Monday, March 29, 2004
-*- the last day...
hi all.. it's the last day of my 99-ways to relieve stress campaign... *sobz* hahah but i think we all learnt something.. hahaha okie la.. so here goes..........99 ways to relieve stress: (Last Day)
96. Recognize the importance of unconditional love
97. Set appointments ahead
98. Cherish your family and friends, and let them know
99. Relax, remember you have the rest of your life to live
hmm i feel that i love 96 98 and 99.. and i think 97 is a bit off.. hahah not in sync with the other points for today.. hahah anyway i think it's really inportant to see and feel the love in the world.. love among friends, in the family, between lovers, and even among strangers.. and remember, a smile goes a long way (that's SOO cliche!!! but really....)..
one small request, just for me, go hug everyone u love.. heh.. family and friends, all your loved ones.. or at least remind them that you love them...
hmm anyway, just a little something else for everyone.... i read it in one of the women's mags.. found it funny.. apparently, according to the mag, it's true.. well.......................
the 100th way to relieve stress.......
100. Orgasms
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