Wednesday, June 30, 2004
-*- meanie me...
im so mean! haiz as everyone knows, i had been looking for tuition jobs since like forever... so on monday, i accepted an assignment.. pri 6, english maths and chinese.. every week twice. each 1.5 hours, at serangoon..so i accepted it liao right? was supposed to be there now. haiz well, no longer.. cos i called my agency TWO hours ago.. and told them i wanted to cancel.. cos it's too little for too much.. it's alllllllllll the way in serangoon!!! goodness!! damn far.. and even if i drive it's quite far.. quite only.. but still far.. haiz .. plus it's only $180.. i noe i noe.. it's $15 per hour liao.. but if i travel to and fro, in the end i may be getting way less than $180 per month..cos i have to pay the petrol, the carpark(which i had thought i can just escape from but my dad says i have to put.. hahahah) and not considering the wasted fri evenings that i can spend long weekends with my dearie...
haiz so i called to cancel.. haiz i think the agency quite.. erm make it extremely unhapi with me.. cos i very irresponsible.. haiz i feel the same.. but lemme explain my irresponsible action..
like i said, it's super far.. so i wont earn enough.. 2nd if it's so far, i will become disinterested.. and will give up eventually.. which is not wat i wanna do.. cos i dun wanna waste the student's time.. i noe, u may say that im making excuses.. maybe i am.. but before i even went i ws already a bit sian of the distance liao.. i was excited that i got a student.. but the distance too much liao.. a bit siannening..
3rd, if i go for a week or two then give up, i wont get any money at all! haiz cos the commission is the 2nd week take one so if i go for two weeks ill be tuitioning for the agency to earn my money.. haiz so after some considerations, i called the woman up and cancelled..
haiz i felt soooo bad... well, cos i was determined not to waver, so i kept lying.. said that my this other student wanna increase his lessons.. so i cant take new assignments.. haiz i feel very bad.. but after that i felt a lot better.. cos the agent was quite unhappy and said that my parents are unreasonable... cos they were talking in the background. said something that she shdnt force me to pay her the 50% commission.. which she was saying that i must pay her the commission cos i cancel last minute.. haiz it was reasonable for her to say la.. but then again if i can pay her money i wont need to work would i? haiz so ya.. then she said my parents are rude and all... which made me quite pissed...
so i decided not to be nice and all softspoken (cos i was in the wrong, so my apologies were all kind and soft and reasonable, hopefully she wont be too unhapy).. and said that all i can do is to find a replacement for her.. tat kinda thing... then it all ended with her hanging up the phone on me.. which made me feel much much much better.. cos even if im super pissed with anyone, i wont hang up on her.. haiz not that im mean, but if her attitude wasnt that bad i would have been more sorry.. haiz oh well but im terrible mean too.. so ya..
but now, the thing is over.. i think what im gonna do is to go slot my own pamphlets and hope that someone will call me and ask me to tuition their kids.. haiz im mean...
***i am mean mean meanie me!***
Tuesday, June 29, 2004
-*- names... and names.. and names...
hello all! im so bored!!! so decided to do this!!!X | Xenophobic |
U | Unforgettable |
J | Juicy |
I | Influential |
A | Amazing |
Z | Zonked |
I | Industrious |
check this out!! this is me!! hehehe.. hmm im not xenophobic!!! erm, maybe just towards foreigners from certain countries la.. erm *ahem* certain countries.. hahahaha... but hey! im definitely unforgettable and amazing!!! not to say influential!! ;p
next up: my dearie!
V | Virtuous |
I | Industrious |
N | Naughty |
C | Confused |
E | Exquisite |
N | Normal |
T | Tempting |
F | Funky |
U | Unreal |
hahahahahh virtuous my ass!!! haha but he's definitely industrious.. when he wants to win, he tries his best to win! and u noe wat, he wants to win in everything... so the hardwork is motivated by his wanting to win evrything! hahah and he's not normal!!! he's sooooo special!! hehe so so so special to ME!! hehe
next up: zarnnie!!!
Z | Zonked |
E | Eccentric |
N | Nutty |
hahah well, zen IS a bit nutty... hahahah
next up: jemimimimimimimimok!!!
J | Jolly |
E | Exhausting |
M | Modern |
huh? exhausting?!?! hahah that i dunno.. but jolly! heheh makes me picture her like a fat fat cuddly santa claus!! hahah
next up: joey-roo!!!
J | Jolly |
O | Odd |
E | Enchanting |
Y | Yucky |
NOO!!! joey is not yucky! hrmph!!! stupid thing! but hey, u are enchanting!!! erm in a good way la! :P
next up: lizzzzzzzzzie!!!
L | Luxurious |
I | Ideal |
Z | Zany |
A | Astounding |
R | Radiant |
D | Dainty |
hah! dainty?!?!?!?!?!?!? *sees a lot of question marks above my head* hahaah erm liz u r so not dainty... dunno man dainty gives me a very domestic feeling.. so ya.. haha but hey, erm a consolation: u are zany!!! wahahahah wahahahahahah wahahahahhahaha!!!!
next up: weewee!!!
W | Wicked |
E | Edgy |
E | Emotional |
L | Light |
E | Exquisite |
N | Natural |
G | Glamorous |
hahah now! see arh wee wee, i got include u arh!!! heheh but this thing is sooooo wrong!! cept for the first line, the rest all doesnt describe u! bleh.. hahhah
Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com
haha okie that's the end of my lameness!! these are the acros of the people that DO read my bloggie and whom mi luvviess lots!! heheh erm if u wanna do one of these for yourself on ur own blog, just enter ur name above k? *wide grinz* okie! sign off now!! hehe byeeeeeee!!!
names... and names.. and names... -
Saturday, June 26, 2004
-*- primary school gathering..
hehe aint that cute? i had a primary school gathering!!! quite fun la actually.. cos we havnt met up in years... and seriously years!! some of them i totally didnt see since pri 6.. haha so tat's 8 yrs? hmm loong time!! hmm but those that went today i did see them last time i went for gathering i think.. erm and that was like sec 2?hahah actually was very nice feeling to have met up with them.. all thanx to friendster, everyone got back into contact with everyone (well most of us...).. so one of them decided to have a gathering.. so she arranged and got everyone to contact whoever they can.. so we all did.. and i got two of my pri sch kakis!! hahah we were the *ahem* erm... er famous.. erm ahem .. famous six.. hahha erm obviously, there were 6 of us... and we hung out very often everyday after school before remedial.. rocks! hahah so today i only managed to get two out of the four that i still keep in contact with..
ya so we went orchard to eat... quite fun la.. hehe cos everyone told everyone how everyone else is doing.. erm there were a total of about 15 people? i think.. but only about 9 of us stayed for the whole dinner.. ehm i think 9 of them met then i joined them, at wisma..(10)then one guy left.. (hahah i was late for about an hour.. then when they gave up waiting for me, i told them i was already coming down the wisma lift and told them to wait for me at the aquarium.. hheh and they were nice enough to wait.. hehe..) then we went paragon.. and one guy joined us..(11) then we went into spageddies of paragon, and another girl joined us(12), followed by another guy(13).. then he went off after like 5 mins.. cos he had to rush for a movie.. then we started dinner.. and lastly, one more girl joined us(14)... so about 15 of us.. heheh
actually the gathering was really quite fun la.. mainly cos me and my two kakis chatted like we didnt belong to the group.. haahahha the rest was chatting happily and then the 3 of us, plus the last girl who joined us, chatted in our own world! haha cos we havent met for years and we were damn kaki last time.. so must update one another ma.. hehe ;p
haiz so just like that we talked and talked.. until it was getting very late.. like 10.. hahah i noe 10 is damn early.. but i had planned to leave at 9 becos i had another bbq to go to.. haiz sadly i didnt go that bbq.. when dearie called me and asked me where i was (at 10pm), i was still at spageddies and the bbq had ended.. too bad for me i guess.. hehe cos i had actually really wanted to go.. cos he's quite a good friend.. sorry monkey!!!! not that he reads my blog anyway.. hahah
oh well, no point being sorry about it, since it's now tooooo late and im already back at dearie's place.. heheh but i think the bbq went well.. cos the food was all gone at 10!! and it started at like 7? so i conclude that it went pretty well... ;)
and the pri school gathering went very well!! quite happy to have gone.. :P was glad to see so many of them.. and many of the guys actually changed.. hehe veyr fun la.. am happy... hehehe... and especially happy to see my two darling kakis.. even though i see one of them quite often in school.. haahah same fac la.. ;p
so anyway, just wanted to blog about my pri sch gathering.. hehe still find it very cute, cos it's pri sch gathering... primary school leh!!! heheh
but from the dinner, it's very obvious that i have forgotten alot of the things and people from the past... even though it's just 8 yrs ago.. hehe but fond memories, there are still quite a handful.. so am glad, quite happy today... :D
***i am happy to have gone to the primary school gathering!**
-*- *stalked*
wahah wat a lame title for a blog eh? haha well, not in the mood to blog.. but thought i shd update all my belovedededed friends.. hehe... and also share my frightening experience yesterday...hehe so anyway, yesterday met up with dearie.. went to fetch him from camp at 6 sharp!!! i was punctual.. like for once.. hahah yesh i shall be given some credit! hahah but im usu not that late either (note dear,usu i really am not VERY late lor...).. about 15mins and max 30 mins.. used to be much much much later, like an hour or so.. wahhaha.. but now im trying my best to improve!! really!!! heheh so anyway, i went to drive him right? so hor, i went by the long long PIE... and that's when it happened...
i was driving happily (not exactly speedin.. just about 100kph? heheh that's not very fast.. so ya.. ).. and enjoying the new cd that i just burnt.. actually vin was the one who burned it.. very nice songs.. and they are songs that he likes too! so he cant complain that i listen to trashy songs... hahah i listen to songs by holly valance and so.. hahah but i have other nice songs too!! just dun like them as much.. hahah
oops but i digress.. anyway i was saying.. i was happily cruising (music is made for love, cruisin it made for love, i love it when we're cuisin together... lalalal) okie, back to my topic.. erm cruisin.. so i was cruising along the PIE.. passed kallang, passed toa payoh.. then i realised there's this motorcycle that's very close to my car.. as in almost like right beside leh.. except it was beside the back of my car.. i was driving at a normal speed right? so i thought i was too slow for the motorcycle.. then i kept to the lane left to mine (ie the 2nd lane from right).. and continued at the speed i was at.. and guess what! the dumb bike followed my car to the left.. then went at the same speed as my car!!! as in same lor.. when there's another car in front of me, naturally, i'd slow down right? and the bike slowed down with me.. and when i sped up, he sped up!! scarie lor!! then after that i was thinking maybe i was being over sensitive.. so i just kept back to the right most lane again, and began going a bit faster.. (i was going about 60-70 kph, when i kept back on the right most lane, i went at 80-90?..) so i was going at about 80kph.. and that freak followed me to the right most lane, keeping at my left side, and followed my speed! ricidulous!!! i was freaked...
by then i was at the BKE exit already and was nearing the speed camera.. so i decided to slow down again and keep the 2nd lane.. going at about 70-80kph.. and that freak followed!!!! so i decided to ignore him and move on and continue enjoying my music.. and guess what!!! he moved up next to my window and looked in!!! as in look at me in the face, as if to see if i was someone he knew!!! i was freaked!! but decided that he must be thinking that i looked like someone he knows or something.. so i turned away after one look.. but he continued to follow me, now right next to my window!!! and kept looking in!!! i was freaked!! and very pissed! cos i obviously dont noe him and he still kept following so closely!!!
and after a long while, i sped up, like went up to 120kph.. thinking that he probably wont follow.. cos he may not be REALLY following me.. so i sped along the right most lane.. and he FOLLOWED!!!!!!! FREEEEEEEAKKKKKKKKK!!!
and then i slowed down and sped up whenever and wherever i pleased.. and he followed my speed up and down, down and up!! freeeeeeeeeeeaky!
anyway, so by the time i was really getting scared (which was after he followed me even when i went 120kph).. i was more than halfway there.. and i was at i think bukit batok east or somthing.. so i was very worried that he may follow me all the way to vin's camp, which is a very secluded place and had extremely few cars... cept for when it's the day when everyone books out, which yesterday, it wasnt... so i was getting quite worried.. and decided to slow down to msg my dearie (erm ya, while driving, so shoosh!) about my worry.. and guess what, while i was msging, that madman was actually at my passenger side, looking in!!
after i msged dearie, (which he ignored!! harumph!) i kept on driving (he's still following close and looking in) for a bit more.. then i decided to call him.. to ask him to come out asap in case that freak followed me to his camp.. so i picked up my hp from the passenger seat and put on the ear piece (he's still lookin...) and started to call.. and at the very sec that i put the earpiece on and started to call, he moved to the left and went off to the exit.. was the corporation road exit i think.. even as that mad man went off the exit, maybe i was over sensitive or something.... but i think he still kept glancing back.. freakkkie.. i was reaaaaaally freaked lor..
so when the call was connected (i was calling vin, remember?).. i told vin all about it n he wasnt even worried! bleh.. hahah but then again, it was over.. phew.. i was very worried that he'd follow me all the way leh! i really wouldnt have known what to do..
hahah and guess what, even after he went off the PIE, i kept a lookout for him, just in case he exited just for show and went back onto the P.I.E straightaway.. *brrrr* was sooooo freaked out!! hahah..
haiz so it was over there and then... btw, i copied down his plate number.. shall not disclose.. but if i happen to see the bike again, i will hv the plate number.. so ya..
brrr.. tat was the end of the stalk incident.. as much as u may think im being over sensitive, i reaaaaally do believe that he was following me, or at least he was just getting a kick out of scaring the freak out of people, esp young drivers.. (cos im young, duh, and i had the p-plate.. which means im inexperienced, supposedly..) i sped up and slowed down too often and he followed too closely liao.. so i just have to believe that he was, in fact, following me.. brrr...
haiz anyway, that was just a scary experience.. and it's over now! hahaha so let's talk about happier things!!! i met vin vin today again!! yay!! for dinner and shopping!!! hhahaha bought presents for our friends who are celebrating their birthdays together tmr.. erm 2 guys la.. hehe bought a real interesting thing for one of them.. hahah
ooh!! and i bought an extremely pretty skirt from mng!!!! SOOOOOOO happie!!! hehe it's the casual collection from mng.. it's this green color skirt with a very flowy feeling.. and it's slit on both thighs, as in the front of it.. and it looks very torn and tattered but extremely pretty!! im soooo happy!! hehe and my darling friend actuallu said it's a GOOD BUY!!! wahahha while i think it is the BEST buy of the year!! so far la! hahah and altho ill be extremely broke for the rest of the month, im contented with the buy!! (dear: sorry that im such a spoilt brat.. *_*)
***i am happy with my pretty mng torn and tattered skirt, my best buy!***
Monday, June 21, 2004
-*- pretty headings..
haiz, not that anyone will actually notice.. but i have pretty headings!!!!! wheeeee!!! haha i noe they look totally simple and plain, but it's a diff kind of heading from the ones i had before!! haha my headings used to be just font.. but now, these are .jpg images!!!!and check out the

mehehehe i lurve my blog.. i think it has tranformed from something that i found lame and pointless to something that's quite a part of my lifE!!! and all thanks to blogger!! and a little credit to zen.. hehe cos even tho i had a blog, i didnt bother to write anything.. only cos she always complained that i always dun have new entries that i try to write more often.. hehe thankies zarnnie!! (btw, i just realised having a blog has made my english worse than ever.. *oopz*)
***i am so in love with blogging!***
Sunday, June 20, 2004
-*- rachel green!

I'm Rachel Green from Friends!
Take the Friends Quiz here.
created by

ooh wow.. if only im that hot! haha she's hot! but she's not exactly my fave.. i think my fave is phoebe! hehe she rocks! and she's always so unexpected! hehe. but i like rachel nonetheless.. just not my fave.. a little spoilt.. hehe but she is HOT!
***i am rachel green, i am spoilt, and hot!***
Wednesday, June 16, 2004
-*- ***warning***
a very long entry about a very short trip
wheee im back! and very rested! slept at 8 plus last nite, woke up at 10 plus, chatted with dearie and watched tv till 3.. hahah then slept till just now at about 12.. shiok rest man!
anyway, so glad to be home. was a great trip tho... but we didnt get a lot of shoppin done.. how very sad for me.. only bought 2 pairs of flipflops sandals, a skirt, a bag and a pen for dearie.. (actually the pen was for me, but since he's complaining that he doesnt have a pressie, im giving it to him... it's a very unique pen, and i actually have one already, just that wanted to buy another one in case the one i have breaks.. so i shd give it to vin la..hehe)
hmm i may sound like i bought a lot of things, but really, i didnt.. was so sad.. cos we only had like a few hours in total to shop!! all in all i think we had about 5 hours to shop? out of THREE days! damn.. hheh. but well, i did buy something, so i shall shudup. hehe.. but we didnt go those night markets thingie! haiz i lurve those night markets! haha cos can discount here discount there.. hahah if shopping is my top fave hobby (cos i actually think sleeping is my first. hahaha...), bargaining is 2nd on the list! hahha but well, sadly we didnt go the night markets. bleh.
first day (sunday 13 jun '04) - surprisingly, rainy day, in bangkok that is.
woke up at 10am plus, prep to leave and everything (with a lot of rushing from my parents, they just have to spoil my happy mood. bleh)... reached singapore airport at about 1115am.. (we HAD to be there at 11am, and now we were late! bah).. checked in and everything, then we went into the transit area to slowly slowly slowly walk to the gate where we were supposed to go.. and we boarded the plane at about 1pm and we flew!!! hahah
the flight was horrendouS!!! lotsa turbulence and since i was trying to watch a movie on krisworld, i felt like puking within half hr into the show!!! and so i stopped, till i felt better and started to watch again! hahha cos the show was quite funny.. erm show's name was "Someone Like You"...
reached bangkok at about 4pm sg time. then we were sent to the hotel in a coach.. and since the traffic of bangkok is well known in the world, it took us about 2 hrs to reach the place.. we arranged to have a minibus to fetch us at 6pm bkk time. which meant we had an hour (the time diff is an hour. sg faster) to shower or change or watever we wanna do, then go lobby to wait for the mini bus (there were 11 of us, so it'll be easier to hv our own transport, rather than taking taxi or tuk tuks).
so we prep and everything and boarded the bus at 6pm bkk time. went to chinatown to eat.. after eating, we were contemplating the possibility of the rain stopping so we could go to this four-faced buddha that we go since i was young.. we decided that it wouldnt stop anytime soon, so we went shopping at MBK.. ( i think its mah boon kong or smth like that)..
then after shopping, we went to the four faced buddha.. this place rocks! erm as in u pray there, it does come true.. tht kinda thng. so i lurve going there.. really, even if i pray for very common thing, i still like gng.. so we went there on sunday evening, and when we reached it started to rain again (the rain stopped when we were leaving MBK).. so we prayed in the rain.. was actually quite a nice feeling.. :) so we prayed..
after that we went back to the hotel and took out showers.. then we prep to go MASSAGE!!! so shioK!! was a two hour massage.. very nice lor.. shiokk... i keep drifting off to sleep and back during the massage.. heheh then my cousin, Haohao (his pict is on my pic gallery for this trip) went for the massage also.. haha and he was giggling throughout the whole massage! haha damn funny! cos we shared a massage room, mi him my parents, cos they were worried about him in a single room, hahah scared he kena raped (he's only 15years old).. haha so the four of us shared a room.. but our massage beds separated by curtains.. and he kept laughing cos he found the massage very ticklish.. so for the first hour, we only hear him laughing.. but in the 2nd hour, cos he's used to it already, so he started to enjoy it la.. as for me, it was damn shiok.. but i feel for the masseuse.. cos she had to massage for 2 hrs straight! haiz anyway, i enjoyed the massage..
after the massage, all of us went to the 7-11 near our hotel and had cup noodles, hotdogs and other food.. shiok.. i took my cup noodles to slowly enjoy in the hotel room..shiok! hahah that's enjoying life! hehe after eating, me and Hao watched soccer.. France vs England.. so xciting! but i only watched till half time, which effectively means i missed the zidane penalty and the zidane goal, all in the 90th min.. bleh.. i was supporting england.. hehe.. but i was woken up by my cousin's shouts! hahah he was so happy, cos he likes france.. haha.. hmm so that's the end of my first day (and night)..
day 2 (saturday 14 jun 04) - still, rainy day.. but mostly cloudy too.
that day was a half day tour day.. so we had to wake up at 8am sg time.. which we did, hahah, but with a lot of snoozing.. hehe finally, we woke up at 810am.. went for breakfast and off we went! to the half day tour of bangkok! it was boring, cos we went to the places before... but was a bit fun, only cos i was playing the whole day with my little cousin.. she's 7 years old, and extremely adorable! heheh.. so we went to the floating market and this cheng-an temple or somthing.. it's for this particular emperor who saved bangkok from laos or smth.. hahah not that i really cared..
oh and also, we were in the same grp as this actor guy in mediacorp.. erm his name is chen tianwen.. then my that 7 yr old cousin kept saying that it's shaoqi.. haha cos in the 9pm show (the one with zoe tay and edmund chen..) he acted as shaoqi.. hahah then my cousin damn funny, kept looking at him and all.. haha
but near the flosting market, there was this part of the river that has a lot of a particular type of fish and we could buy bread and feed them.. was damn fun, cos we bought like 20 very long loaves of bread and fed them,.. i mean, i've been there, but it's always fun.. and we saw the vry special white fish.. erm same breed, just that it's all white instead of black pr grey or watever the color is.. it's in the pic gallery, check it out! and look out for the white fish in the pict!!! hehe.. anyway the white fish is said to bring good luck la. so if u feed it the bread, and it eats it, it means u will be very lucky.. just saying only.. i think it ate my mum's bread, my dad's bread and i think also my auntie's bread.. hahah so they're lucky eh? haha
after the floating market thingie, we went to the sam MBK to shop again.. but this time for only 45 mins.. hahah but i managed to get 2 pairs of flipflop sandals and took two very pretty printies... i lurve these prints from bangkok.. their neo print machines are very different from those in sg.. they actually have people tending the machines. and they use computers to do the neoprints. meaning they use webcam to take the picts and use high quality printers to print.. then they use the plastic covers to laminate.. all in all, very pretty.. and we can take as many takes as we like and print as many of the same ones as we wan.. and the different takes, we can use different background colours.. man these neo prints machines, they ROCK!
anyway, after the limited shopping time, we went back to the hotel and prep to leave to pray and go this particular special temple and go chinatown to the same restaurant to eat again... we prep and went to the lobby to wait for the 2nd half of our grp (my bro in law, his parents and his sis and her hubby) to reach, they had arrived in bkk a day later than us.. and thus we had to wait for them to join us for the evening's activities..
so when everyone was here, we went ahead to the special temple.. now, this temple, it's not just for praying.. it's a temple which offers a very special "service", so to speak.. people go there to buy coffins, for the dead whose family cant afford a proper burial or who dont have any family or whatever that makes them unable to have a proper burial.. so in the temple, there is this counter that allows people to make payments to buy coffins (or some kinda box to contain) for the dead for proper burials. each "coffin" is about 650baht, about S$28.. that includes the proper attire and some other stuff.. or u can let them have a grander burial, erm if im not wrong, a better burial method or something, at $5000baht.. that's about S$210... so my parents, my auntie, and a bunch of other people in the grp went ahead and did the purchase of the coffins for the dead.. it's quite interesting la, i think, this temple.. so ya.. after that we went for dinner at the same place as the first evening....
haiz at dinner, cos the driver of the minibus was out with us since 5pm bkk time, he didnt have his dinner, so my dad gave him some money to buy dinner for himself.. while we had our dinner. and guess what, after dinner, when we went to the place that we set to meet the driver, we realised that the minivan was wheel-locked.. as in the wheel had been clamped, and we couldnt move at all. cos we had planned to go back to the four faced buddha and then go back to the hotel to watch ah gua show, and it was already an hour and 45 mins b4 the show was gonna start, evrryone was worried that we would miss the show.. so more than half the grp went to the temple themselves, or back to the hotel.. leaving me, my parents and my cousin behind to wait for the driver whole he went to pay for the fine in order to get the clamp unlocked.. he was so poor thing, he walked a very long way just to pay the fine.. and my mum was actually damn pissed with him.. haiz tho my mum knows that he had no chioce and didnt say much to him.. anyway, so the problem was solved about 45 mins b4 the ah gua show starts.. and we went to the four faced buddha to fetch the part of the grp that went there and wentback to the hotel, having enough time for me and my cousin to go up to the room to get our jackets...
and the show begins! hahah the ah gua show rocks! i mean, i had seen ah gua (tranvestite) shows before, but they were nv so hot!! u can check out the picts in my gallery.. i mean they are totally hot! but maybe not all of them and maybe not their faces. but their bodies!!! damn i was so jealous.. hahah but hey, then again, i think they quite poor thing.. i mean it's like they've been played a trick by god lor.. obviously they are "meant to be" women (in a way), but they are trapped in a man's body! they are so much more feminine than i am, mind u.. haiz then like so poor thing.. and even when they go thru so much procedure and everything, they still cant deny the fact that they ARE, still, men.. haiz.. anyway, the picts are in the gallery.. check it out ya..
anyway, after the show was packing time.. hahah cos my parents had actually wanted to bring my bro in law and his family to massage one, so me and haohao stayed in the hotel packing.. hahah but turns out, the massage house was closed.. hhah .. anyway, so we did our packing while eating cup noodles (again!! hahah im telling u, the cup noodles there is fantabulouStic!).. but i didnt really get anything done.. was fooling around with my camera.. hahah fiddling with it and taking lame picts (like this one.. ) so ya.. after the shower then i packed properly.. put everything in and everything packed then went to bed after watching the first half of the sweden bulgaria match (which i found out in the morning, in the 2nd half, 4 goals were scored by sweden, pushing the score to 5-0!!!)..
3rd day (aka last day) -- erm didnt stay there long enough to noe how was the weather.. haha
wakie at 9 plus sing time.. put the last of my stuff (my pjs and towels)into the luggage and went down for breakfast.. heheh then after that, went back up to take the luggages to the lobby.. hahah after which i managed to sneak out of the hotel with haohao to make a quick call to my dearie.. hehe cost me $100baht, about S$4.2.. for a 3-4 mins call.. bleh.. hehe then off to the airport we went!!!
at the airport, we realised that stupid tour guide woman told us the wrong time, and we had to wiat 2 hrs, instead of the one hr that we had thought.. so anyway, we went into the transit area and my auntie, parents and this friend of my mum started to play mahjong!! hah but not those tiles one! haha it's those card mj.. quite cool la.. but man their rates are high! anyway, in the bit of an hour they played, my mum won S$70.. but then again i think my mum was quite lucky..
hehe and guess what, in the hour that they played the mahjong, i was missing for about 10 mins.. hehe cos i went to call my dearie!! hhahah used up the last of the $200 baht in the phone card that i bought (which was $300 baht)... so ya.. quite nice la..
at 1320hrs bkk time, we flew.. from bkk to sg!! yeah home sweet home!! and on the plane, before we even took off, i fell asleep already! haha damn tired la.. cos didnt really sleep alot on the whole trip.. bleh.. conked out immediately!! haha then woke up for lunch.. and a little bit of friends on the plane then tada! im in singapore! haah went straight home and had a great rest...
well, that's the whole of my trip.. hahah damn long.. sorry arh, bery loh soh.. bleh.. hehe k then hope u enjoyed my trip in bangkok! hehe
what i realised in this trip: mi miss dearie lots!!! hahah dun think i can do without him man! hahah but im serious.. was very glad to reach singapore, cos i was so much nearer him!!! he was the first i msged!! hahah
okie then. signing off!!! byeeee~!
***i am much nearer to deardear now!***
a very long entry about a very short trip -
Sunday, June 13, 2004
-*- bangkok here i come!!!
hmm last entry before i go bangkok..ehm, in case anything happens:
dearie: i love u soooooo much!!! and i noe u love me too.. hehe mmmmuackx!!!
zen, jem, jo, zard: mi wuv u guys too! -hugz-
hmm actually these are the only people who checks my blog.. haha but nvm...
kong, lay, and my ktv kakis and mj kakis: ya, me lovies u peeps too!
wah i think that's all, hahah but hey, my love is only so much. heheh.. not everyone can get it! hahaha
ehm actually hor, haha ill be home soon.. dont miss me too much! it's only THREE days.. hahaha..
but ill miss dearie.. mmmmuackx! *i doubt he'll miss me.. bleh*
bye peeps! cya when i come home!
Saturday, June 12, 2004
-*- bangkok!!!!
wheee!! im leaving for bangkok in about 12 hrs! mehehe shiok! erm but im a little sad to be unable to talk to dearie for three days... hahah but hey, it's only three days.. haha cos we only going there to pray..but im going to shop too! wheehehehe.. meheh i think not very exciting.. hahah right.. cos shopping is only my FAVOURITE pasttime? hahah im excited la.. hmm i think i tok too much crap. bah.
anyway, im leaving at about 12nn tmr.. then returning on tues afternoon. like about 3 or 4pm.. hehe.. so ill be MIA again! hahah but this time im happier! haha
erm ya, i think that's all for now! for today, for until tues! hahah or even wed! haha cos i'd prob sleep till wed then blog! hahah im a bum! bleh..
erm ya, i think i'd better start packing now.. wahahahah
hmm but got soccer.. shd i watch? haha actually i dun even noe what country vs wat country.. (now i do, portugal vs greece) hahaha but nvm i shall watch!!!
but i must pack!!!!!! haha
***i had better start packing now!***
Friday, June 11, 2004
-*- C & C & C (for comfort...)
wahahah im at C&C.. cycle & carriage.. brought the lancer here for servicing.. haha cos it has hit the 7000 mileage.. llalala... not that i really understand the need for servicing.. hahah as in i noe that it needs to be checked if everything is fine and everything.. but just that we just did the check abt 5000km ago.. hahah so ya.. aiya dun care, as long as it allows me to come here and be comfy!it's soooooo comfy here! like u cant guess, they have a computer here... two actually... but i wun need both would i.. hahah and there's wireless internet access available!! whee... so shiok.. it's like at home.. erm but maybe a little less privacy ( alot less more like it..)! hahah but damn shiok for a service centre! hahah but then again i think all service centres have these things.. hahah like a coffee machine that dispenses a lot of drinks, many comfy seats, tables, mags, newspapers, tv, etc etc... haahahah but it's soooooooo shiok! *enjoying the comfort at C&C!*
hahaha and u noe what's the best thing? im the youngest person here!!! haha as if im so young and i have a car.. haha but then again, if people think i own the car, they'll probably noe that my parents bought it.. hahahha i mean come on, i look so young! hahahahha lalala.. and pretty ! hahah :P *enjoying my hot and extremely sweet milo*
hahah actually im not waiting for the car to be ready. im waiting for my parents to come and fetch me.. muahahaha im such a bum! hahaha cos we're going to watch a movie! hahah so cute right.. we nv watch movies anymore.. haha we buy vcds.. cos my dad doesnt like watching movies.. cos my dad's legs are too long.. hahah then he'll be very uncomforatable when in the theatres! hahah aso lame.. *oopz, i finish my milo liao!! BOOHOO*
anyway, we are going to watch the jack neo movie.. the mandarin movie.. tu ran fan cai.. haha seems like my family all liked it.. as in my cousins and my aunties.. so they kept asking my mum to watch it.. so my dad asked me if i wanna watch with them.. hahha so cute eh? :D
lalalal i think it's gonna be a looooong wait.. hahah cos my parents werent ready yet when i left the house.. which was half hr ago.. hahah so ya.. wah i think ill miss bringing the car to servicing! haha the next time will be a long time after.. erm, now the mileage is 7500km plus.. next time it's 10k more.. which means about 17500.. hahah so looong time later liao.. hahahah so that's at least half a yr or more later.. hmm the last time i came for servicing (erm the car came for servicing) was sometime in mar or april i think.. so ya.. that was the 2000 km mark.. hahah cos my parents use the car ma.. so it's quite fast.. as in the clocking of mileage is faster than if i drive it.. so ya.. *hmm suddenly very conscious about blogging here hahah* anyway, so hope that my parents will drive more.. hahah so i can come! hahaha i like this place.. haha hmm i think the civic needs to go for servicing soon too.. hahah maybe honda has the same service.. probably does.. haiz.. cant believe it only took me 20 mins to come up with so much crap.. hahah usu it takes a long while b4 i can post.. wah i think now i dunno wat to do man... *gonna get another milo... wahahhaah*
hahah i wonder if i look like im doing something very important.. hahah like work or something.. hahah but i doubt la.. the stupid blogger posting layout so cartoonie.. lame.. it's uglified looking.. *catches a little bit of tv, bend it like beckham is gona be shown on tv! hmm and braveheart also? hahah that show is old.. bleh. vin loves it i think.. hahah* anyway, i cant stand jean danker & sheik haikel.. erm i think they are gonna host (i think) a variety show together or something.. crap.. i cant stand the big and flat face of jean danker and her act cute voice.. come on man, she's like so disgusting then she act all pretty and bitchy,.. hmm i dun like.. and that sheik? if he didnt sing the stupid lah song, i wouldnt dislike him so much.. and it's so unfair that he gets such a pretty wife!!! *hmm are they still together?* she's like sooo hot lor.. and he's like so not.. blegh.. *disgust* ( hmm i think it's more dislike than disgust la.. hahah but same diff! blah)
WHHEEEE my parents are here!!! hahaha gonna be greedy and get myself another milo and GO!! hahahahha meheheheh ya im getting the milo for my dad la *cheat cheat lie lie* hahahah bleh.. okie then, that's all for now! hahah glad to be blogging.. if not i wouldnt noe what to do! hahah that was a full half hour.. hahahha lalalal.. full-half.. ? hmm hahha lalal. okie then.. gone!
***i am sooooo pampered at C&C!***
Thursday, June 10, 2004
-*- where has my happiness gone?
i wanna find my happiness. how do i do that?there are times i feel that i have it, but within seconds, before i know it, ill lose it again.
how do i find my happiness and ensure i can keep it?
i wan my happiness to find me and stay with me.
where has my happiness gone? -
Tuesday, June 08, 2004
-*- helplessly M.I.A...
haiz yupz, i was missing in action for 3 whole damn days... haiz. and yup, i went malaysia with my parents.. bleh.. waste of time...on sunday late morning, (hahah meaning 12plus) i was woken up.. to go to my cousin's baby's one month old party thingie.. and i was told the damn news that i am going malaysia with my parents, my erjie (2nd sis), my grandad and grandma, my auntie and her hubby, plus a few of my cousins.. i didnt have a choice. no, i must pack and prep to leave after the party thingie.. dammit.. haiz lemme complain once more... my parents ALWAYS force me to go the damn country!!! Y??? y???? y?? haiz.. i hate malaysia! i officially hate malaysia! all my parents' fault, dont blame me...
anyway, pack i did.. malaysia i went.. haiz.. we reached the dumb country at about 6 pm on sunday.. went shopping at City Square and all..
haiz one good thing about this trip: i got to shop.. heheh managed to buy a pair of shoes (well, those sandals-like heels thingie.) from City Square.. hehe.. but not as nice as the ones that i REALLY wan.. hahah i dun really like the diamonds on the straps.. hhahaha but that makes the shoes look much more expensive than the other kind that i wanted.. heheh well, it is more expensive.. hahah i can buy two of those shoes with the one that i bought.. hahah i very mean, cos i was using my dad's money.. so cannot lugi.. hahah must buy more ex one! hrmph! hahaha
after shopping, we all went to eat.. then my erjie left for home (how i wished i could go back with her)..
after my sis left, the rest of us went back to my family's apartment in skudai (some place near Johor Baru).. went to sleep there for the nite.. heheh me and my cousins (erm 3 of them near my age and 2 about 7 and 9 years old..) played till very late.. heheh the mothers (ie my mum and the mother of 3 of the cousins that went.. well, my auntie la.. haha) cleaned the apartment, mopped the floors etc.. and we played uno on the bed.. hahah after uno, the cousins around my age and i played poker cards for until 3 plus 4 plus.. hahah shiok man! and we watched soccer after that.. haha the france vs ukraine match.. haha but i didnt finish watching it la.. bleh too tired la.. i still dunno the result! hahah not that i care la.. hahah...
the next day, monday morning, we woke up early (this time it's really not very late), at about 9 plus.. then wash up and prep to leave, to go melaka.. yupz, we went that far.. haiz..
after breakfast-cum-lunch at some very unhygenic-looking but very yummy food place, we headed for melaka.. reached melaka at about 3.. went to pray at this 2 temples that we always go.. since young, i've been going the temples every holiday..
and to our surprise, our used-to-be family friends were there too! so coincidental! cos we used to go there with them (as i've said, since young, i've been going)... then we, erm , broke contact.. haiz some big thing happened and all la.. super long story..
anyway, we chanced upon our used-to-be family friends there la.. n my buddy! hahah she's one of them, but the 2 of us still in contact.. and her parents and my parents are fine.. our mums chatted.. heheh.. and we chatted too.. she and her bro.. both of them are quite close to me.. of cos, the sister is close to me la! haha she's my buddy leh!!! haiz man i missed her.. very long nv go out with her liao! hahah *note: her bro is quite cute! hahaha
ya after the praying and all, we went SHOPPING! haha like i said, shopping is the only good thing in the whole trip.. hahahaha. and guess what, i got another pair of sandals! haahahha this one is more casual and much much cheaper! hahah and it looks simpler.. and according to my mum, it's uglier, but according to my dajie, it's prettier.. so ya.. hahahaha i love both the same.. diff occasions diff shoes... hahah that's me!
after shopping was dinner... big dinner man! hahah had a lot of food throughout the three day trip, i had about 100 meals.. hahha we ate non stop! no wait, i had one meal only... from sunday nite till just now after i had gelare waffle ice cream! hahahaha....
then we went back to the apartment, which meant a 2 hour drive from melaka to skudai again.. slept thru the whole trip.. hahahha imapig! bleh
when we reached back at skudai, we played till very late again.. and we ate and ate and ate.. we finished 8 cup noodles and about 8 eggs and a lot of cakes and bread!!! hahah amongst the 2 kids, and the 4 of us that were around the same age (me being eldest.. followed by a guy 2 yrs younger and his sis, who's one year younger, and this other cousin, one year younger than the girl...), and our parents.. hahaha but the 4 of us ate the most!! hahah cant help it, we're pigs! hahah then watched tv till about 5 then sleep.. bleh..
tues morning.. the day we were left the damn country.. but we didnt leave till 6pm.. haiz.. in the morning, they woke up at 10 plus i think, but i woke up at 2pm.. hahhaha pig la wat to do... hahah they went for brunch without me, and two other cousins (the two guys..)... they bought lunch back for us.. heheh
after lunch, i cleared the table (my cousins made a big mess and left!) and cleaned the room.. hahah cos i was the last to wake up and it's sort of like our home also.. so ya, i had to fold everything from mattressesssssss to blankiessssssss... there were 2 kids and 2 adults who slept in that room thru the nite, so it was DAMN messy! but i cleaned! hahaha *proud of myself* (note: im as lazy as a bum.......)
anyway, after the kids came up from swimming (they went swimming after they had brunch and did some grocery shopping), after my parents did their errands (cos we have a shop and an apartment in m'sia so they had to do the pay bills thing and rental of shop thing, and the maintanence things.. alot of rubbish la..), we left for SINGAPORE (my dear dear dear homE!!!)!! YAY!
had dinner in some joo chiat place in singapore..hahah told ya i ate one meal since sunday till just now.. hahah when i got home from dinner at about 8 plus, i was asking people out for gelare! hahah managed to get my dajie to go with me! hahah had the yummas waffle icecream!!! wheeheeee!!!!
and now im super full and very happy to be home and blogging! haah i love my home soo much!!!
anyway, some other updates... erm actually just one, cos im very happy! haha cos i got my VS bra!!! hahah but only one of them.. cos i put one of them on my dajie's list.. haha n she ordered first, so she got her orders first! haha and so i got the one pink bra that i put in her list!!! wheeehee!! it's soooo pretty!!! and so comfy!!! and so cheap!!! WHAHAHAHAHAH!!! i love VS bras!!! yay! haha cant wait for the rest to reach!! hahaha yippee!!!! heheheh
***i love VS bras and i love Singapore and most importantly, i love my HOME!!***
Thursday, June 03, 2004
-*- youngest, lousiest and most useless...
im the youngest child of my mum, apparently, also the lousiest, the most useless, and the one that they shdnt have given birth to.im being unfairly treated! y am i the one the accompanies my parents the most and the one that gets shit from them the most???? why? why? why? just because i dont wanna go damn malaysia this ONCE (and with reason), she declared a war on me, refused to tok to me, refused to even sit on the bed im on, refused to look at me, refused to acknowledge my presence?
wat the hell? my own mum! angry with me and do these to me, just cos i said im not going with them to malaysia this ONCE! dammit, how many times have all my friends heard me saying i go malaysia with my parents??? lemme tell u, once last week, and at least once the week before last, and once in the week before!!! EVERY DAMN week im going malaysia! is it FUCKING wrong that i refused this time? i shd nv have agreed! once or twice was fine, and fun.. but EVERY DAMN WEEK!!!! and people know how much i dont really like malaysia... the dirt the dust and the people.. i mean im not being mean, but the people there aint the nicest people in the world!
now my mum so badly wants me to go there and become like them! wat the hell! and they scolded me for speaking like them! (note: they scold me for every-damn thing!) argh! y? y? y? y am i so unfairly treated? i dont see them being so mean to my sis! i dont see them scolding them for the slightest little thing! i dont see them scolding my sis for going out with her bf... whom btw, we TOTALLY dont know how he looks like... we dont even noe what he does, his age. and all.. all we noe is that she goes out late at nite and goes out in his car, a black merc... and i noe more dark secrets. but i shant disclose..
but i digress... why? why? why are parents parentS? y cant they be more caring (eh look i noe they care for me a damn lot, but y cant they show it more?) and be less domineering (they definitely are.. they force me to go home in the middle of my stuff for the slightest reason, and when i get home, i get scolded)? y cant they be more loving? show me that they support me? y? y do they have to scold me for nothing? y do they get angry with me ALL the time, and act like we are very loving at other times?
and more than that, when they knew that vin and i quarrelled (ya we do quarrel, despite the rumour and romantic ideals that we dont.. ;p) they werent too supportive.. she ignored the fact that i needed to sleep and played games on my com, right next to my bed.. and TOTALLY didnt care abt my feelings.. now what's that all about? have u seen a mum like that? and when they found out that we're fine (vin and i) they said we very wat, sometimes so close sometimes quarrel (note: that was the first time they noe that we quarrel and we're ALWAYS very close)... what a great supportive pair of parents right?
my dad also another one.. i noe he's not unhappy with me about today.. or at least he tried not to show.. i think he is but since my mum was soooo showing her unhappiness, i think he didnt wana make me sad by being unhappy as well.. but all the other times, he always scolds me for littlest thing also.. haiz for not putting things back in place, for not buying the things he told me to buy, for not coming home on time (yes, the 20 damn year old woman has a damnin curfew of 12mn), for going vin's place too often, for going out too often, for not finding a job, for practically everything. haiz my life is so sad...
i mean, it's sooo great when we all have fun time together.. but y do they have to turn monstrous when i do my own stuff once or twice? when i refuse their offer? i mean it's not like they told me a day or two ago, that i MUST go malaysia with them, and i MUSTNT have any plans for today.. last nite i was just toking to them and they didnt say anything! y cant i make plans for myself?
haiz just cos their offday is today means i MUST not make planes and i MUST sit around and wait for them to think of where they wanna go, and what they wanna do and what they wanna force me to do and where they wanna force me to go? haiz.. this sux...
anyway, according to reliable source of info (my cousin, who went with them with her bro, who knew about this whole damn thing, who was informed and didnt make plans..), they are reaching malaysia.. haiz and they may be staying at our apartment inside.. so ya.. *hope that they stay there* haiz if they stay there means i wont have to face them till tmr.. when her anger would have simmered down.. *pray and pray*
***i am youngest, lousiest, and most useless!***
youngest, lousiest and most useless... -
-*- a flirt or not a flirt? well, a definite beauty....

You Are Flirt-able!
You are the best of both worlds - sexy and friendly, but not in either box.Your charm is addicting, and you always have plenty of people flirting with you.
And if you want to turn things up, that's always an option for you.
You have plenty of options - without being the person everyone has already done :-)
Are You F***able?
More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva
hmmm really? hahah i dun think i get people flirting with me la.. hahah not that i mind.. hehe.. im fine with just being with friends and pals i guess.. ;p and i have a dearie who flirts!!! hahah *joking* ahem secret joke btween dearie and i.. bleh.. not that it's not obvious.. hahahha lalalla.. but i dun flirt so ya.. hehe

You are a SUBTLE Flirt!
This is the female equivalent of "the strong and silent type."Or, the whole "still waters run deep" thing.
And that makes you dangerous. Oh, yes…dangerous.
You lull men (and competitive women) into a false sense of security.
By appearing nonthreatening, quiet and unassuming, you can strike at the right moment, when no one's expecting it.
It's a method that's tried and true over the ages and it works wonders for you.
So go on, with your sneaky self, Ms. Covert Ops.
What Kind of Flirt Are *You*?
More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva
okie once again, i dun flirt.. heheh. but well, apparently, sometimes, i am a subtle flirt? wahahah i think all my friends reading this will be thinking "what the hell? this girl? flirt?!?!? *HUH????*" hahahah so lame lor.. bleh

Your Sign Is: Slippery When Wet
You're hot and sensual, and not exactly shy about itYou show off your assets constantly, and take whatever comes from it
"Work it" is a concept you've perfected, and you're the sexiest person everyone knows
You're shameless in how far you are willing to flirt... often with messy consequences
What's Your Street Sign?
More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva
waahahha i think the slign rocks! hahah how true it is doesnt matter.. the sexual connotation is SUPER!!! wahahhaah rocks!

You Are a Natural Beauty!
You're the kind of beauty that every guy dreams about...One that looks good in the morning - without a stich of makeup
That's doesn't mean you're a total hippie chic though
You have style, but for you, style is effortless
What Type of Beauty Are You? Take This Quiz :-)
Find the Love of Your Life
(and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.
alright! hahah erm ya i guess cos i dont put make up .. so the only kind of beauty will be natural.. duh! hahaha but ya, i like myself as i am.. no need for make up.. haahha i suck at putting makeup anyway.. bleh. but hey, the woman is PRETTY! heheh i dun mind looking like her.. heheh but i dun la.. bleh.
***i am so not a flirt but still quite a *ahem* beauty!!!***
a flirt or not a flirt? well, a definite beauty.... -
Wednesday, June 02, 2004
-*- the day after tomorrow...
hmm i just watched the day after tomorrow.. quite cool la.. hmm but i think the idea is too chim for me to grasp.. as in the idea of ice age and all.. haiz im a geog student, but i dont really understand.. *ashamed* but hey, i got C5 in Os and D in As.. so im granted the stupidity.. hahah but im actually proud to say, most parts of the geog geog stuff i actually do understand.. but just that i cant really write essays on them anymore... and thank god, i dun have to.. hahaha *bows apologies to my geog teachers, mr lester low, mr alvin saw and mr frank clarke...* (btw, i dont give a damn about my sec sch geog teacher.. she doesnt deserve any of my concern or care anyway. bitch.)bleh. anyway, today, nt bad la.. met up with dearie in the evening for the movie and before that, a sushi dinner.. heheh a few days ago i just had a major craving for sushi.. hehe.. im mad la.. haiz..
er... wah i have nothing to blog liao.. but hey, at least i bothered to try.. bleh
***i am closest to clueless abt ice age that any 'O'- and 'A'-levels Geography student can get!***
Tuesday, June 01, 2004
-*- too bored to blog...
haiz if no one has noticed, i am too lazy to blog already.. haiz hahah i think it could be the lack of excitement in my life la.. hehe.. well, it is unexciting..haiz with no job and no possible chance of getting one, im more or less slacking at home all day every day.. haiz.. dunno y.. im getting more and more lazy.. dont even feel like doing anything.. and ya, i dun feel like blogging.. haiz nothing to blog then so pointless.. cant possibly do quizzes all the time right?
zen, u'r right, stagnant is the correct word to describe my blog.. and almost definitely, my life. bah.
haiz erm ya, seriously, i have nothing to blog.. so ya.. bye.. *hope my life has something more exciting soon*
oh, i may be goin melaka this coming sunday.. *praying hard i dont have to go....* i dun wanna go... pls?
but im definitely going bangkok next week.. 14th June. haiz. just go there do some shopping.. dunno y im wasting my time like that. bleh. no one wants to employ me. bleurgh.
wow, im blogging 2 weeks ahead... *no lifer*
***i am friggin' bored!***