Wednesday, March 31, 2004
-*- hunny.... i want hunny....

Take the 100 Acre Personality Quiz!
well... apparently, im pooh... hmm since when did quizzes ALL have this template thing for people to paste on their blogs?? are blogs really THAT common now????
oh and since we're at the "since when" questions.. since when did i become so into blogs? if u notice, im blogging nearly twice evryday! madness... i shall stop myself! i think it's cos im always at the com these weeks.. studying lor! haiz.. sadness.......
-*- mother nature. enraged.

i have a thing for lightnings. they look so splendid. especially at night. they light up the skies and the line from the sky down to earth is so distinct it is sooo pretty.
but how can something so pretty and splendid (to me) be such a terror? together with the thunderstorms and all the weather phenomenon associated with lightnings, it kills thousands every year.
victims are never warned.
lightning is a phenomenon that remains as an awful reminder of death.. each strike is different and lightning is too dangerous to examine up-close.. and although it's not an extremely high chance to be killed by lightning, the injuries may be worse than anyone can imagine. there can be internal injuries and all...... *shudders*
anyway, i was watching this clip in a lec yesterday and it was so traumatising! haha as in the fact that lightning can lead to SOOOOO many disasters? hmm that scares me.. i mean, i noe it kills and all.. but i dont like to be so exposed to the truth! haha *denial* but i really dun.. bleh.. hahah plus i really love lightnings.. as in i like the way the shock comes down from the sky and light up a part of the sky.. i think it's beautiful.. haiz oh well i think mother nature has her PMS also..
-*- just something for u peeps to ponder about...
If we had communal sexual/emotional relationships, would this lead to the deconstruction of gender? Would our lives be easier this way?this topic just fried up all my brain cells... it's from my sociology class.. damn sian!!! yeah but i already sent in an entry to the forum.. haha just wanna hear everyone's views.. erm. and i feel that u can interpret the question however u wanna interpret.. hehe.. oh and if possible, try to do it in ur blogs.. would be interesting to noe everyone else's views.. oh well.. *brains all fried up* damn tired........... not only did i not get enough sleep (2hrs), it's been almost 18hrs since i last slept...... n i bet im gonna have insomnia tonight... i had insomnia last nite too.. didnt sleep til 7am in the morning...*sobz* poor me...
just something for u peeps to ponder about... -
Tuesday, March 30, 2004
-*- kiss. muacks. *still in a bad mood*

You have a mysterious kiss. Your partner never
knows what you're going to come up with next;
this creates great excitement and arousal never
knowing what to expect. And it's sure to end
in a kiss as great as your mystery.
What kind of kiss are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
well apparently i have a mysterious kiss. bleh.
kiss. muacks. *still in a bad mood* -
-*- *bad mood*
dammit im in a lousy mood again..sometimes i feel like im ruining my life with my own hands...
i dunno how to describe the feeling i feel now, but whatever it is, it's not good...
i think im going mad.
one day i can feel so happy but another, so depressed..
how did i manage to remain so happy in the past?
what has changed? why has it?
im depressed. dammit.
Monday, March 29, 2004
-*- sympathy please...
hahah wat a lame title eh? haiz just that i just had the saddest dinner ever.. a can of tom yam tuna and a crab pincer.. hahah that sounds odd doesnt it? anyway, im all alone at home.. had wanted to ask friends out for dinner.. but was too late when i woke up from my nap (i fell asleep while studying for my dumb test tmr..*_*) hahaha.. so i had to eat the sorrowful food... it's not that bad actually.. just that i feel rather nauseous after eating them... bleagh...*sigh* boring day today.. didnt crash my friend's lec after all.. hahah thought it too lame anyway.. since i will be attending the same lec on thurs... y waste my time today eh?
so i slept till 2 plus.. *piggy disease*... woken up by my parents.. hahah they so silly today.. woke me up and told me they going to eat delifrance... hahah asked me to join them.. cos i think my dad has a sudden craving for delifrance.. hahah so lame.. but was quite fun la.. hahah yummas.. then they just heartlessly left me at home and went malaysia without me... (cos i have to study for my test *_*) sadness...
dunno why man, im so tired today.. not as if i slept late last nite.. actually i slept at 4am.. but that's quite common for me.. yeah so dunno why so tired..
hmm watching america's next top model now.. i think that ebony has character.. but she looks a bit scary.. with the head and all.. *shudders* but she has character.. quite coolz... hmm but i love the elyse... she so skinnily pretty! at first i just thot she looked hideous, cos she was TOO skinny.. but after a while, i find her really pretty! and she's so cute! her character rox too! hee... ooooh and that tyra banks? MAN her body is SOOO good.. *ahem* her *ahem* breasts? gooodness! hahah oopz.. sorry... hahah just tooo impressed by her... erm.. hahah.. breasts.... heheh im so lame...
okie anyway, i better get back to my ICM~!! sad sad *sobz* bye peeps.. good luck to me!!!!
Jerry: "You complete me...and I just-"
Dorothy: "Shut up. Just shut up.
You had me at hello...
you had me at hello..."
-Jerry Maguire
-*- the last day...
hi all.. it's the last day of my 99-ways to relieve stress campaign... *sobz* hahah but i think we all learnt something.. hahaha okie la.. so here goes..........99 ways to relieve stress: (Last Day)
96. Recognize the importance of unconditional love
97. Set appointments ahead
98. Cherish your family and friends, and let them know
99. Relax, remember you have the rest of your life to live
hmm i feel that i love 96 98 and 99.. and i think 97 is a bit off.. hahah not in sync with the other points for today.. hahah anyway i think it's really inportant to see and feel the love in the world.. love among friends, in the family, between lovers, and even among strangers.. and remember, a smile goes a long way (that's SOO cliche!!! but really....)..
one small request, just for me, go hug everyone u love.. heh.. family and friends, all your loved ones.. or at least remind them that you love them...
hmm anyway, just a little something else for everyone.... i read it in one of the women's mags.. found it funny.. apparently, according to the mag, it's true.. well.......................
the 100th way to relieve stress.......
100. Orgasms
Sunday, March 28, 2004
-*- project done! at last...
yippity dooo!!! my proj is done AT LAST! hahah we finally finished it today, at my place.. now we're just waiting for one of the group members to compile the last two parts together then DONE! wheehee..haiz not fantastic job, but at least the effort was there... we all did quite a bit.. heh.. and the peeps were actually quite a fun lot.. hahah we kept playing uno doraemon.. hahah so lame.. doraemon and do-mei-mei.. hahah
okie anyway, after the proj, i went to meet my dearie.. he was playing bball ma.. hehe went there to scream for his team!! haha to relieve stress (no.85) hahah.. yeah then we went for makan! was so happy today! cos i brought my GROOVY bright ORANGE bag out!! hahah shiok! groovy-mama!! hahah roxXXX!!! hahahah im mad.. ;p
like zen noticed, im SOOO into these colours lately! hahah phase.. lalala... so dun mind me and my blogs! hhaha yeah but these colours rock! hmm im even a little into pink.. hahah i HATED pink so much in the past! hahah but now not bad la.. hahah but i still cant pull off pink clothes! hahah
hmm yeah i think that's all for the day!! yay tmr no school! hahah but i may go for my fren's lect.. shd i?? haiz a bit lame leh.. hahah but i may just....
erm yea so anyway, here's the 5 for the day.....
99 ways to relieve stress : (Day 19)
91. Have a support network: People/Places/Things
hmm haha i actually dun understand this *_*'"
92. Quit trying to "Fix" other people
haha am i guilty of this? dun think so... ;p
93. Get enough sleep
hmm i think this should be quite hard, considering i'll be having my intensive revision period.. exams coming soon la.. sadness... *sob sobz*
94. Talk less and listen more
HAHAH!!! talk less is something that is impossible for me to do!!! hahaha anyone who noes me shd noe i talk SUPER alot! hahah so this shd be quite hard.. but i feel that i can be quite a listener AT TIMES... hahaha
95. Freely praise other people
hmm i do that! i feel that when u praise people, u make people feel good and u will feel good too! hehe as mean as i may be at times, i do praise people *sees everyone nodding in agreement* hahaha....
wah this is the 2nd last day... hope u people actually enjoyed and learned! hahah i think this thing actually helped me relieve stress.. haha cos when i update my blog,it's a good breather from my work or something... ;p so this is also another good way to relieve stress! haha tmr is the last day.. so do check in again tmr! ^_^
Sometimes someone says something really small
and it fits right into this empty place in your heart
-*- 5 for the day....
*tired* long day... no time to blog... so here goes...99 ways to relieve stress: (Day 18)
86. Cook a meal and eat by candlelight
hahah eat by candlelight??? what if there are cockroaches??? hahah yeah but it's a romantic way to relieve stress eh? hehe...
87. Remember that stress is an attitude
stress = attitude problem maybe.. bleh.. joking...
88. Keep a journal
hmm i do have a journal.. but i seldom write in it anymore.. mainly it's abt private feelings and all.. it DOES relieve stress... no doubt... always good to pen down ur feelings...
89. Practice a monster smile
wha im so angellic.. how can i have a monster smile?? heh... hmm i guess im quite monsterish la.. hahah
90. Remember you always have option
hmm there are a lot of options wat! lame...... hahah no la.. but as many options as there are, there's always something to deter u from choosing... u nv can choose as freely as u wan.. there are people u have to think for etc etc... so even if there are many options, it is not necessarily a good thing.....
okie dokie.. i better get back to my studies... or at least try to look as if im studying eh? hahah... ok la... that's all la.. hehz
Saturday, March 27, 2004
-*- hmmmm
wahahah new layout again! im going mad!! hahah i love this saint or sinner layout! hahah coolz! i love the pict!! heh..anyway, i just got home about an hour and half ago.. went to chill with my jc clique.. man i missed the bitching with them! hahah we talked so much! about so many people!!! yea too bad one of them came late and went off early.. but i had quite a great time.. i lurve girls' outing.. hahah i can be so gossipy and bitchy!! hahah *madness*
anyway, i managed to finish my essay... hahah but i have to add more to it tmr.. cos i didnt add my groupmate's part in my part of the essay... yeah but i think it should be quite easy.. heh.. 2 hours' work tops...
hmm yeah im pretty proud of myself about the essay thing.. i actually managed to wake up at the time that i had planned to wakie.. i didnt even sleep a bit more.. *disciplined* hahah
haiz anyway, i think i better sleep... soon.. haha after i download more blogskins!! hahah im mad.. okie then..
and now it's time for.... *drum rolls*
99 ways to relieve stress: (Day 17)
81. Leave work early (with permission) just for you
82. Put an air freshener in your car
83. Watch a movie and eat popcorn
84. Write a note to a far away friend
85. Go to a ballgame and scream for your team
wahahah leaving school early is just one of my many good habits!! hahah so i guess i have no problem with 81 eh? hahah
i dun need air freshener in the car!! the car that i drive the most frequently is rather new and thus have a new leather smell! hahah i lurrrrve it!!! wheeeeee.... hahaha
movie and popcorn... y do they always come together??? y cant we have movie and hashbrown? (dammit! i have a sudden craving for mcdonald's breakfast hashbrown!!!) or movies and candy? lollipop? hahah y popcorn!??! hahah didnt it use to be kacang putih?? hahah wat changed??
hmm how about an email? i do email my pal in aussie... we met in an exchange programme.. i stayed at her place when i was over in aus... and she stayed at mine when she came over... was an exchange programme that my sec sch had.. was such a cool experience for me.. ;p anyway, im seriously checking if i have received a reply from her now.. hahah
hmmm balllgame.. i guess this poster (or article) was done by an american or someone from a country where there are "ballgames".. i mean, in singapore, the only kinda "game" is soccer? and the singapore league is so boring.. haha.. hmm but i do watch soccer! erm VERY rarely.. erm and on tv only.. cos i watch those leagues from european countries etc..... but i do watch! hahah hmm i watch dearie play bball with his mates.. so i can scream for his team there??? hahah not as if he really belongs to a team or what... but i can still scream....... hahahaha
hmm i cant believe im actually in day 17!! 3 more days to go.. i like the fact that this actually makes me more concerned about my bloggie.. haha at least now i bother to check it.. i used to be so bored by it.. hahah didnt blog too much in the past.. now everyday... hahah hmm but aft the 99 ways of relieving stress, i'd probably go back to blogging only once or twice a week... hahah
okie dokie then.. that's all for now.. im gonna watch my survivor.. haha i have a few episodes (on my computer) to watch! whee.. then im off to bed!!! wheheee..
bye peeps!! thanx for reading my rubbish!! muacks!!!
***Live every sunrise like it's your first.
See every sunset like it's your last***
Thursday, March 25, 2004
-*- sleep deprived....
im sleep deprived..to finish studying for the test i had this morning, i had to stay up until 430 (hmm thereabouts, but im sure it's the end of the first half of the chelsea-arsenal soccer match....heard the result was 0-0.. waste of time.. haha)
anyway, the test went pretty well.. so did the e-lang test that i had(remember i said i would be having two tests?)... so all is well....
*sigh* but the poor sleep deprived me have to stay up for another night.. tonight is the rushing of my Singapore English Language Theatre group essay.. it's a very interesting module.. but the readings are thick!!! we have about 20 texts to read!! haha okie.. so anyway, im gonna be rushing my part for the esay tonight, so that we can send it in to our lecturer by tomorrow... *_* sighz...
so this shall be another night of facing the computer... *_* it's seriously not gonna help my eyesight man...
BUT! the gd thing is tmr is FRI!!!! whee!! hahah i think im meeting some of my dear JC frens for dinner and kopi... hehe.. *hopefully we'll really meet up eh, girls?* wheehee!!!
ooh and the blog layout thing.. i was so disappointed last night, cos my fren pointed out to me that she has a fren who has the exact same layout as mine.. sadness..... but no worries! i shall go re-do mine! it shall be pretty too!!
haha yeah plus the pink is prob not very suitable for me, and it's not good for the eyesight.. or so say the GUYS who read it.. i think guys just have lower tolerance... a little bit only must complain until lydat... not one guy.. but a lot of the guys that actually saw my blog actually said my blog was not nicE! hrmph! no taste! bleh. hahah...
okie then.. here's the 5 for the day:
99 ways to relieve stress: (Day16)
76. Get to work early
77. Clean out one closet
78. Play patty cake with a toddler
79. Go on a picnic
80. Take a different route to work
get to work (school) early is something i REALLY cant seem to do.. it's just sooooo hard!! i hardly am on time for most of my appointments!! *_* bleagh
my closet is clean!! hahah erm at least my clothes are folded and hung properly.. haha *beams with pride* hmm but im not the one who maintains it.. so yeah... *pride deflated*
i love toddlerS!!! hahah cos i feel like a kid around them!! they are so lovable!! wheehee.. so i am willing to play whatever they want! haha but my family no toddlers.. awww too bad..
picnic?? in singapore?? hahah whr?? the nice and beautiful and *ahem* unpolluted beach of easy coast?! hahah hmm in front of my house? the small small patch of grass that's barelt enough for my rabbits to picnic? hahah madness.. hmm but i think that it WILL relieve stress... can understand how....
hmm sadly, to school, there's only one route.. haha so yeah....
okie dokie! that's all folks! gotta go back to rushing my tupid essay.. *_*
no quotes. lazy la.
Wednesday, March 24, 2004
-*- whheeee
wheheeeee!! i lurrrrve my new layout!! hahah i finally have pretty layout!! *beams with gleee*hee anyway, not much time to blog.. so here goes the 5 for the day........
99ways to relieve stress: (Day 15)
71. Become a better listener
72. Tell someone "Have a good day"
73. Throw a paper airplane
74. Exercise everyday
75. Learn the words to a new song
im quite a good listener.. hahah not a patient one.. but im NOT THAT bad.. hehe.. agree? *hears echoes of YESSSSSSS* hehe...
okie here goes... DEAR ALL!!! HAVE A GOOD DAY... hmm that didnt relieve stress.. but i felt better.. cos i noe people WILL have good days... at least most days...
wah throw aeroplane.. tsk tsk... cannot litter!!! ;p
hahah walking the long and neverending stairs of NUS arts counted as exercise???? i think so.. hhahhah (just to cheat myself...)
whee.. i love learning new songs.. so yeah.. but sometimes i learn.. and ill forget time.. im mad.. when im concentrating, nothing can tear me from what im doing.. weird, coming from such a slacker and lazy person.. hehe...
okie then. that's all for the day.. hmm btw, i tink i feel much better today... had a weird dream last nite though.. hahah dreamt of a guy that i barely even know.. *HALT* it is not a wet dream! hahah yeah just find it weird that ill dream such a lame dream...... k then.. gotta go back to studying for my test tmr.. (note: i actually have 2 tests tmr.. but im gonna mug for one only.. cos the other is open book.....)
You will know the real meaning of love
when you fall in love.
-*- satisfaction...
i have forgotten how satisfying studying sometimes can be!i was studyin for my test tmr.. (erm for the stupid GEM, which i suddenly very regret that i missed the last test... now i have to score VERY well for the next two tests - tmr and next thurs - to get a satisfactory (S) grade..).. and then i realise i actually understood a lot of it! even if it meant i had to read a few more times, i'm extremely glad that i understand! plus my progress isnt that bad! im sure i can make it for tmr's test!
and this feeling that i actually noe wat the notes are toking about really makes me very proud, hence satisfaction...
and i have totally forgotten how it feels to be proud of myself like that! i mean in the past, whenever i do mug for my exams, i ALWAYS will feel a bit of this satisfaction.. but it's always the getting down to studyin that deters me from starting... but once i start, i'll be glad that i did...
okie then.. that's all, hahah just wanna remind myself that i actually can get satisfaction from studying!!! ;p
Note: i noe im having mood swings lately.. sorry really really really cant help it.. that's the trouble of being a woman. sux, but wat to do........
Tuesday, March 23, 2004
-*- no one's perfect. but y am i so imperfect?
y am i going thru such a sucky phase in life?i feel so imperfect.
i hv no sense of urgency, am always late, always procrastinate, don't know how to set my priorities right.
basically, i'm quite screwed up.
im angry with myself.
(note: i noe i'll look back at this entry and say that i am nonsensical, but anyway.......)
sucks to know that i'm living like that.
sucks to noe that people are disappointed in the things i do.
the people i love the most.
this feeling sucks.
i still sincerely hope that it's my PMS.
i don't want this feeling to stick to me.
will tomorrow be better?
i hope so.
no quotes for today.
sorry folks.
no one's perfect. but y am i so imperfect? -
-*- 5 of the day...
99 ways to relieve stress: (Day14)66. Always have a plan "B"
67. Learn a new doodle
68. Memorize a joke
69. Be responsible for your own feelings
70. Learn to meet your own needs
im in a bad mood...
-*- death
hmm scary thing.. the D word rarely comes up in my life now.. i mean im still young, i dont think about death that much... but my fren just told me he came back from the wake of his fren.. died of exhaustion or the likes..then i realise i have been very shielded from the d-word and its repercussions from it... the closest person to me that died was my granny.. my paternal grandma.. but she lived her life well, she lived till 84.. so that was quite amazing, and she went rather peacefully.. so we were glad that at least she lived her life fully...
anyway, about death, i always wondered... how would i feel if someone REALLY close to me leaves me? i think i wont be able to survive man... i feel like crying now, just thinking about it.. isnt it scary to think that you may just lose anyone you love dearly? anytime? any day? *shudders*
however, death is something we face everyday.. not "we" as in everyone, but "we" as in people... and let's admit it, the shock and trauma is just for a few weeks, months, or years.. people will eventually get over it.. or at least get on with life and work.. i mean, it's very vicious to say this, but the world doesnt stop.. if i continue to live, i HAVE to get on.. i'll definitely be SOOOO sad.. seriously, ill die if my ah-bits die.. let alone my loved ones... i'll probably take forever to recover, but i still have to continue living... it sucks, doesn't it?
seriously, i shudder at the thought of people around me dying.. i cringe at the slightest injury or hurt done to the people i love.. how will i ever bear their deaths?
goodness, i think i shall stop here.. this topic makes me wanna cry....
okie anyway, here's a funny quote to lighten up the mood a little......
There is always death and taxes;
however, death doesn't get worse every year.
-*- day 13
99 ways to relieve stress: (Day 13)61. Maintain your weight
62. Plant a tree
63. Feed the birds
64. Practice grace under pressure
65. Stand up and stretch
!!! maintain my weight??! hahah im trying to reduce it!! hhah! next!
hmmm if everyone plants a tree when he/she is stressed, i think singapore will not only be a green country.. it'll be a tiny green dot.. no other colours... no buildings.. nothing.. just trees.... hmm yea and in context of 63, birds will flock into singapore to build their nests here... hahah and they will be stressed too and they'll start planting trees!!! oh the horror!! hahah
hmm wat practice!?!? i HAVE grace! all the time babe!! *stretch my leg on the table.....* ahhahah yeah i do have grace! ;p
hmm and yea i shd prob stand up and stretch.... i've been sitting all day! hahaha erm and watching tv! goodness!! argh!!! im a tv addicit.. a piggo one at that!! *_*
k then that's all!!! bye peeps!!!!
Monday, March 22, 2004
-*- hmmm??
hmm an interesting topic came up in a conversation amongst my frens...would you think twice about raping if law permits it?
many many guys will say NO (i.e they will go ahead and rape... *_*) almost immediately. but when given to think for another second, it's almost definite that more than half will change their minds. seriously, think about the high, high, HIGH possibility of getting some kinda disease or something? i'm not sick here.. but seriously, if law permits rape (As ridiculous as it sounds), what will happen of the society? i would feel (or at least i really hope) that people will still be themselves, and find normal sex partners.. goodness, isn't it so icky to think that pple can rape freely?
which leads me to another point: is it just because we live in a "civilised" society that we feel that rape is wrong? pardon me, cos im doing a project on The Vagina Monologues.. I'm pretty sure a few of you have read it.. yeah i feel that it's a super powerful play.. it has a rather violent impact on me.. rape cases are all over the world.. and if the society shuns it so much, why are there STILL so many cases? is it because some people are just plain sick? or is it because they have a different set of belief system? i dont noe if i make sense, but if i parent my child in a way that doesnt deem rape as an act of deviance, will he/she really feel that it is alright? this sounds damn sick! sick sick sick!
goodness, i cant believe a world in which rape is alright! it's disgusting!!!
hmm and i seriously hope people will not treat rape as a trivial issue.. it's very important, and it is as real as the air we breath...
i dont noe what came over me. and i dont know if this entry makes sense.. but im just trying to "pen down" my random and lame thoughts.. im deeply influenced by the Vagina Monologues... i dont know if it's good or bad.. but i am... lalala...
okie then that's all for today...
oH! and the 10 ways to relieve stress! ;p
99 ways to relieve stress: (Day 11)
51. Ask someone to be your "Vent Partner"
52. Do it today
53. Work at being cheerful and optimistic
54. Put safety first
55. Do everthing in moderation
hahah who volunteers to be my vent partner?? heheh u get kicks out of it!! mehehe..
wah.. i think i like just do it better than do it today.. i like being spontaneous... ;p yeah but i always procrastinate!! arh someone help! hahah yeah but im not a do-it-today person....
im so cheerful it freaks people out sometime! hehe.. don't i? as in freak u out? hahah lalala i do, but i dun care! hehe.. but well, lame as it sounds, im a very negative person, even though im cheerful ALL the time! hahaha... sad eh?
safety? hmm if i dont live life dangerously, how can i REALLY enjoy? life must be exciting, and if i ALWAYS put safety isn't that a bit bit boring? hehe..
hehe do everything in moderation??? hehe even food?? aww... im sad.. hahah
99 ways to relieve stress: (day 12)
56. Pay attention to your appearance
57. Strive for excellence NOT perfection
58. Stretch your limits a little each day
59. Look at a work of art
60. Hum a jingle
i love myself! so i love to pay attention to my appearance!!! hehe..
wahahah excellence not perfection? that shall be my new motto!! heheh.. strive for excellence NOT perfection!! whee.. heheh...
yawns. im bored..
anyway, stretching my limits? i havent reached my limits for a very long time! argh! im so disappointed in myself!! *_* hehe
a work of art? me!! hehehhe.. hmm but i tink i would love to visit the museum.. but not for a long time.. i cant stay long looking at art, ill bet.. heheh
hum a jingle? how about "tis a season to be jolly, lalalalalalalalallaalal......"?? heheh i love that!! whee!!
oh my.. im so tired! *yAwNZ*!!!
go sleep already! nite peeps!
Love reminds you that nothing else matters.
- Amy Bushell -
Friday, March 19, 2004
-*- DAY 10
99 ways to relieve stress: (Day 10)46. Do brand new thing
47. Stop a bad habit
48. Buy yourself flowers
49. Take time to smell the flowers
50. Find support from others
46:hmm i just did.. C/R: prev entry.. and pple say my blogs all seem happy.. clarification time! im not unhappy...
hahah hmm bad habit? hahah yeah i guess i shd stop with my irritating habit of imitating *ahem* pple from a *ahem* particular country.. er shall not say it out.. hahah in case i kena beaten up by people... anyway i think vin is unhapi abt that particular bad habit...
buy myself flowers? that's a nice thought.. i shall try tmr.. make myself happy! heehee.. i mean, which girl doesnt like receiving flowers? who cares that it's not from a lover or anyone? who cares if it's from herself? hehe... yea and i pwomise to smell the flower.. i shall buy myself one stalk of yellow tulips! hee... i love tulips!
support? haiz.. dun start me with that... *_* hmm but i guess there are alot of people supporting me, silently? i hope so! :)
k then that's all...........
-*- and i realise i was alone against the world. still am.
first, i must clarify... im not upset or unhappy.. in fact im happy with my life, well, most of the time at least...it's just that sometimes i feel as if everyone is against me.. okie, i amend my sentence.. not everyone.. but quite a bit of people.. basically, i feel that sometimes, things, and now i mean EVERYTHING, dont go my way.. it's hard for me to accept that so many things can go wrong at one time.. it's almost hard to imagine how anyone can survive in the world, with the many possibilities for our lives to be screwed up..
another thing to clarify, nothing wrong with my love life.. it's fantastic actually..
it's just that i feel so lonely sometimes.. (i noe i shdnt say this, but it's probably PMS).. but i do feel lonely.. it's a war between me and the world... i noe a lot of people stand by my side, but i still have to fight this alone.. this battle..
not that dearie doesnt help, but sometimes, wat he does, doesnt.... HELP! i need to be strong. i need to face it. i need to speak up, speak up against everything.. but i just cant seem to...
i feel that this is a good point in time to remind everyone, including myself, that i'm not sad, nor upset.. im just... just.... just.
oh well, i'll feel better when im over my PMS period.. my period... period.
and i realise i was alone against the world. still am. -
Thursday, March 18, 2004
-*- Day 9...
99 ways to relieve stress: (Day 9)41. Practice breathing slowly
42. Learn to whistle a tune
43. Listen to a symphony
44. Watch a ballet
45. Read a story curled up in bed
whee breathing slowly i thot just relax? haha hmm duh i think that relieves stress too! hahah
wah i think whistling a tune is good! i love to whistle a tune... and those who noe me REALLY well, shd know that it's "tis the season to be jolly, lalalalala lalalala..." hahah.. yeah im in a xmas mood ALL year!! hahah
wah but i think im not artsy enough for symphonies/ ballet! haha so yea.. hmm but i have a question for u guys to ponder about at the end of this entry........
ohhh!! i love curling up in my bed with a book!! shiok! i love the feeling.. it's like a time for myself! just me and my book! hahah hmm but my books are usually those scandalous love novels.. hahah so yea....
hmm yea i guess that's my five for the day! :p hmm yea i need my "beauty" sleep! hehe..
and here goes the to-ponder question....
why do you play at a recital and recite at a play?
Tuesday, March 16, 2004
-*- 5 for the day
5 for the day. too bored to make any entry.99 ways to relieve stress: (Day 8)
36. Have goals for yourself
37. Dance a jig
38. Say hello to a stranger
39. Ask a friend for a hug
40. Look up at the stars
>goals...... zilch. hahah i think i have la.. but yea........
>jiggy jiggy dance! yeah man.. hahah not unless im super drunk... haha which i wont be.. so yeah... hahah cos i dun drink... cant drink either... *_*
>hello to stranger? i smile to ALOT of strangers.. feel weird if i keep staring at a person then not smile.. hahahah
>i hug friends. does that count??
>singapore limited stars.. but i do try.. feels romantic... cos of a msg dearie sent me last time.. haha.. just a "secret" between him and me.. haha but i doubt he remembers la.. so yea.. haha
haha wah i think im SO lazy.. too lazy to type more.. *_* so hope u enjoyed.. bye...
"When I eventually met Mr Right
I had no idea that his first name was Always."
Monday, March 15, 2004
-*- oops again...
hahah oops.. again.. my sunday entry slow.... hahah this really shows how "on time" i am all the time.. *_* hahah yeah so today 10 right?haiz anyway, i didnt go for my lessons today again.. hahah cos it's a presentation.. very pointless.. hahah altho i usu will learn something from these presentations.. *_*
hehe yea today dearie's out!! hahaha so im now at his place.. was trying to study.. but hahah yeap, knowing me, i studied for only half an hour and i had to come to the computer to "relax" hahah.. yeah.. later gonna play mahjong!! whoohoo!! hahah
haiz anyway, saturday was so exciting!! haha i went ktv with a bunch of frens.. then when i was sending them home, there were 6 of us, which means that behind there were 4... and that's illegal... hhaha and one of my frens was just saying he'd nv seen a roadblock b4.. hahaha and yeah, we kena road block.. lucky for us, there was a turn right before the roadblock... hahah so we turned into the street...
but the not-so-lucky thing was that it was a dead end.. so i had to drop one of my frens.. erm yea he was the one we were sending... and the one who hadnt seen a road block before.. hahahah ... so since we were the nearest to his place... he got down and walked.. so poor thing!! *_* but it was rather near... ;p
yeah and sunday was an eventless day.. hahah hmm yeah i guess that's all for today!!!
so here's the 10 that i pwomised.. (Days 6&7):
26. Teach a kid to fly a kite
27. Walk in the rain
28. Schedule play time into every day
29. Take a bubble bath
30. Be aware of the decisions you make
31. Believe in yourself
32. Stop saying negative things to yourself
33. Visualize yourself winning
34. Develop your sense of humor
35. Stop thinking tomorrow will be a better day
wheehee.. i love walking in the rain, bubble baths (im just a kid inside) and play time in my schedule!!! ahahah yeah like that's not obvious... hahah... wah but i dont even know how to fly a kite.. let alone teach a kid.. hahaha... decision making is something i suck at the most! hahahah *_*
hehe.. i strongly recommend 31!! i tink the most impt thing in life to succeed is to believe in urself, and furthermore, u shd love urself! there's nothing more important than the love for oneself.. im serious.. not that im a narcissist or wat.. but i really feel that it's very important to love urself! ;p
and hence, dont say negative things to urself.. hahah but that's something i do relatively often! hahah as much as i love myself, criticisms for myself is essential too.. haha to improve ma.. bleh...
wah i think 33 is cool! visualize myself winning! sounds like daydreaming! hahah i shall try that! u try that too! hee.. then evryone's a winner!!! wheeeEE!!! hmmm i have a good sense of humour.. right? don't i?????? hehhe.. yeah i do! hahah and i love myself for that! whee!! hahaha
hmm and i've always thought it's positive to think that tomorrow will be better.. isnt that always encouraged?? okie.. i think i wanna stick to my own belief.. tmr WILL be a better day.. ;p
horkies!! that's all man! thanx for listening! hahahah yeah i'd love to be a radio dj.. so u guys are not readers of my bloggies.. u guys are the listeners to my programmes!! hahaha oops im lame.. actually, it's called GOOD SENSE OF HUMOUR.. *ahem* hee...
I smiled to many people
for more than a billion times;
but when I first saw you,
my heart took over and smiled for the first time.
Saturday, March 13, 2004
-*- late... hahah
oh no! haha im 2 hrs 40 mins late!!! hehe yea almost forgot about updating!! erm hahah in fact i just got home.. had planned to stay out at my fren's place actually... yea but something happened n i needed to come home.. now that im home, and everything's solved... i rem this bloggie thing.. heh.. yeah so... here goes:99 ways to relieve stress.. DAY 4:
16. Break large tasks into bite-size portions
17. Look at problems as challenges
19. Un-clutter your life
20. Be prepared for rain
wwah i think it gets harder.. haha i thnk 16 and 19 is impossible!! hahah so many things in my life! goodness.. hahah hmm but i tink 17 is highly possible.. but i dun do that. hahah hmm 18 is wat i do best! hhah *radiant smile* ehhe... n i think 20 is necessary! haha cos lately weather not that good.. *_* keep getting caught in the rain!! ;p hehe yea i thnk that's it for the day then! erm i think tmr will be late again!
hahah hmm so i shall be a cheaterbug... here's another 5.. for "today".. haha..
DAY 5:
21. Tickle a baby
22. Pet a friendly dog/cat
23. Don't know all the answers
24. Look for the silver lining
25. Say something nice to someone
wah i think 21 is so sweet!! hehe.. 22 helps? hehe dunno how that will relieve stress.. but yea.. hahah hmm i dont noe any answers... hahah!!
wah.. i like 24... but i think it's hard.. n it's so cliche to say every cloud has a silver lining.. seriously, sometimes, there just isnt... *_* hehe... yeah but the silver lining is that when the time comes when there ISNT any silver lining, anything that comes will just be an improvement in your life.. geddit? hehe philosophical leh... hahahah
yea n i ALWAYS say nice things.. haha dont i?? *threatening eyes* hahah i do! sometimes! hahaha yeah.. so thats all! for this entry.. hahah bye peeps!!
A bell is not a bell
until someone rings it,
a song is not a song
until someone sings it.
Love wasn't put
in the heart to stay,
for love isn't love
'til you give it away.
Thursday, March 11, 2004
-*- hmm.. early for the day....
im early today!! whee.. haha actually im still in school...*_* yea waiting for my last lec of the day to start... it's at 4 so that's 25 mins later.. haiz wanted to stay in here for a longer time.. but it was so hard to find an available computer in arts cluster!! argh.. hmm and my seat sux.. i keep having to move in so that people can come in and out! argh..heheh but nvm.. i just saw my "eye-candy" hahah no la.. he's just this guy that i find cute.. in fact he isnt even REALLY cute.. just the best of the worse eH? guys in NUS more or less cant make it.. hahaha but got a few that are actually quite cute.. so this "eye-candy" is one of them... erm but it's only his side profile that's cute.. yeah his front view not that fantastic la.. ;p hahah but oh well, he's just another guy..
anyway, im damn bored... that's y im in a computer lab la.. hahah like i have nothing better to do right... ;p
hmm i slept so late last nite (about 3am) that i couldnt wakie on time.. my fren woke me up at 615.. fell back aslp.. then when she called again, haha i told her i cant make it liao.. hahaha i think she musta been quite pissed... *_*
(note: hahah i keep looking out of the room, in case my "eye-candy" walks by!!! hahah)
yeah she musta been quite pissed.. haha and jealous too, since i keep seeing her eye-candy... (yeah she's a bit into this guy...) and she doesnt see him that often... haha
oops yea so i missed my lesson in the morning.. *_* but at least i came for the later lessons.. so not that guilty..
wheeee tonite i gonna meet my dearie!!! so excited!! yea i think we're gonna have dinner and slack!! hahah tat's wat we do all the time! ;p hehe.. yeah
hmm not that u guys cant tell yet, i hav nothing to write about... somehow my life seems so much duller than others.. hahah yea that's y my blog is seldom updated and is rarely interesting.. hahah erm yea but since im into the 99 ways to relieve stress thing, i'd better update everyday eh?? at least something for me to do when im bored??
hee so here goes...
11. Simplify meal times
12. Always make copies of important papers
13. Anticipate your needs
14. Repair things that don't work properly
15. Ask for help with the jobs you dislike
hmm meal times.. hahah i dun have regular meals.. so that's out.. erm copies of wat? hhah yea i guess SOME docus i hv copies... hahah wah i think these 5 suck! hahah cos i dun do any of it! hahah yea when i have jobs i dislike, i just dun do! hahaahh
yeap i think that's all.. gotta run for my lesson!!! arh!!! but it's the last lesson of the day! so it's better... after that im meeting my dearie... so happy!!! whee... hahah okie dokie then.. bye bye alll!!!!
***stressed is desserts spelled backwards....***
Wednesday, March 10, 2004
-*- another 5....
hahah today boring day!! *_* went to school for only ONE hour... sux... was a "quite interesting" class la.. heng i changed my class to same as my fren... arbo i would have felt quite bored... heh... i think it made the class a little more interesting.. was some interactive tutorial la..wah! i think that was the end of my day.. oh and i went to parkway to change the batt of my watch!!! hehe 3 yrs ago dearie gave me the watch.. heh today the batt died.. *_* heheh but went to change it.. haha come to think of it, it was actually quite funny.. cos i didnt noe that my watch stopped last nite.. (erm at 1140 exactly)... hahah then when i was on the way out, i knew i was late.. haha but when i looked at my watch, i thought i was 40 mins late!! hahah my lesson was at 11.. then i was stunned.. but wasnt surprised..
hahaha then for a while i hesitated going to school.. hahah but luckily i checked my hp.. then realised my watch wrong time.. hahah but i didnt think it stopped.. until 15 mins later, when i was on the way to school, i realised the "time" was still 1140 hahahahha so i realised.. how dumb right.. hahah
yeah so that was my day... went to lesson.. and then parkway to change batt.. hahah hmm and buy 4D for dearie.. haha but nv strike la... ;p
okie anyway, my 5 ways to relieve stress....
6. Make duplicate keys
7. Say "NO" more often
8. Set priorities in your life
9. Avoid negative peole
10. Use time wise
yupz! try them! hahah erm i do do 6, and 9... hahahah i have like 3 sets of keys.. hahah erm and i avoid pple like FAHY (a very bastard tutor in my jc....)!!! hahaha yeah that's y i dun go back my jc.. *_*
wah but i dun do 10 *guilty*... heheh.. yeah so hope these 5 ways help... if not, keep checking in on my blog.. hahah i have 99 ways!!! ;p
k then.. bye peeps!!!
***Love is a sign from the heavens
that you are here for a reason.
~ J. Ghetto ~ ***
Tuesday, March 09, 2004
-*- stress...
everyone experiences stress.. in school, at work, at home or even when alone.. stress due to projects, deadlines, relationships, or just mood swings....that day, i went to the doc in YIH (yusoff ishak house) in NUS.. and i saw this very interesting poster... says 99 ways to relieve stress.. so i decide to post an entry a day and teach people 5 different ways to destress everyday... so here goes... the 5 for today....
1. Get up 15 minutes earlier
2. Prepare for the morning the night before
3. Avoid tight fitting clothes
4. Don't rely on memory...Write it down
5. Practice preventive maintenance
i think it will be helpful.. i mean, seriously, out of 99 ways, there has got to be a way or two that are useful for anyone.. one out of 99 is not that hard...
by the way, i do prepare for the morning the night before... hahah but im always waking up late.. oh well, at least one out of 5.. hhahha... do i wear tight fitting clothes? hmm sometimes i guess.... *_*
anyway, life has been hectic for the past few weeks.. but i think this week it has slowed down quite a bit.. haha maybe cos i took a super long break last week.. on thur i self-announce early day.. hahah meaning i left NUS about 4 hours b4 the actual end of lessons.. i came home to sleep.. (i had an excuse - not a reason, an excuse - i was sick....) so after a long afternoon nap, i did nothing but slack for the whole evening..
then, since i was prepared not to go for the lessons on friday, i slept late.. but woke up early on fri.. to fetch dearie.. went for makan at NUS.. hahah i didnt even wanna go that day.. yeah but i only went for the breakfast.. after that i went to work.. hahah so lame right, i skipped lessons to work.. haha yeah but at least there was money...
yeah and on sat i worked again.. as lame as this sounds, working is less stressful than school... but im sure it's cos im just a temp and the assignment was a 2-3days thing.. hahah...
on sunday, i worked a bit (i brought work home)... then i felt so good when i finished the work that i brought home.. haha..
altho it was a "working" weekend, it was quite great.. as in it felt like a fantastic break from the gruelling lessons in NUS.. and i felt so good on mon! hahah...
which leads me to think... am i more a working person? or was it just the different kind of "work" that made me feel so relax? not sure.. but im glad i had that break... ;-)
now im prepared to chiong more.. it's nearing the end of the sem, i think... so i had better start chionging my notes and readings!!! argh! hahaha yea so i guess the pace will pick up once again.. i hope it will... *_* good luck to me!!!
and good luck to everyone else who bothers to read my bloggie!!!! ;p
***To the world you may be one person,
but to one person you may be the world.
~ Bill Wilson ~ ***
Tuesday, March 02, 2004
-*- sick... again
haiz. im sick again. feverish last nite.. (note: i use feverish cos i dunno if i really had fever).. and my throat is killing me.. my cough too. im dying.. *self pity* hahaha no la.. not that bad la.. but was really very sickly last night.. after dropping dear off at his camp, when i was so scared ill doze off and meet accident.. haiz.. yeah but i didnt and im stil alive and kicking.. hehehaiz i dunno wat to write about man.. i need to just keep typing.. hehe sometimes i can be soo addicted to typing that i feel sad i dun have anything to write about..
ooh.. let's tok about my 1st chiong-ing experience (im not embarrassed to admit that, at 20, my first chiong was last week... hahahahha)! (note: by chiong i mean drinking and dancing and shoutin my drink orders to the bartenders.. hahha)
hmm let's see. i was forced to go embassy.. hahah no la.. cos my gang of friends decided to go to this bash that our ex-schoolmate (from my sec sch) was having for her 21st birthday.. so dearie n i went too..
so in the afternoon of Saturday (28-02-04), dearie and i met with one of our friends to go watch something's gotta give.. *great show by the way* if it werent for the headaches and the very extremely cold theatre, i would have REALLY enjoyed it a lot.. so anyway, i was having headaches in the afternoon already.. but i decided to go for the bash anyway.. so we did...
when we went in, it was all fine and all, i was enjoying myself just chatting with my friends and dearie... then the party started.. and we started to get our drinks and everything.. that's when i started screaming my drink orders.. n mind you, i had to order quite a few drinks.. had to get the free drink that we get.. for about 6 persons.. and had to get the drinks that me n my friends so wanna try.. cosmo.. hee.. and i had to get 2 jugs of watever drinks that dearie wanted.. and i had to compete with the loud music and the many many many people who were also ordering.. haiz all in all, i was screaming very loudly.. haiz so hard to order just a few drinks...
hmm then after a small bit of the free vodka 7up and a super long "sip" from the jug of vodka 7up that my fren bought, and half of my cosmo, i wasnt feeling too normal already.. (hahah yeah im a lousy drinker...) but i was happy.. cos i was having fun with my friends.. we were very lame, but we tried to stay upstairs, and just look at people on the dance floor.. ahah but b4 i knew it, i was heading there... the music was lame.. it was just boom booom boom that's all... haahah wat a way to say right? haiz but it's true to me.. hmm but i had quite a bit of fun.. hahah lame dancing.. then dearie came down to join me.. was vey happy... cos he's not a dancing kinda guy.. so yeah.. hahha
haiz but one thing sad: i was still sick.. and the headaches and nausea only kicked in after the music stopped.. which it shdnt have.. it stopped for some HOT gals n HOT guys competition thing.. that sucked.. one of the hot gal was the birthday girl of cos.. and one or two were my friends' friends... a little bit about the competition: the competitors had to dance as well as they could.. erm well, that's all.. hahah yeah and the birthday girl looked so scary when she was dancing! *note: if u cant tell yet, im not very into the birthday girl.. for reasons i dont remember, i kinda dislike her...* yeah the girls all danced quite provocatively... hmm so yeah.. i think one of them actually took off her top.. leaving a tube left... hmm i wasnt sure about how the ones after the birthday girl did.. hahah cos i was dying on the sofa on 2nd floor... by that time, i was puking already.. cos the music stopped and my headaches came back, twice as bad... sadness.. and i could feel my heartbeat very strong.. haiz so i puked and all.. i think it made dearie quite worried about me.. he had told me he didnt wanna go cos i was sick.. so we left the place.. cos i couldnt take it liao...
hmm but the minute i stepped out of embassy, i felt a lot better.. hehe could have gone back in.. but i doubt vin would have let me.. hehe.. yeah so we headed home...
hmm on the way home, the stupid cab was so lousy.. it made me nauseous again.. the suspension sucked and the engine was so loud.. shucks... yeah when i reached home, i puked.. not cos of the drinking or anything, but cos of the taxi ride.. it sucked man...
haiz yeah that was the end of the 1st chiong-ing experience for me.. hahah.. oh on sunday, i had sore throat...............
the end