Friday, April 30, 2004
-*- my guardian angel
once again, im bored.. but i'd BETTER go sleep after my shower later.. urgh.. working always makes me smell all ciggie stink all over! hate smokers!anyway, did a silly quiz again.. hahah lazy to type.... so here goes....

You have a guardian angel no doubt about it. Even though you haven't exactly seen him, he's watching over you without-a-doubt.. who knows.. maybe it's love?
would an angel, demon, or pure evil fall for you?
brought to you by Quizilla
aw man! i noe who my guardian angel is!!! my dearie!!! once again, im deep in love.. hahah the rollercoaster master.. haiz... but haha, im happy!! lalala...
***i am closest to lovelorn that jazzi can get!***
Wednesday, April 28, 2004
-*- non gay entry
everyone.. the stupidest and dumbest quiz i have ever taken........
| |
***i am the closest to not gay that any straight can get!***
-*- unpretty.
I wish could tie you up in my shoesMake you feel unpretty too
I was told I was beautiful
But what does that mean to you
Look into the mirror who's inside there
The one with the long hair
Same old me again today (yeah)
My outsides look cool
My insides are blue
Everytime I think I'm through
It's because of you
I've tried different ways
But it's all the same
At the end of the day
I have myself to blame
I'm just trippin'
You can buy your hair if it won't grow
You can fix your nose if he says so
You can buy all the make up
That man can make
But if you can't look inside you
Find out who am I too
Be in the position to make me feel
So damn unpretty
I'll make you feel unpretty too
Never insecure until I met you
Now I'm bein' stupid
I used to be so cute to me
Just a little bit skinny
Why do I look to all these things
To keep you happy
Maybe get rid of you
And then I'll get back to me (hey)
My outsides look cool
My insides are blue
Everytime I think I'm through
It's because of you
I've tried different ways
But it's all the same
At the end of the day
I have myself to blame
I'm just trippin'
Oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh (oh)
Oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh (oh)
lyrics of Unpretty by TLC
words of zee
i dun do lyrics. but this i feel is very apt today.. had a bad day.. went to work for the stupid survey thing... was a tough survey... and like that's not bad enough, we didnt go jurong point as planned... i had arranged to meet dearie there... instead, we went some ulu Rangoon Rd place. and we got lost. urgh. how dumb right.. a guy's fault. but hey, let's not point fingers... *secretly pointing at that guy* (not as if i noe him at all. just another person doing the survey la...)
anyway, abt the tough survey. 1) it's damn long. 8 pages long lor! 2) it's abt some prepaid IDD calling cards, or prepaid SIM cards.. that kinda crap.. i mean, seriously, who uses them man? 3) it's shite money.. not easy. and yet pay so little. urgh. 4) it's targetting FOREIGN WORKERS! argh. and that effectively means that i cant get my friends. wat a load of crap.. 5) it's targetted at MALAYSIANS.. hey look, im not against malaysians.. but well, not that against.. but that impression got worse today. ***seriously malaysians, people like the guy that i interviewed today makes u all look SUPER bad.***
okie here's wat happened. we had been looking for respondents for like, ever.. and then after 2 plus hours of waiting around and searching around, we finally found one for me... and one (my respondent's bro) for my fren... then we went on with the surveys.. then halfway thru the long and draggy survey, this guy turned and looked at his bro and say something like that: "u r so lucky, u got the prettier one..." in cantonese.... he didnt think i would understand a little of canto... but wat a dumbarse right? f*ck. and u noe wat's worse? he's damn ugly himself.. i dun like to judge people by their looks, but like watever man! (note: i just have to say this.. he looks like my fren's bf, who i dun really like.. all malaysianish looks and dao, as if they owned the world. bleh)
and plus, i may not be "pretty", but at least im proud of myself, i have self confidence. wat does it matter if im not as commercially pretty as others? im proud to be who i am, and that makes me pretty, despite what people may deem of my looks. i feel very strongly abt this subject cos i cant stand the way people keep thinking as if commercially "ugly" people shd be insulted or smething.. (note: by commercially beautiful, i mean like the model typical like kinda "beauty".. like big round eyes, sharp pointed nose, thin lips with a little hint of poutiness, defined jaws and everything and everything, with curvy waist-hip shape, flat stomach, slender legs, etc etc... seriously, im not being stereotypical, it's the typical commercial type of beauty aint it?) plus i dun see why im not pretty. every girl is pretty in her own way. and i love myself the way i am.
anyway, after a shite day of work, (earned only $6 from 4plus to 9 plus.. shucks.... ) i went for a late night dip.. hahah at 1045 i went swimming.. shioks.. i lurve it.. cos i was wearing my pretty bikini top.. yummas! so i feel much better now! whee.. and i feel even prettier! cos the bikini is REAAAAAAAAALLY pretty! hehe.. altho i got my dad pissed with me for this swimming thing cos i was being a brat and saying that i dont care i wanna swim. even for 5 mins. hahah... but it helped super a lot! the bikini made me feeel pretty, the swim made me feel so relaxed, the drive made me feel free and the whole thing made me much happier and less mad abt what happened with the work stuff.. wheee.. but really, the most important thing is that it made me feel much prettier.. heh.... once again, i say, i lurve myself the way i am!
***i am pretty!***
Tuesday, April 27, 2004
-*- random thoughts.
***warning! VERY random thoughts***im bored. but like, what's new?
had the most wunderful weekend.
deardear is the best.
did one survey assignment. shite money.
bad need of money. gonna find a job.
but how?
wanna meet up with all my friends.
very incoherent now. dun feel like writing (typing, whatever).
im going mad. but at least im happy.
aircon is spoilt again.
tmr got survey job.
anyone going jurong point?
call me. ill be there.
watching bloopers. damn funny.
wanna blog. but dunno wat to write.
dont wanna do quizzes.
weekend was reaallly great.
a normal one at last.
spent super a lot in the weekend.
damn broke now.
i want a job!!!!!!!!!
i think im falling sick. throat doesnt feel well.
damn tmr need my voice.
cannot lose voice.
***i am closest to sick that any healthy person can get!***
Saturday, April 24, 2004
-*- ya ya quiz AGAIN....
after doing a sex quiz, which i hoped that it had picturess for the results... *cheekie* i see no pict, and decided against putting the results.. oh plus putting REAAAALLY erotic answers will get u a "plain old regular sex" result.. so ya, not true.. lousy quiz.. no picts and everything.. haha so i decided that i should do an inner child quiz.. so here's the result.......
My inner child is sixteen years old!
Life's not fair! It's never been fair, but while adults might just accept that, I know something's gotta change. And it's gonna change, just as soon as I become an adult and get some power of my own.
How Old is Your Inner Child?
brought to you by Quizilla
Update of Jazzi
anyway, just some update on the life of the darling whose blog u check ever so often, im happY! hahah been having days of fun and all! shopping and shopping and shopping... oh and meeting up with old friends.. great! hehe.. tmr going KTV!!! whee!! so happy! yay! and movies! yay! finally, a NORMAL weekend! urgh.. hahah but im now enjoying myself!! so much! oh and i miss ALL my frens!! so u! YOU!! *points finger at everyone* yes YOU! pick up ur phone now and CALL ME!!! we MUST meet up!!! *points again* YESSSS! YOUUUUUUU!!! heee... okie then! waiting for people to come and ask me out! hahahhahhaha *not shy* okie then... please forgive my unshyness.. im after all, a 16 year old deep inside.. hehz.. bye bye all! or ta ta~! (that's how i used to say bye when i was 16... hmmm? hehz...)
***i am closest to an adult child that any ADULT can get!***
Thursday, April 22, 2004
-*- yay! the happier resurrected jiazi...
as predicted, my last paper went horrendously horrible... i totally got the questions wrong.. interpreted wrongly and everything.. bummer...BUT!!!!
im happy... exams are finally over.. i think the 3 mths break is a well deserved break... i did work very hard for the other papers... ;P
so i came home from the paper straight.. partly cos i no mood to go out after a shitty paper.. but mainly cos i got no kaki to go out with...... *lonely* haiz but i knew this would happen.. ill be all excited abt the last day of paper then suddenly i realise i have no plans.. bleh.
hmm but the happy thing is that im going to orchard TMR!!! whee! shop till i drop! wahahahh then ill shop somemore! yay! hee.. it's been quite a while since i last shopped.... even longer since i last shopped by myself... yupz.. that's a fantastic feeling... cos u dun have to wait for people, u can shop for as long as u wan, u can go into any shop and do anything u wan, nobody will be complaining to you abt anything, and most importantly, u feel FREE!!! hee.. oh well, but there's always a downside.. ill have no one to tok to... wahahh so if anyone is free tmr, do call me on my hp! whee! i can chat ALL DAY with ya! hehe... *excited*
aw man! i am SOOOO excited abt tmr.. hmmm i shall make a list of what i wanna buy.....
1) everything
2) everything
3) everything
4) everything
5) everything
are u kidding me? i need a list to SHOP?!?!?!?! naw.. u dun noe me well enough.. haha but i do have several things that i wanna go see... hmm like bras, sandals, bras, flipflops, bras, bags, bras, nail stuff, bras, hair stuff, bras, vin stuff, bras, tops, bras, skirts, bras and more.. wahahhaha okie anyone who noes me well enough shd understand the reason for the above items.. heheh so ya.. main thing? *ahem* u noe la .... *shy* wahahah right...... how can i be shy man? bleh.
hmm yupz. so that's my plan for tmr! wahahah for now, ill just sit here and wait for my stupid nail poilish to dry! haiz started to paint too late.. now dun even have the energy to polish my fingernails.. i just did the toenails.. haiz boring colors.. hahah haiz okie i shall go watch a movie or play games liao.. bye bye all! remember to call me tmr! hahah oh and be nice and call my starhub line.. wahahha thankies all!!!
***i am closest to ultra extremely super duper totally hyper that any human awake at 250 in the morning can get!***
yay! the happier resurrected jiazi... -
Wednesday, April 21, 2004
-*- *dead*_*mort*
hello peeps, this is jiazi bidding farewell to all, as i prepare to get slaughtered at AS1 in 2.5 hours... here are the details if anyone wanna noe............name of slaughter house: SSA3201 Singaore English Language Theatre Final Examination.
name of person doing the slaughtering: Dr KK Seet... (dont blame him.. he's a darling.. it's the module... *_*)
time of slaughter: 1300hrs 21st April 2004 (no viewing of the slaughter. invitation only. i.e: those who are involved in the slaughter, my fellow victims)
time of PROBABLE resurrection of Jiazi: 1500hrs 21st April 2004.
however, if the resurrection is successful, jiazi shall become a happier person.
nonetheless, farewell to all.. and good luck to me, and my fellow victims of the mass slaughter.
oh! and if i may, DAMN the weather! friggin' hot! *fans herself* this kinda weather is something jiazi wont miss after she's slaughtered.
***i am closest to melted that any human can get!***
Tuesday, April 20, 2004
-*- neither here nor there...
im almost dead... in 4.5 hrs, im gonna be taking the paper for my major.. wahahha and i *think* im preped.. and i have 4.5 hours to read more.. but i think im a little tired.. should i sleep? should i carry on studying? (note: im taking a break now.. so writing an entry is legal.. :P) im worried that if i sleep i wont be able to wakie.. and yet if i dun sleep, wat if i fall aslp while studying?? *gasps* geez.. 4.5 hours.. neither here nor there lor! argh..anyway, abt the paper later.. haiz it's my 2nd last paper.. like finally, 7 hrs later, i can say that i only have one paper left.. blegh.. hahah... but the paper later is making me quite stressed out.. i dunno if im preped for it or not.. as in ya, i noe the stuff... but am i able to link everything together and answer the tough questions??? argh, see, that i dunno! bleh... haiz... this is studying for ya eh? *_*
anyway, after all my papers, im SOOO gonna play all day everyday! wahahah!!!! But!!!! first, i must apply for the substitute teacher thing at my former secondary school... wahhah i wanna be a substitute teacher! have a taste of being a teacher, without the extra stress... plus some money... sounds like the best eh? hee.. yeah i think it is....
haiz that's beside the point... im dead for the paper later! argh! hmm i think im quite incoherent eh? sorry... hmm later b4 going i better drink some kopi (and brand's? my parents forcing me to drink it.. haha but i love it so yea.. hee) oh! and i must make sure i gather my thoughts properly before answering the question during the paper... bleurgh..
**i am closest to dead for the paper later that any student can get!**
Monday, April 19, 2004
-*- burnt and burnt
i have not slept yet.. since ehm yesterday afternoon? ya.. was gonna rest just now when i realised that i wanted to be sweet and decided to make breakfast for dearie.. haiz.. so stayed up lor.. from 330 to 5 i was just lying on the bed playing game on my hp.. and a kind friend actually called to chat with me.. :pso at 5, i "woke up" and went to burn 5 eggs and 6 hotdogs... haiz dun luff.. i suck at cooking... be glad tat i bothered.. oh well, burnt was the food.. but sweet were my actions... hmm and unexcited was his response.. how comforting right... haiz..
okie the whole story...
last nite, we decided that i was to drive him to this dumb camp in portsdown... (nope, not portsmouth.. hehz... but it's somewhere near NUS...)... so decided to make breakfast for him..
haiz.. burnt the breakfast... and he burnt my feelings..
oh well, blame it on myself... for being such a lousy cook... i burnt 5 EGGS?!?!! dammit! i blame the stupid pans! and the limited oil.. (wanted him to eat healthy) and the sunny side up idea! blegh.. i can fry normal boring eggs! dammit i can! but i cant do sunny side up! blegh.. so i burnt all of them! idert....
and the worst thing is my feelings got burnt by him... he said my eggs smell/taste/look funny.. forgot which.. anyhow, he didnt eat them la.. they're now in the trashbin of the next-door indian..... shucks...
and the 6 burnt hotdogs? he did eat them... but like very reluctantly.. oh well, wat to do... my cooking sux wat.. bleurgh...
but wat made it worse that he didnt stop at saying that the eggs were funny.... he luffed at me.. said that he doesnt noe y i told him i could cook... dammit dammit dammit!
oh well, but aft that he did TRY very hard to look appreciative... erm.. i was already sad la.. so ya.. but didnt tell him.. cos i noe he tried to be nice... oh well....
***i am closest to the lousiest cook on earth that any girl can get!***
Sunday, April 18, 2004
-*- well, everyone, another quiz!!
took a groooovy quiz, ripped off from a junior's bloggy... so enjoy!!!
actually i would love the name jade... erm but maybe for my daughter or something.. hmm i tink one of my frens would lurve this name though... but she has the most exciting name in the world.. so i dun think this name's for her.. and definitely not for me la.. think i lurrve my name la... and i must have j & z in my name... wahahahah cos it's JiaZi!!!!!!!!!!!!! *applause* wahahahahaha
okie then, "jade" signin off....
***i am closest to a quiz maniac that any blogger can get!***
well, everyone, another quiz!! -
-*- closest to... that any... can...
hmm i was just about to take a nap... when i started to reprimand myself about being such a pig when i am supposed to be studying... and i had just eaten! so i shdnt take a nap now!!! arhhhh!!!okie that was lame.. ANYWAY, i was reprimanding myself.. so i came up with a lame idea... erm ya from now on, every entry will end with one thing... (nope, not quotes... im sick of quotes already...) okie it will end like that:
***i am closest to a pig that any human can get!***
erm get the drift? hahah ya im gonna keep up with that for as long as i have ideas... hahah oh! and if u wanna contribute, go ahead and do it in my tag board! hahah i noe this is the DumbEST idea that anyone can come up with.. but well, that's right about what i am.. except that im not the dumbEST, but im the Best! lalala......
ya okie i shall go sleep liao... good nap all!
***i am closest to mad that any sane person can get!!!***
closest to... that any... can... -
Saturday, April 17, 2004
-*- Some Updates...
Just some updates for frequent bloggy readers of mine......ehm i have added a new section!!! wahhahah by now everyone should noe how much i lurrrrrve doing quizzes.. and so, to give them more credits than that in my entries, i have put a link to them (is that illegal??? aiya dun care...)
erm oh! and i wanna put links to some games.. wahhaha but i realise i only play on my com, not on the net.... so there's only one game that i used to lurrrrve.. the UFO game... wahhaah it's a silly lame game... but fun still...
ehm another game is the lame millionaire game lor.. hahah i loved to play it.. but i noe most of the answers liao, so i stopped playing... but it's fun nonetheless..
hahah so go check the links out! ehm if anyone has any fun games u all must tell me! so i can try it out and put it up on my new section!! hahaha
lastly, notice a little change in my "Bloggies I Love"? hahah yeap, my deardear has joined me in the bloggin world! hahah to think i found blogging lame in the past.... i bet he is now going thru that phase... but soon, he's gonna start loving it! hahah as i do now! yeap go check out his bloggy k? erm though there's nothing much now.. hahah but i do lurve his blogskin.. rox! hehz....
okie then! that's all....
-*- of women and men...
men are weird people.. they can be sooo nice and wonderful one day, then the next day, they are mean and evil.. they make u go up and down the damn rollercoaster of moods.. they send u for rides up high in the sky then drop u at high speeds to the lowest of lowest.... Y?women are weirder people.. they complain and whine so much, all for a man... we cant live with men (seriously neither can they us) but we cant live without them (well and vice versa!)... we bitch about them, and yet we care soooo much for them... we go for the rides (mentioned above) for them and willingly, laugh and cry for them... Y?
the mind of human is a complex construct of emotions and feelings that no one can ever figure out.. not literally.. never.. and yet we have to live with the fact... Y?
did i make sense? whatever i say, it's for him... whatever i do, it's for him.... Y?
because of......
Friday, April 16, 2004
-*- kiss my bunny ass.... and call me an angel....
toook two quizzes...1st quiz...

congratulations. you are the kiss my ass happy bunny. You don't care about anyone or anything. You must be so proud
which happy bunny are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
KISS MY ASS! hahahh i dun think im like that leh... im a kind person who cares about wat everyone feels and everything.. right people?? *looks around and sees nods around* see! i told ya.....
2nd quiz of the day!
Your half- angel. Not exactly human, but not quite angel, you walk on earth freely. Half-Angels have no wings, but tend to show some signs. Some ways to notice these are that the girl never menstrates, she cannot bleed, and her touch seems to give of a glow. No one really knows how half-angels are born. Some say that when a child is born, one of the angels blesses her with her gifts. Others say that they are cursed creatures, because half-angels cannot die, while their familly and friends around them do. Half-Angels are very beautiful and Kind, and have the power to speak to animals, but at the same time, sad that they are this way. Some Half-Angels love being human. Being able to see, smell, hear, taste,and feel are all miracles to them. They crave to be more human-all the time.
What kind of ANGEL are you? (For Girls only)
brought to you by Quizilla
hmmm i dun menstrate? okie watever... hahah but at least im an angel? hee...
kiss my bunny ass.... and call me an angel.... -
Thursday, April 15, 2004
-*- let us join our hands and welcome......
heee yup! he is gonna start to TRY reading my blog!! wheehee!! hahah altho he may not ALWAYS read it, im glad that at least he tries to humour me! hehe.. im HAPPY!!! wheeeheee...
so deardear: this entry is dedicated to you!!! mmmmmuacks! heh.. thankies!!!! heheh and to all else! u are not allowed to read this entry! wahahhah haiz but i guess it's too late eh? wahahha im lame.. but im HAPPY!!! lalala.. hehe... and to all else who read my bloggy, DO DO DO tag me! hahah so i noe who to be nicer to! wahahhahahaha!!! okie that's all.. hahah bye peeps! and bye deardear! :P
let us join our hands and welcome...... -
Tuesday, April 13, 2004
-*- hmmm another quiz....
wahahaha another quiz?! again?? haiz sorry arh.. too bored yet lazy to type.. blegh... so, enjoy!
discover what candy you are @ quiz me
hmmm i knew i was sweeeeeeeeeet.. hee.. im not a brat, but i whine! hahah ooh i love being pampered! so pamper me baybeeeeeeee!!!! ;P
-*- *happy*
i'm happy..that's all, i'm happy..
i'm really very happy..
finally, after a very long time..
and i'm happy for the best reasons...
thank you, everyone!
signin off,
happy jiazi.
a really happy jiazi.
Monday, April 12, 2004
-*- yet another quiz...
i think if i keep taking these quizzes, my character will become transparent to people who read my blog.. hahah but that's provided they are true depiction of me la! heh..
Sunday, April 11, 2004
-*- the ceremony....
i think that chinese traditions are so interesting! i went to 扫墓 (sao-3 mu-4.. erm for those who dont know, it means to pay respects to my ancestors, namely my paternal grandma and grandpa, it's a yearly thing, ehm every year this period of time, yeah, it's called Qingming Festival.)anyway, we whipped (well my mum did) up a lot of very yummalicious dishes and brought to this temple where the urns of ashes of my grandparents are.. traditionally, there should be chicken duck and pig.. ehm that is if you can afford (people in the past may not be able to afford chicken duck and pig)... hmm but today we didnt have those three, we had prawns crabs fish and veggies instead.. ehm cos we actually made those last thurs already, when we did our own baibai-ing (praying) at home..
then at the temple, we spread out the food on the tables there.. one WHOLE table of food, and fruits and snacks and drinks and bee hoon (hahah we bought that in the last minute cos we were supposed to bring rice, which we didnt... heh)... and next to the table on the floor, there are a bag of folded hell money and a box of hell neccessities (hmm i guess by hell here, i mean underworld la? as in where the dead goes after they die)... the hell money are folded such that they resemble gold bars.. ehm according to my dad, that will make the hell money have more worth...
after spreading everything out, each of us offers incense to the ancestors... then we sat down and chatted and did nothing.. just to wait for the ancestors to fnish "eating".. hee.. and we actually laid the table properly with the chopsticks and spoons and drinks poured into the cups and everything... so sweet right? hee..
so after a while, when we saw that the candles are burning out, we would "ask" if they have finished eating... so my dad took two coins, and hold it up and (i think) asked them if they are done... then he'll drop the coins on the floor... and if the two coins show different sides, it means yes.. and the coin thing applies to all Y-N questions that you wanna ask the dead.. if the two coins show different sides, the answer is yes...
after they were done, we went ahead to burn the hell paper and the necessitiess... in the box of necessities, there were all kinds of things... passports, air tickets, toothpaste, toothbrush, clothes, gold bars, more money, visa cards, ciggies, anything in the world! and i really mean anything in the world... in the places where they sell these things, they have all kinds of things, from the ones i mentioned above to houses, to maids, to car etc etc.. even sushi!!! all in paper! it's like they can live like we do.. so we burn to them and "address" the stuff to them.. by writing the name of the "receiver" on the paper stuff.. and they will receive it!
after evrything was burnt, we went to pack the food into the plastic bags that we brought then we left... and that was the end of the whole thing...
okie, now my thoughts on the thing... i feel that it's quite weird that people actually do the paper stuff like sushi and visa cards etc.. ehm first of all, what if the world the dead are in is not that advanced?? second of all, those that lived in times without the visa cards and all, will they know what it is? third of all, since we believe in reincarnation, what if the dead that we are paying respects to has already reincarnated?? then who wil get the stuff? fourth, how will we know if they are received? and how do we make sure that the correct person gets the stuff? there are a lot of people with the same names! and a name like Tan Ah-Kow (no offence) used to be very common! how do they know?! five, how do we even know if the spirits will be there after they die! i mean i believe in spirits and ghosts.. i do.. but do we know for sure?
i feel that these traditions may be ways for people, who do continue to live, to remember the dead, and be less impacted by the death of their loved ones.. by offering the food and the stuff to them, we will feel a bit more secured about the well-being of the loved ones that have passed away... we will feel much happier to know that they are able to "live" comfortably wherever they are, even though they have passed away.
all in all, im intrigued by the ceremony of paying respects to the dead... really.. it's very interesting to me la.. yeah sorry to bore u guys! hee..
Saturday, April 10, 2004
-*- me? not me.. not me? me..
took another quiz.. ( WHAT COLOR IS YOUR AURA? ) i got 55 points.. so the colour of my aura is blue.. and this is wat the results say......36-55 points: BLUE
You seek comfort and security. (hmm dont all girls?)
Having a place where you can relax and gather your thoughts is important to you. (yeah it's nice to think about my own stuff alone.. :])
You are a thinker. (BUT OF COS!!!)
You don't rush into things. (really? *buZz* WRONG! or correct? dunno... half half i guess... hmm i like to plan stuff.. i like the sense of accomplishment when whatever i plan goes as i plan.. but i like spontaneity too!! it gives me a "im me, and im free to do what i want" feeling.. heh.. so i dont have to answer to anyone la.. geddit?)
You don't like to take risks. (oh my! this is friggin truE!!! but i think this is becos im a "thinker", as in i think too much.. wahahahha!! so naturally, if i think more, ill worry more right? so risk assessment is sometimes part of my decision making.. hmm but then again.. spontaneity often involve risks..... but.. hmm.. argh! aiya half half again la! hahah im a confused person! ;p)
You love deeply when you love. (wat say u dearie? heh i'd say it's quite true.. keke.. :])
You want a relationship that lasts forever. (hmm ok this i have to say something.. i dont really believe in forever.. as in it's nice to know that a relationship is stable and steady and everything.. but forever? a bit pushing it la.. u do not know what may go wrong in future.. so i guess this comment deserves a *LOUD buZZZZZZZZ*!!! WRONG! hehz..)
ok.. this is EXACTLY what i mean (i got this quote to prove my point!):
Loving someone is like caring for a garden,
love it too much or too little and it dies,
but love it just right and it will live forever.
--->ok, are u telling me that this doesnt sound ridiculous (definitely corny!)? forever means there will be no end lor.. argh. i dunno how to say... if u geddit, u geddit.... if u dun, TOO BAD! hehe.. ;p
-*- my place in hell...
took a rather lame quiz when i was rather bored.. several questions to see which level of hell i'll end up in.. i would suppose my results not that bad la.. 3rd out of 9.. quite good liao la haha....The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Third Level of Hell!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Level | Score |
Purgatory (Repenting Believers) | Very Low |
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers) | Moderate |
Level 2 (Lustful) | High |
Level 3 (Gluttonous) | Very High |
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious) | Moderate |
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy) | High |
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics) | High |
Level 7 (Violent) | Moderate |
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers) | High |
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous) | Low |
Take the Dante's Inferno Test
oh well, that's me eh? haha i do "consume in excess".. haha but i love my life the way it is.. so ya who cares man? ahhah 3rd level is fine with me... anyway, i doubt ill go to hell.. haha im too angellic! kekekeke....
my day...
okie anyway.. quizzes aside.. i shall update everyone abt my day!! hee.. erm i didnt do anything... wahahhahaha oh but wait! i went to watch hellboy! haha didnt expect to like it.. quite a cool story.. hellboy is so silly! and brave duh! haha yeah and he's like a little boy when he's around the girl he likes.. awwww.. isnt that endearing? hee..
anyway, it's a show that ill recommend people to watch.. erm just recommend, not force.. (if it's REALLY good then ill force everyone to watch it.. so ya...) hmm i give it ***`/***** (3.5/5 stars!) hehe.. yeah i shall train myself to be a movie critic.. then at least i MAY be able to get into journalism! haha oh well just dreaming.. but i hope it'll be possible la.. heh.... hmm though i may need to brush up on my sucky english eh? bleh...
oh btw, i just realised the show and the quiz i took today are both related to hell!!! *gasps* is this a premonition?!?!?! hahah yeah watever..
erm yea oh n i went to my cousin's 21st birthday also.. SOOOOO BORING! i almost went mad! geez.. aiya but wat can i do right? my relative wat.. haiz nxt yr it shall be my turn.. bleh.. i wonder if my relatives will all turn up.. hahah dun really care la.. as long as my friends are there!!! hahhah
haiz i guess that's all from the angel.. O:-) mehehhe... okie la.. before i go.. a quote....
You're in the arms of the angels
May you find some comfort here.
~Angel (by Sarah McLachlan)
this song is amazing! it's like her voice is different lor! and her songs are different too! better than those crappy pop songs thingie bleh.. hahah...
Friday, April 09, 2004
-*- before = after?
i went for a haircut today.. hehe wanted to pamper myself a bit.. keke... so here's the before and after shots... haha compare!!!
this is the before shot........

this is the after shot...
any difference? haha a bit only i guess.. haha but it feels alot different.. so im happy! hahah plus the tied up version has a bigger difference....

haha i was trying to be funny in this picy... hehe..
(note: the pict dates are wrong.. stupid me forgot to adjust the date of the digicam.. bleh)
haiz so yeah that's the result of my haircut at REDS today.. hahah not much visual difference, but i feel good! hahah yeah!
(note: i FINALLY uploaded the piccies of my valentine's day! hahah check it out yeah? btw, im lazy to reduce the size of the piccy, so they may be quite large.. bleh)
Wednesday, April 07, 2004
-*- Labels.
Race. Gender. Class. Religion. Occupation. Belief. Ethnicity. Nationality.Chinese, Asian, European, American, African-American, Afghans, Arabs.
Male, Female, Intersexed, Homosexual, Heterosexual.
Working Class, Middle Class, Upper Class.
Christian, Protestant, Buddhist, Jew, Muslim.
So many labels in the world. Why make things so hard when we can just plainly label ourselves as Human Beings? Why do we classify ourselves? Differentiate ourselves from others? Create our own identities? Why? Point of it all? Complications.
Worst of it all, we do not decide our own "labels"! The society does that to us. Label us according to how we look, what we do, where we come from, how we behave etc etc. Isn't it scary to know that you are not born with a clean slate of identity? That you have to behave a certain way so that the society accepts you? There are so many norms in the society, and so many different societies in which the norms all differ. How do human beings develop over so many years, with so many labels attached to them, willingly or otherwise?
To add to the many complications, stereotypes are formed with the labels. African-Americans are punks? Whites are of higher class? Asians conservative? Americans liberal? Afghans terrorists? Why create so much complications to one race? The Human Race.
We are one race, and yet we create identities to differ ourselves from others. We always hear people saying that they belong to a certain country. But seriously, we belong to the world (I know this sounds SUPER cliche and damn funny.. but we do right?).
Truth be told, I have my own prejudices against certain groups of identities too. But if we can be tolerant, can we make the world a better place for our future generations? I believe so, but it's definitely very hard to do that. But it's a dream, bigger than you can imagine. And almost impossible, I'd say.
I don't know if my entry made sense, but I suddenly have a strong view about it. I know this entry doesn't sound like me, cos I am guilty of racism. But I do hate the people who create the labels in the world. One good example is myself. I have created a label for people that are not like me, I am guilty of it. Yes I am. But I am harmless.
-*- power of microsoft.
dammit. i have succumbed to yet another programme under the power of microsoft! argh! yes.. i have officially joined msn. *ashamed of myself*blegh. i dun like it. haha.
but cos alot of people actually asked me to dl and join and all, i joined.. so it's not microsoft msn that i gave in to. it's my dear dear friends.. hehe.. so people who wanna add me, i even created a new email addy... it's dolpheneze@hotmail.com ... wanted my fave dolphene... but it's such a hot name that i cant get it unless i add some funny numbers to it.. so i dowan.. haha how can i spoil such a lovely name? hehe.. so dolpheneze.. so do add me in ur msn horkay? ;)
ooh and my hotmail addy (another microsoft thingie.. blegh)? u people can send emails to me there also.. hahah but i hate checking emails.. so yea... ehm yea i guess that's all... do join me in the empire of microsoft on msn.. ;p
Tuesday, April 06, 2004
-*- pretty pict!

hmm found this super obscene pict from friendster.. haha yeap that's my dearie and a very dear pal of ours, weeeeeeee (yeap that's his name) haha.. oh well, i will still love u my dearie.. hahah....
at least i can have my josh hartnett.. hahah wheehee.....
-*- cool!
some facts to consider:.there are only two countries in the world that have hit the billion-mark in population (China and India)
.there is very very little possibility that a third country will ever hit that mark (the third largest country, in terms of population, being USA)
.the one-billionth resident of india was born in May 11, 2001
.if one were to count to one billion, one unit per sec, it will take 31 years, whereas to count to 284.3 million (the population of the third largest country USA), it will take 9 yrs only
*note: these facts are accordin to the census in 2001.
isnt that cool? imagine u were the billionth resident to be born in the country! it rox! and technically speaking, there were only 2 such persons in the world! and it isnt a very likely possibility to have a 3rd one, not including if the population drops then increases... wow! i think i wanna be that person! hahahah
anyway these facts were from the sociology text that i've been chewing for the past few days.. *_* haiz... im studying my ass off! trying very hard to get a lot of things into my limited brains.. blegh.. hahah but i will strive harder!!! gumbatte ne!
and to all who are pia-ing ur exams too, Gud Luck!!!!! and jia you jia you jia you.. remember that there's always someone else who's suffering with ya... hehe... i noe misery loves company.. hai..
oh havent done quotes in a while.. so here goes.....
Obstacles are those frightful things you see
when you take your eyes off your goal
Sunday, April 04, 2004
-*- who am i gonna marry?

You are going to Marry Josh Hartnett. He is really
shy, but don't let that fool you. He is really
outgoing and sweet with those he loves and will
be loyal to them for the rest of his life.
Which male celebrity are you going to marry?
brought to you by Quizilla
well, joshie darling, ill be waiting! hahahahah....
Saturday, April 03, 2004
-*- a pimple, three ulcers, and headaches...
misery. blegh. i have a huuuuuuuuuuuge pimple on my chin! dammit i look like a freak.. haha watever.. anyway i hate that part of my face (and many other parts of it, but yeah).. neverending pimple farm.. blegh..and like a big POMple is not bad enough, i've got three ulcers on the inside of my lower lip! makes eatin super hard.. sucks!
oooh and not forgetting im having headaches everyday! hrmph.. this prob hasnt troubled me for a while.. now it's back to haunt me! argh!
a pimple, three ulcers, and headaches... -