Wednesday, March 31, 2004

-*- just something for u peeps to ponder about...  
If we had communal sexual/emotional relationships, would this lead to the deconstruction of gender? Would our lives be easier this way?

this topic just fried up all my brain cells... it's from my sociology class.. damn sian!!! yeah but i already sent in an entry to the forum.. haha just wanna hear everyone's views.. erm. and i feel that u can interpret the question however u wanna interpret.. hehe.. oh and if possible, try to do it in ur blogs.. would be interesting to noe everyone else's views.. oh well.. *brains all fried up* damn tired........... not only did i not get enough sleep (2hrs), it's been almost 18hrs since i last slept...... n i bet im gonna have insomnia tonight... i had insomnia last nite too.. didnt sleep til 7am in the morning...*sobz* poor me...

just something for u peeps to ponder about... - 

jazzi craved @ 2:21 AM


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