Monday, March 29, 2004
-*- sympathy please...
hahah wat a lame title eh? haiz just that i just had the saddest dinner ever.. a can of tom yam tuna and a crab pincer.. hahah that sounds odd doesnt it? anyway, im all alone at home.. had wanted to ask friends out for dinner.. but was too late when i woke up from my nap (i fell asleep while studying for my dumb test tmr..*_*) hahaha.. so i had to eat the sorrowful food... it's not that bad actually.. just that i feel rather nauseous after eating them... bleagh...*sigh* boring day today.. didnt crash my friend's lec after all.. hahah thought it too lame anyway.. since i will be attending the same lec on thurs... y waste my time today eh?
so i slept till 2 plus.. *piggy disease*... woken up by my parents.. hahah they so silly today.. woke me up and told me they going to eat delifrance... hahah asked me to join them.. cos i think my dad has a sudden craving for delifrance.. hahah so lame.. but was quite fun la.. hahah yummas.. then they just heartlessly left me at home and went malaysia without me... (cos i have to study for my test *_*) sadness...
dunno why man, im so tired today.. not as if i slept late last nite.. actually i slept at 4am.. but that's quite common for me.. yeah so dunno why so tired..
hmm watching america's next top model now.. i think that ebony has character.. but she looks a bit scary.. with the head and all.. *shudders* but she has character.. quite coolz... hmm but i love the elyse... she so skinnily pretty! at first i just thot she looked hideous, cos she was TOO skinny.. but after a while, i find her really pretty! and she's so cute! her character rox too! hee... ooooh and that tyra banks? MAN her body is SOOO good.. *ahem* her *ahem* breasts? gooodness! hahah oopz.. sorry... hahah just tooo impressed by her... erm.. hahah.. breasts.... heheh im so lame...
okie anyway, i better get back to my ICM~!! sad sad *sobz* bye peeps.. good luck to me!!!!
Jerry: "You complete me...and I just-"
Dorothy: "Shut up. Just shut up.
You had me at hello...
you had me at hello..."
-Jerry Maguire
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