, i'll be able to change the songs quite often.. hahah cos i'm such a lazy bum.. bleah.. haha
oh well, that's all i wanna blog.. haah yah, cos im such a lazy bum.. so, just sit back and relax, enjoy the nice song!!! bye all!
***i am closest to bloggin genius that any lazy bum can get!***
Friday, July 09, 2004
-*- i wanna eat chok!
i wanna eat chok! u noe, like those ba chor chok? pee tan chok? those sticky porridge.. :( i wanna eat!! who wana buy for me?? right now!!! hmphf.. i dun think anyone would.. bleh..***i wanna eat my ba chor chok!
-*- im bored and blogging..
haiz man im so bored.. y didnt i shower earlier?!???? man im so sian.. now i have to wait for my dumb mess of hair to dry before i can go to bed!!! argh!haha well, i think i deserve it... didnt shower early.. reading mag till i lost track of time.. then even when dearie called and made me realise that it was 1 am already, i still didnt go shower.. silly dumb me..
oh well, by the time i finished reading the mag, it was already 4am! (hahah cos i wasnt really reading.. was staring into space.. very blur tonight..) bleh.. went for my extremely late and extremely hot shower... hot as in temperature, mind u.. so now im staring at the com, waiting for my hair to dry.. heh luckily i have a fren who's chatting with me,.. he lives in US, so his time is 1pm in the afternoon.. haah so we're chatting my hair dry! hahah
haiz im so tired! bleh.. but i have to wash hair.. see, for me, the point of showering is to wash my hair.. otherwise, i feel that there's no need to shower.. hahah i feel that there's no way that my body can be dirtier than my hair, considering the minute i sweat, most of it will come from forehead rather than body.. and directly, my hair will be dirty.. and since my hair is so long, alot of contact with the air.. and thus, easier to get dirty..
hahah so i cant bear not washing my hair.. though i cant bear not washing my body either.. hahah so i wash my hair and body alot.. hahah and the worst thing is, when i shower, i take very long... so say if i shower thrice a day (which i do, when i work.. i shower before and after work.. and after i come home from going out at night after work...) i will have to waste about 3 hours in my day.. hahah not a waste to me, but to many other people, they could make better use of the 3 hours, rather than shower.... hahah well, but i love having long showers, even if it means standing there for as long as i shower.. (well, if u noe me well, im a lazy person and doesnt like to stand.. hahah) i love to have the hot water splashing on me, and just stand there and feel my body get warmer.. damn shiok la..
hmmm well, all about my showers.. hahah my deep dark secrets.. haha.. hahah not very deep nor dark.. hahah everyone noes how long i take to shower.. that's y im always so late.. bleh.. but hey, i changed a lot liao.. im late less often!! haha that's a major change yanoe! haha bleh
haiz i think im too bored to blog.. oh man, my fren doesnt seem to want to chat anymore.. he's not replying!!! arhhhh!!! haha there goes my company...
hahah doesnt matter..i can still watch an episode of the taiwanese show i've finished watching but am re-watching.. it's such a good show.. not like those meteor garden crapshit.. it's got an extremely touching storyline and the most superb and fantabuloustic acting (once again, unlike the lousy ass crap meteor garden..)!! the characters are all so very much victims of fate and they all have their poor destinies.. haiz.. so poor thing.. and worst of all, i dunno who to hate when a character is all heartbroken and all... man. it's such a great show... oh anyway, it's called "at the dolphin bay" (hai tun wan lian ren, 海豚湾恋人)super touching show!! everyone should watch it!! hahah i have the vcd if anyone wants to borrow.. hahah
okie then i shall go watch my love story!!! byeeeeee
--hmm my fren replied.. apparently he quarrelled with his girl.. poor guy..
***i am so in love with the love show!***
Wednesday, July 07, 2004
-*- affectious me

cuddle and a kiss on the forehead - you like to be
close to your special someone and feel warm,
comfortable, and needed
What Sign of Affection Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Friday, July 02, 2004
-*- back from work, tired but smiling..
boo all!! hahah im back from my survey job!! erm actually i was back an hour ago.. just that i rested downstairs.. so didnt blog immediately.. haha anyway, ill be leaving in a bit to meet moi friend!!! darlin zarn!!! hehehso anyway, today was my 2nd day doing the survey.. erm this assigment actually 2 days only.. hahah so today was my last day also! hahahah
and guess what! im *SO* tired!!! hahah started at about 11.. then work till about 1... when my supervisor came and we tallied everything and went for lung (which i didnt eat)... then at 2.30, we started again..
before 1, i finished about 6, out of which there were 3 *ahem* i cheated a bit.. wahahha cheated quite a bit.. hahah but nvm la.. then the other 3 i think i also cheated a bit.. cos the survey is tooo damn hard.. so have no choice but pakat with the respondents.. if not very hard to do la.. haiz... so 6 before lunch... after lunch, i did another 5 i think.. wasnt very good, cos i slackened a lot.. was tired liao.. hahaha so i did 5 (out of which one of them is my uncle and one is another cheat)... hahah i very cheaterbug.. but the uncle one is true one.. hahah
so at 5, we stopped everything liao.. by the time, we;ve tallied everything and my friend and i were given more quota to be taken home to do.. haha so all in all, i've done 6 (from yesterday) + 11(from today) + 5 (quota given to me to bring home)!!!! tat's 22!!!!!! shiok man! i shd have told them to come bedok yesterday!!! truth is, it IS a lot easier than at AMK! and people here are more friendly.. so ya.. plus the flow of people is higher, which means higher chances of getting more people!!! so today was shiok day!!!
hahah i cant stop smiling man!!! when i was on my way home la.. hahah cos i earned like $132 in a day!!! man! if only i could work for this survey thing for everyday!!! hahah but it is precisely because it's so limited and very rare that they are willing to pay more.. cos fewer people will be willing to do this kinda job.. hahah cept for students la.. hahah ;p
hahah so im happy! happier than ever! about the job stuff la! hahah so glad that i have this company to come to whenever im broke! hahah
oh, but one downside.. i cant get the money till they verify everything and confirm that i did my job well.. hahah so that'll be earliest next month... but hey, if i had done my tuition job thing, i would be getting like $90 at the end of one month.. so about the same la.. hahah oh well.. at least im happier this way... *beeeeeeg wide grinz*
and guess what! i feel richer.. even though i may just spend all the money at once when i get it, ill feel shiok that i have the money to spend!!! hahahah ;p
***i am almost very rich!***
back from work, tired but smiling.. -
-*- guess im happier this way...
well, something i didnt tell everyone last nite.. erm last entry.. i had another reason for being a bitch that i was last nite...i had another assignment with my market research company.. and they had called me when i was considering deserting my student (which i did eventually, check out my prev entry)... and it was one of the factors y i decided that i wanted out of the tuition job.. but still, distance was the main factor..
anyway, if anyone noes about this survey job, u shd noe that they pay pretty well.. so yesterday at about 6 plus when i was having my dinner, and contemplating the idea of deserting my student-to-be, i got a call from this woman in that company.. the sruvey company that is.. she told me there's an assignment for today (thurs) and tmr (fri..).. and asked me if my friend and i were interested, which i was.. so i told her ill get back to her... so at that point i was thinking..if i can get $12 for a survey, y would i wanna travel so far and go thru so much trouble for the same amt for an hour (that's counting in the carpark fees, and not including the commision.. if i were to consider the amount taken away from me as commission, it will be less, but only for the 1st mth...)..
anyway, i realised that i really couldnt go for that 1st lesson, even if that will make things better.. cos ill be attached from the very first lesson... that's what i think would have happened to me, if i were to go for the very first lesson.. cos im a person who gets adapted to new people rather easily.. so if i had gone i would have more reasons to stay for the pitiful money... in case i regret anything, i had decided that i shdnt take up the tuition assignment.. so ya..
anyway i was saying.. if i can earn $12 per survey, y not i do that? i mean, ya, it's not a regular job where i can get money every month.. but at least i earn more, and i definitely will do less.. i dunno, i imagine that if i were do tuitioning, i would be putting more effort than neccessary.. unlike my stupid sis who did it only for money.. so ya for the effort and the time, i shd be paid more!!! haha so ya.. so i went for the survey job..
which i did today.. and was quite good... i did only 6.. cos the quota quite hard to achieve.. but well, that's $72!!! like half of what i may be earning if i were to take up the tuition! in a day! haiz but was quite hard work.. well cos i really put in effort!! *proud* hehe so ya.. that's for today.. chiong!!!! for tomorrow!! haha
*jiazi jia you!!!*
yay! hahha okie then.. that's all today!!! check this blog out for my results for my survey job tmr!!! byeeeee~!
***i am happier with my survey job that pays well... rather than the far far faraway tuition job!***
guess im happier this way... -