Saturday, February 28, 2004
-*- Salute To You
are you a person who is really passionate? who would do anything to pursue your passion? like ANYTHING? a passion so strong you are willing to give up so many things in your life, like give up love? a passion for poetry maybe? or passion for music or something? if you are, i salute you.i was just watching this show, erm Love Poetry, on channel 5.. and the love the female lead has for poetry is amazing... she was willing to give up a guy who truly loved her and was willing to do things for her.. even lie to her.. (acted by keagen kang, i used to love him heaps!!!!) yesh, it's bad, he lied.. but it was for her.. he lied to her about being a poet.. he doesn't noe a damn about poetry.. and pays a guy (played by this unknown guy...) to write poems for him to give the female lead... but all out of love...
when the female lead finds out, she was pissed, especially since the 'poet' (the unknown guy) tat keagan kang paid was also in love with her.. (erm i think she liked him - the unknown guy - too, someting like that.. i didnt really pay attention..) so she just broke it off with keagan, even tho he truly loves her.. and she actually did love him.. and the reason why she can't be with her is he's not a poet.... she feels that without poetry, life is empty, without poetry, love is meaningless...
is there really this kinda people?? passion over love? passion for something other than love, that is...
i'm a rather passionless person.. my passion is for sleeping.. hahah and i am ready to give up sleep for love, for fun, for anything.. (erm, most of the time that is...) and i feel that people who are SO passionate are admirable.. their passion is so strong that it may actually keep them alive! i salute them.. really..
i noe this entry sounds lame.. but i really feel that passion is important in life.. haha and yea sometimes i get sad that i dun have a REAL passion in life.. bleah.. but really, passion keeps a person going.. that's the amazing thing about it...
(quotes: dunno which to choose.. hehe..)
***Passion, though a bad regulator, is a powerful spring. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson***
***Passion is universal humanity. Without it religion, history, romance and art would be useless. ~Honoré de Balzac***
***The most beautiful make-up of a woman is passion. But cosmetics are easier to buy. ~Yves Saint Laurent*** (hahah i tink this is funny)
Thursday, February 26, 2004
-*- like, watever
haiz im in nus...the suckiest place on earth.. hahah actually no la.. i actually quite love this place.. it's very singapore.. as in u seem to be able to meet everyone that u've ever known before, all here... hahah my life is this limited.. all in NUS... bleh.. hahahanyway, this entry's title.. this entry's a follow up to the previous entry...
*note: sorry for another long entry.. im pissed...............................*
well, that friend went to tell this other fren, erm our common friend, we used to hang out very often in sec 3 and 4... yeah then this common friend, erm let's call her H.. and the girl who lost my earrings K...
okie so i was damn pissed with K and all, so/but (not sure which to wirte....) i didnt bother to contact her.. so days after.. erm, on tues evening, H called me to tell me that K had told her about the quarrel... yeah so i was telling H that it wasnt just the earrings, it was the everything that the girl was doing.. i was telling you abt the pining for a guy thing? haiz yeah that was one of her major flaw...
one side story to let u guys understand: okie.. this K girl.. erm i think she likes a lot of guys.. and i mean ALOT... the many crushes on guys from our class (sec 3 and 4) and the many other guys i think from outside.. hehe actually by many i mean like about 4 to 8 in a year... for some years, she will be carrying a torch for a particular guy for quite a while... like more than a year kinda thing, erm while hving crushes on others... erm yeah.. so in the years in sec sch, she liked this guyfren of ours.. erm, call him B la.. okie anyway, B is rather close to me n dearie... as in we hang out and stuff la, even now.... sheesh i think those who noe them will noe who im toking about.. anyway, yeah K liked this B for a very long time and all,.. but B is not that kind that would settle down and all... so yeah...
but recently, B got attached with a dear dear dear fren of mine.. and when we broke the news to K on my bday chalet day.... i think she got rather pissed, as if she was the one who was supposed to be with B... and she even said something like "i dun think they will last" or "i dun think they will be happy one lor" something to that kinda effect... erm yeah so i kinda conclude that she's sour that she's not the "chosen" one... and she's sour that "everyone" is getting attached except her.. and im not basing this on nothing.. it's HER.. and we all know that that's in her char (as H may put it)......
okie so that's K... yea.. so she recently broke up with a bf.. and she's bitter about it.. cos she still loves that idiot.. but he doesnt love her.. says she has AP and all.. haiz but she doesnt really have THAT bad an attitude problem la.. but just sometimes a little self centred.. erm i dunno if the side story proves that, but yeah...
so she told H about the quarrel and that she's very upset about it.. (can accept that? yea i guess.. but read on...) so i think she kinda got H to come tok to me, either that or H is really concerned... and i told H it wasnt just the earring incident (after all it's just a tiny little thing, insignificant)... it was how she's always coming to me for advice then later agree to go with wat i say, which i think is rather good advice, erm that is to just ignore wat the guy does to her from now onwards (cos supposedly, that guy is screaming vulgarities at her and he's still saying that she has AP, when it really doesnt even concern him anymore, since she's no longer his gf and he's already going after someone else...).. so she supposedly heeded my advice.. the nxt thing i noe, she's calling me at THREE AM in the morning ( erm that's the kinda time she calls pple cos she works late)... and telling me that she's upset that he's ignoring her.. like wateva man.. he ignore her isnt it for the better? so she can move forward liao... but No, she must be all upset... i mean yea, i can understand that she's hurt and she's pained, but it's been FIVE months.. and their relationship was only about 7 mths.. like wat the hell right? haiz so this 5 months she's been calling me in wee hours in the morning and asking me for advice and then not heeding them....
so nvm... at least i was being a fren.. so i told H that i feel that it's very siannening to help K cos she doesnt even care about my advice.... then H agreed that that was her character... and she accepts her as that.. haiz i noe sometimes it's hard to change character, but can't she just see that she's like that (K i mean).. haiz.. so that was the end of the conversation with H..........
one day later.. H told me that K said that I was the self centred person who feels that things not done my way are considered done the wrong way.. haiz maybe to a small extent i am like tht... but if she's referring to the advice thing, to hell with her.. pple try to help and THAT's wat i GET???? yeah, so like, watever....................
i was damn pissed sia! like wth lor i tried to help... im telling everyone who reads my blog.. im NV gonna help her in her STUPID problems anymore.. like i dun have my own probs.. the world doesnt stop just becos i have probs (ooh and that's wat i told H to tell K.. the world doesnt revolve around her and the world doesnt stop when she has probs... blah blah... oh and that she nv tries to solve her own probs.... btw this girl K feels that I dont have ANY problems at all... so yea..... she thinks just becos my parents are rich-er than few other people im problem-free......sheesh btw, those who feel that that's true... it's not.. sincerely not...) anyway, im not gonna help her anymore.. i have my own problems that I have to settle MYSELF!
sheesh, some people......................................................................
Saturday, February 21, 2004
have u ever lost someone else's stuff? like when u borrow and then u actually lose it????that's wat happened to my BRAND NEW pair of earrings. i just bought it at 3plus yest afternoon (from a schoolmate).. then i went shopping with a fren.. after shopping, i decided to be nice and drop by a fren's workplace to just chitchat...
so we ere chatting about my excting shopping trip. and i was showing her my pretty little new earrings... and without any shame, she asked if she could borrow it.. so i thought she's a gd fren and it's just a pair of $3 earrings, so y not... so without questions, i lent it to her.. she happily wore it... and she seemed happy, i was happy... 6 hrs later, at THREE AM in the morning, she calls and say, all apologetic, that she's lost my earrings!! goodness, im not saying that no one makes mistakes or anything, but this girl, she's a person who has no qualms about making evryone pay attention to her just because she's just lost a guy or something.. she likes attention, but seriously, who wouldnt.. but dear all, too much attention will actually leave a negative impression! so she shamelesslyy called me at 3 in the morning and tell me she's sorry..
as groggy as i was pissed, i said i need to sleep and just hung up. i later msged her to say that it's not just the earrings, it's the fact that i lurve the earrings, despite that, i was willing to lend her the earrings for no reason at all, and she doesnt even bother to take good care of it??? and i thought the worst is she will just not return me the earrings (which i wun be surprised)... goodness... and by the way, i always feel that dangling earrings are hard to lose, gee...
anyway, her reply to that msg was: im sorry , i did take care of it... blah blah blah.. but the fact is that ive lost it lor, there's nothing i can do about it.... (it's a handmade thingie, i bought the 2nd last pair. she cant buy another pair for me)
but how irresponsible and unapologetic is that??
i have nv lost someone else's anything... but seriously, how can anyone be sooo irresponsible?? im not the most responsible person in the world, but i noe my limits. THIS is not wat i'd do! u guys who noe me, noe that i ALWAYS lose things.... but do i lose things i borrow??????? i cant remember... at least not brand new things that i borrow just hours after u buy them and then i lose them! im not like that, and i wonder how someone, anyone, can be like that?
and this makes me so fuming mad, that i cannot go back to sleep, unless i tell someone about it.. now that i've told my blog, im not appeased, but i shall try to go back to sleep.
and i rest my case.
Thursday, February 19, 2004
-*- hmm?
hey peeps.. im bored... and im having a break... hmm or should it be im having break and im bored??? anyway, i dun feel good.. was sick yesterday... i think it was the stupid indian curry that i ate the day before ... the prata that i bought for kongkong? haiz i was happily eating the curry!! boohoo... and i had diarrhoea, vommitted and had a fever yesterday... diarrhoea in the morning, vommitted and fever in the evening... boohoohoo...but i guess im better now.... heng im seeing vin in a bit, hee... and he'll sayang me!! =) haiz yeah so im having break now.. hahah but im going to lect in a bit.. just came to com lab to check my emails and everything.. all my emails i havent checked in a week...hahah so quite a bit.. yeah.. haiz anyway, just dropping by to say that i was sick last nite! and i need pple to sayang me!!! hehehehe.... k then ciao~!
***hmm just realised all my posts werent published.. anyway, i also just realise that my posts are LOOOOOOOOOOONGER and LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONGER... sux.. this is so un-reader-friendly!!! (hmm but at least this one wasnt.....) ok! shall change ok?? do keep coming back for more eh?? ;p byeeeeeeeeee
Tuesday, February 17, 2004
-*- happy birthday to me!!!
wheeeeeeeee!!!! it's my birthday!!! hahah but it's ending already!!! hahah yeah i had such an enjoyable day!!!! hahah though it wasn't as wonderful as i thought it may have been, but it's full of great events!!! so great!!first: i went to school in the morning!! i drove!!! hahha cos i knew i was going out after school so i took the car out (luckily you-know-who didnt fight with me over it)..
after failing a test and attending one lect, i drove out for lunch.. with this 2 JC friends.. they actually didnt know it was my birthday.. it was the un-shy me who told one of them then she told the other one... hahah yeah but in my defense in only told her cos i was very excited about tonite (read on!)!! yeah so we 3 drove to ikea for meatballs and nasi goreng and pizza!!! so shiook!! and they very lame.. insisted on treating me!! i felt so mean you know.. i was the shameless one who told them it's my birthday then they still so nice treat me to lunch!!! had such a lame time after lunch.. we walked around ikea messing up the place (hey but it was already rather messed up to begin with !!!)
anyway after that we went back to stupid nus to have boring lects again... after 2hrs of gruelling un-understandable lecture (it's my gem module.. erm now it's about fluids in body and how they behave... so im learning about blood pressure and all...) .... i was saying, after the lect.. i went to buy prata for my darling kong kong, cos i was going to her hall in ntu after that... after i bought the prata, i began my drive to ntu.. hahah as usual i wasnt sure of the way, so i took a very long time to reach... haha about 40 mins? yeah thereabouts .... hahaha
when i reached, i think she was almost dying of hunger already... hahaha yeah after she had her silly disgusting indian meal, hahahah, we just sat and chatted about almost nothing at all.. hahah girl's talk is like that eh?
after about an hour or so, my dearie baby called!!! he's ready to be picked up!!! (*yeah i went to ntu partly cos i had 2 hrs and nothing to do and also his camp is very near... so just visit my darling kongkong.....*)
so i went to pick dearie and 2 of his campmates up... then we headed to orchard!!! yeah we both decided on going hard rock cafe to eat! just seemed like a superb idea!!! yeah and after a bit of traffic jams here and there, we reached orchard!!! yeah!! and we dropped his campmates somewhere near hardrock (forum taxi stand to be specific....) and we went to HRC!!! so exciting eh? heheh we had such a wonderful meal!! i ordered the most amazing nachos !!! yummas!! it makes my mouth water just thinking about it now... *slurp* and he ordered this very yummy thingie called surf and turf!! it was sooo great too!!! it's steak and prawn!! shiok! and i had quite a bit of it too!!
and since it's my birthday we ordered a dessert for me (we dun usually order dessert)!!! it was soooo yum!!! it's brownie and ice cream! and that's like my fave dessert lor!!! hahah shiok!! then we had a candle placed on top of it, then he sang birthday song to me... aww so sweet right?? heehee... was so happy!!! and the brownie ice cream was SOOOOOOOOOO shiok!!! hahah i couldnt bear to not finish it! so i stuffed myself!!! hahaah.. feel sooooooooooooo full! yummas!!!
hahah yeah then after the i drove him and his two campmates (after our dinner we "summon" them back) to camp... hahah and after i dropped them, i drove to dearie's place to steal his PSII!! hahah cos i wanna play... but now im just too tired to play liao...
gonna take a shower and go to bed!!! have lesson tmr.. hahah only one hour.. haiz waste of time...
*hmm but it's all gonna change when i get the car.....*
***Love is knowing you are the bud from which his happiness blossoms***
Sunday, February 15, 2004
-*- Happy Belated V-Day to ALL!!!!
wheee heee!!! another excitin in my life!!! there was the CNY, the anniversary, my birthday chalet (hmm i dun think i wrote anything about that......) and now, V-day!!! hahahahyeah actually me n my dearie doesnt really care much about valentine's day.. just a very common day to us, cos everyday is valentine's day for us!!!! hee.. as corny as that sounds, i do feel that way sometimes... hehe..
yeah anyway, yesterday was planned properly since i think mon? or maybe tues? or wed? dun really remembered.. but we had planned to spend it as a double date thing with bai n lay!!! hehe they only just got together a week or two ago!! it's so exciting.. n i think it was their first date yesterday! hahah too bad vin and i were there eh?? hahah but i think before we met up they did go out and all (erm we only met in the evening)....
hmm so the day started with me going out to parkway to buy dearie his present... i couldnt get it on fri, when i went bugis... the stupid kinokuniya there didnt have the book... (erm it's "Naked Empire" by Terry Goodkind) so i had to go parkway to get it.. cos i was very sure that parkway has it... so i went there to get it..
haha but by the time i could get my ass out of the house and go to parkway, it was way past the time we were supposed to meet... so as a way of apology, i bought him lunch.. hehe mee siam and nachos for the 2 of us to share.. was great... oh and i also bought his mum a big tub of karmelkorn!!! cos she loves it, and he has nv gotten around to buy it for her.... so i bought it for her (and she really liked it)....
after eating and watching several episodes of spin city, i painted my nails and he played his game and all.. then at 1840 thereabouts, we headed out to mhmd sultan to meet bai-lay and to have our dinner at sketches..
we reached at about 730... right on time.. we ordered out food (or as they'll put it, we "designed" our food) and started chatting.. heheh felt as if it's just four friends hanging out..
after dinner was movies, we watched ALONG CAME POLLY!!! so lamely funny and lame! hhah..... but i think jennifer anniston is sooooooooo chio!! and she has such a good body!! *jealous* after the dinner, we went cosy bay to just sut and slack.. with a 3rd couple.. koon-fen.. hehe was quite fun.. it's like we're 6 friends and 3 couples at the same time! took sooo many pictures,, hahah that lame lay la... hahah after drinking and all, we just went to sat at the waterfront there... erm outside the indoor stadium.. it felt so great to just sit down there and sing and talk and kiss... heheh... yeah i guess all of us were either used to having one another around or we were so affected by the v-day mood that we were quite comfy with showing our affections... so yeah....
haiz.. after that it was time to go.. i tink lay went bai place and either fen went koon place or koon wnet fen plae or they went own homes... but vin came my place... so sweet of him, he actually volunteered to come my place sleep... hehe..
yeah that was my v-day...... so shiok right???
heh on another note: today is gonna be another fun day!! i had mac breakfast and im now at his place gonna take a nap while waiting for our mj kakis to arrive and start playing mahjong! so exciting!! ahahha and at night, we're going to plaza parkroyal hotel to eat!! my parents wanna bring the family out for a yummas dinner for my birthday and today was their free day.. so yea!!
heehee looking forward to today's activities!!!
***Life without Love is like a harp without strings***
and happy VALENTINE'S day to all!!!!
Happy Belated V-Day to ALL!!!! -
Thursday, February 12, 2004
-*- Lame Quiz as a Lame Entry
NAME: Ah Zi, Zee, Zizi, most importantly, JiaziDO YOU THINK YOU'RE NORMAL: i guess.. hahah im a normal girl with normal silly fantasies. that's normal right???
DO PEOPLE FIND YOU STRANGE: guess not, erm hope not.. different i dun mind.. but strange is negative... dun wan! heh
DO YOU BELIEVE IN GOD: nah. not into religions or anything. believe in myself.
DO YOU SIN A LOT: sin.. erm yeah like humans do.
DO YOU BACKSTAB: rarely. i can be a bitch sometimes, but backstabbing is the lowest anyone can go. n we all noe who does that.....
ARE YOU A GOOD FRIEND: i hope i am. i try my best. try to listen to my frens' woes n all. i think im a not-so-bad friend.
ARE YOU IN LOVE: Yippee Yiippe Yiip!!!
ARE YOU YOUNG: im young! hahah (to zen:) 20 is not that old!
EVER BEEN A LEADER OF SOMETHING: hahahha erm peer leader? i love to lead. hahaah im a leading freak! =p
EVER KILLED A LIVING CREATURE: hmmm yeah duh.. all the disgusting mossies! argh! erm and i accidentally kill several beetles? those black black very scarie ones.. ooh! n snails... haiz i feel bad about them... imagine... im walking down the street, walking walking, walking, walking, *STOMP!* *SPLAT!* Im DEAD.........
LAST ODD THING DONE: this. hahah i shd be in bed. i slept TWO hours today.. haiz but i cant sleep.. so odd thing is this! hahahah omg, im lame,.... i think it's the lack of sleep......
DO YOU WEAR MAKE-UP: i like the natural pimple-ful me!
DO YOU REBEL: yeah.. but rarely. i think im quite a conformin person. haiz i think that's why my parents are so "GOOD" at taking me "in hand"........ they always bully me!
EVER STARTED A FIRE?: huh bbq?? hahah yeah if it's bbq.. erm quite failure actually.. hey but i tried! erm those arson firE? but of course!!! hahahahah joking....
DO YOU THINK YOU'RE EVIL: a part of me, yes... everyone's evil to a certain extent, big or small, obvious or conspicuous, hidden or shown. truth is i think evil is not that bad. as long as u discover that it's evil... the most scaree evil is when u dun even noe wat you are doing is evil............. make sense???
DO YOU LIKE LYING: no! sucky feeling. but seriously, who doesnt lie.. so i think it's more of "do u mind lying?" than "do u like lying?" la.......
DO YOU REGRET: i shd think so. i think everything a person does, there's a high chance he'll regret... regret not doing it earlier, regret doing it, regret doing it instead of another, regret everything. but the way i see it, the best way to not regret is just to not look back, problem solved!wellllll, unless u know for sure it's something good..
DO YOU HAVE A BESTFRIEND: erm no. dun believe in best fren.
1st of all, who is a better friend than yourself?
2nd. how do u decide man? all friends are the best in their own special way.
3rd. u nv know who you can really trust. sometimes the "bestest" fren can backstab u. or betray u.
cynical? not if u really look at life. that is life.
DO PEOPLE HATE YOU: not surprised if they do. people find me very loud rowdy and noisy. people who loves me find me bubbly, lovable and fun loving. it's all perspective. evryone is hated by someone.
DO YOU HATE PEOPLE: yeah. hahah well, to continue my everyone is hated by someone, everyone hates at least one person. it's the reason that differs.
CAN YOU KILL SOMEBODY: hmmmmmmmmm dun think so. i think im still generally a rather kind person.
DO YOU CUT YOURSELF? no... im not into THAT.... scares the shit out of me to see blood from a cut.......
EVER TASTED BLOOD: yeah. from gum bleeding....
DO YOU CARE WHAT OTHERS MAY THINK OF YOU: yeah i guess... but now better.. i think i only REALLY care about how the people i love think of me... i used to be very affected by others' looks and all.. now, i guess ive grown out of that....
EVER DONE ANYTHING OCCULT: huh dun think so.....
DO YOU SMOKE: eeks no!
CONSUME DRUGS: nope. dun ever intend to.
WHAT DO YOU WEAR: a big smile on my face! i try to wear that everyday.....
YOUR SKIN COLOR: fair i suppose....
DO YOU LIKE THE SUN: must see my mood, place, time, people around me, who i'm with etc etc etc
HAVE YOU LOST SOME ONE YOU LOVE: i guess so far im pretty fortunate... havnt really lost anyone that i truly deeply love.....
HOW DOES GRIEF FEEL: i doubt any word can describe true grief lor. it's too deep a feeling and too strong an emotion to be put into words.. but just noe that u will noe when grief strikes....
YOUR ROLE MODEL: damn. i cant think of anyone!
OUR HEART DESIRES TO BE WITH WHOM: the one for me. he's there. either i've found him, or it seems like him.
YOUR LISTENING TO: hmm a train just passed by.. so yeah. train.. no mp3s playing. im supposed to be sleeping! the lights aint even on!
DO HATE YOURSELF: im rather narcissistic... but sometimes i hate the things i do.. cant stand the way i do things sometimes......
DID THIS QUIZ MAKE SENSE: yeah as much as lalala makes sense to anyone!
** hmm wat was that????*** okie im gonna play my lack of sleep card once more..... i didnt get enough sleep! im allowed to be lame!!! *_*
Sunday, February 01, 2004
-*- Happy 3rd Anniversary My Dear Love!
wheehee! i just got home an hour ago from vin's place.. we had such a wondeful day!! we celebrated out 3rd anniversary!!! so happy!heh but tis year wasn't like the past 2 years, when we dressed up and went to nice fancy restaurant to eat and went to movies.. that's boring (hehz altho i always enjoyed it cos it's with him!!) anyway, today was different.. we went sentosa!! (note: im speakin in the perspective that it's still 31st jan.. ezier for me.. heh..)
ohh but before we went sentosa, we went to buy me my watch.. heh.. erm ya, i bought a Ck watch for vin (it's a guy's version of a pair of couple watch)!! i gave it to him last nite (ie 30 jan).. i think he likes it quite a bit.. so today, we went to pay for the ladies' version of the watch (it hadn't arrived when i bought his).. his is a chronograph watch, black face(base), bracelet (the strap) and very suitable for a guy, esp him... and mine is just a plain black base bracelet watch.. it's very yummas! they're both from Ck..... i was so happy abt the watches.. heh.. and i think he really likes it, which makes me happier!! yay!!
ooh and what did i get? *drum rolls pls*
goodness, i knew he was gonna buy me jewelry, but this bracelet is unexpected.. it's exquisite.... it's a row of 21 diamonds and the rest of the bracelet resembles this particular bracelet from perlini's that i really lurve (and he knows, that's why he chose this design.. he knows for sure that ill lurve it...)... but this one is so much better than the perlini's!!! ehm it's from soo kee... it's very very very beautiful!!! im looking at it now and im speechless... erm maybe cos it's too beautiful, or maybe im too tired... it's five plus in the morning.. hahaz.. but reeallly, i lurve this bracelet !!!
*ok, back to sentosa*
it was so great.. i felt so comfy! we went several places..
first we went dolphin lagoon to realise we were late for the show.. then we took the free bus to the underwater world, to find out that if we were to go underwater world, we would have to stay there and miss the last dolphin show or go in walk and look quickly and leave for dolphin lagoon... cause it's a one entry thing, so we decided that we should go to dolphin lagoon first.. but we took several picts.. at the underwater world and on the monorail... (hmm i just realised i fun think we took a pic of the two of us.. sad.. )
then we went back to the car so that we could drive to the dolphin lagoon (it was a very sunny dAy and we were both feeling very warm).. we stayed in the car to just enjoy the aircon until it's about time for the dolphin show... then.............
we went into the dolphin lagoon!!!! and knowing how much i simply lurve dolphins (duh my blog name?!?!) u can imagine how happy i was! i was so excited! i kept clickin away !!!!!(yea i will post the picts as soon as i upload them into my com...) hahah tat's the best thing abt a digicam!! i really enjoyed the show.. the dolphins are so smart! they do a lot of tricks and all!! haha i feel like an idiot saying this, but im super impressed!!! hahah i am.. and it makes me lurve dolphins even more!!! really man, i lurve them.. altho the pink dolphins are rather ugly.. interesting fact (tat i didnt noe until today.. yea call me dumb, watever... hehz): the pink dolphins are pink only if they mature.. when they are born, they are grey in color.. but as they mature, they slowly turn pink.. erm i guess that's y they look so ugly, the are pink with grey spots, or grey with pink spots... so yeah.. but i lurve them all the same! i dun even really care wat type of dolphins they are.. i just love them.. ehm, especially bottlenose i guess.. hehe.. (*if only i can have a blog that has lotsa dolphin picts!! anyone wanna help me??? ;p)
haiz but it's rather sad to say, actually the dolphin lagoon thing is actually very very cruel.. the environment is so restrictive! there are 3 of them and they live in a lake-size, close to shore, area of sea (sori abt the awkward description.. im trying my best).. the area is so small they can barely enjoy themselves splashing around! not to mention the training.. i mean they are animals that belong to the sea and deserve to be free, and yet, the selfishness of man refuses to allow them their rightful freedom! we catch them, and prison them to a small confined area and trained them to do things that they supposedly "always do".. truth is, they may not wanna do it... they do it for the reward.. the feed.. as much as the dolphins in the wild will do the flipping and jumping and all the tricks, that's different from the trained tricks that these dolphins in dolphin lagoon do.. those in the open sea do as they please.. but these actually do for the feed.. it's kinda sad to think about it... and i dun wanna... so the childish me refused to see beyond the performance.. i had really wanted to enjoy myself thoroughly, which i did.....
after the lagoon, we drove back to the underwater world!! hehe.. by the time, it was about 6++pm already.. so we hurried in and looked at the aquarium stuff.. once again, we took a lot of picts... of the jellyfish etc etc.. hehe... quite fun la.. n we walked the tunnel thingie... not bad either.. cept that it's a very small place.. nothing too exciting... unlike the ones in other countries, where the underwater worlds have whales etc etc.. yeah.. too bad i guess... but we were happy anyway, cos we were together and happy!!! =)
after the underwater world, we went to get the car.. on the way there, we saw this very nice car.. it's a model that we both havent seen before.. it's a toyota... erm, we dunno the make cos it doesnt say on the car.. (trust me, i tried my best to find it... i even looked inside the car.. nada..)... i was so sad.. hehe.. i really liked that car.. so.. i took a pict of it!!! hehe.. yeah i think i may put it on the galleries too... MAY la.. cos it has the car plate.. not very nice.. but it's a very good looking car.. yummas... i spent at least 15 mins looking and admiring it... couldnt help it, really very attractive car... would really wanna find out the make and model.. but im pretty sure it's quite a current model.. cos the car plate no. is rather new.. so yea...
so by the time we got to the car (btw, i was driving cefiro today.. that's a first...).. it was already about 730.. hahah.. so we left sentosa to go eat... but as we didn't noe where and wat to eat, we drove around.. we got lost.. hahah not very lost tho.. we "kinda" knew our way, cos vin had vague memories of the places we were at.. hahah but somehow, we chance upon this toyota showcase.. so out of my very fresh enthusiasm, we went in to check out the cars... i had hoped to find the car that i saw... but no luck.. it wasnt in the showcase... sadness.. somehow i feel that the car is special, such that it's not everyone that can get it... :(
hehz, after the car viewing short session, we went to millenia walk to eat!!! outback steakhouse! shiok... haiz sadly, my "steak" isn't very steaky... it's not steak.. i had wanted those medium rare beef steaks! haiz... *my mouth is watering!!* however, vin did get one of those steaks, YUMMAS!!!! incredible! so great i couldn't stop stealing his food!!! heheh.. *slurp!*
after a sumptuous (at the same time, a little disappointing) dinner, we headed back to the east to pick our friend, wee, up... then we went gelare to have our dessert!!! waffle ice cream!!! another slurp slurp yummas yummas part of our already fantastic day! awww. i think i gained about 100pounds from today!!! so yummy!!!
and u noe wat's the best part? ------ i felt so so so so so comfortable!!! even tho i was in shorts n a very plain and boring top, but i felt so good and i acually felt pretty!!! (not being narcisstic, but it is true....) dear was so sweet to me all day, i felt sooooo soooo sooooo special!!! like a princess!!! wheehEE!!!! i mean, i always feel like a princess with him around (most of the times la...), but today was exceptionally princessy!!! heh... he was like a sweetest darling to me!! i lurve u so much my dearie luvie hun!!
that was the end of our day.. after which, not wanting to end the wondeful day, i went to his place to nap a little before coming home.. i napped for 2 plus hours.. felt so good, so comfortable.. felt as though we really belong... i truly truly feel the love between us.. n im soooo soooo sooo happy!!! hope there will be more anniversaries to come.... *wide grinz*
hmmmm i've come to the end of my narration of the day and of my day... im gonna have the sweetest sleep and dream the most sugary dreams... gud nite to all, and 3 cheers to the power of love!!!!!
***when it's right, you just know.***
- Charlotte from Sex and The City
Happy 3rd Anniversary My Dear Love! -