Friday, January 23, 2004
-*- Hangpee Neu Year To EvengReeBongDee!!!!
wheehee.. hahah hangpee neu yr to all!!! heheh**on a side note : happy birthday to my two darling ah-bits (my darling rabbits... tiny n fluffy)... they turn 2 today!!**
back to happy neu year to all... hahah hmm today is chu er.. 2nd day of CNY! hahah so lame.. went to my fren's place.. lost money!! boohoohoo.. bleah but vin won... so he covered my loss! hahah yeah plus last night at vin's place, i won.. so today it's even, no loss no gain, then! hahaha...
wah yesterday i went so many places!!! early in the morning, i went to vin's place.. at 8 in the morning, when most were sleeping, i had already started my journey of ang paos collectin.. hahahha oops.. i let the materialistic side of me come out.. hahah no la.. was joking.. yeah so i started the visitin all the relatives.. 1st stop : vin's place.. then after that we (vin, his mum, her boyfriend, his (her boyfriend) kids, and i) headed to vin's auntie place to bai nian.. (erm, i dunno how to say that in english!! hahha).. then vin and i dropped his mum n the rest at his maternal granma place.. then the 2 of us went to his paternal grandparents place (which is just down my street).. haha and although it's so near my place, we could not go my place from his grandparents' place.. we had to go his maternal granma's.. luckily i had the car (my parents were sleeping.. so they "let" me use the car.....) after the maternal grandma's place, we went my place... had a nap and all, then went to MY maternal granparents' place.. then my uncle place (which was where most relatives from my dad's side of the family will go on the very first day.)... yeah so that was the 7places we went on the first day of this CNY... hahah so tiring!!! haha... after everything, it was the windin down in vin's place, playing blackjack (and a little bit of mahjong), until 230 this morning. hhaha we are all such gamblers!! hahah...
wah.. i realised my first day was so hectic!! haha yeah and the 2nd day (today) was just a lame gambling day.. ...
so all in all! i had fun, i think... hahha yeah actually i just wanna leave an entry to say this to everyone:
may the new year bring u all the best!!!
***love like you've never been hurt
dance like nobody's watching
sing like nobody's listening
live like it's heaven on earth***
Hangpee Neu Year To EvengReeBongDee!!!! -
Saturday, January 17, 2004
-*- *impressed*
im thoroughly impressed.. by the speed at which i download my files! it took me 1 min plus to finish downloading 5plus meg of file! gdness! how can the speed be so incredible!!!! hahah yeah i think im connected at 100mbps for some reason.. i dun understand.. but who cares man! im happy about it! wheehee*** next topic: MOI day!!! ***
phew today was happy shopping day! hahah i forgot how much i lurve the girls' day out! shop shop shop n shop! whee so shiok.. hahah i made my friend buy a very pretty skirt! denim! i dunno y.. im so in love with skirts! any kind of skirts! haha i rarely buy pants anymore.. hahah the only long pants i bought was a cargo pants.. n i bought it only cos dearie bought one too.. n i thot it may be quite sweet to buy the same one... heheh.. but i dunno if i'll wear it! hahah cos it's pants! hahah.. yeah n for this chinese new year i bought very little clothes.. erm as compared to last yr that is.. hahah yeah but i have quite a few sets.. hahah yeah anyway... shopping today was grreat! hehe.. cos i was shopping from 1330 to 2030!!! hahah
yeah but i was so sad.. cos i saw this very pretty top.. $49.. long sleeve stripe shirt.... very pretty! but i didnt wanna buy the display one.. yea n i didnt have enough money (but kong said to lend me... but i didnt really like borrowing money to buy vainy stuff..) .. so i didnt buy it... yeah.. that made mi super regret not buying this other top that i really liked a lot.. haiz... plus that top is nicer, from a better brand, n CHEAPER!! argh! i was dumb.. i dun think i can find that top liao la.. anyway, if anyone bothers at all, the nicer better brand top is from MANGO.. it's blue, striped, n no buttons.. 3/4 sleeve n quite low cut (available in blue n brown).. erm have to wear tube inside those kind.. about $23 when on offer.. $40+ when not on offer i think... heheh if anyone comes across that must tell me k!!! hahah !!! dun think can find liao la.. haiz
hmmm i think im quite distracted by the stuff im doing.. im downloading games.. hahah so i shall stop here.. yeah no qoutes.. just a gd bye!!!
hehez bye peeps! cheeries!
Thursday, January 15, 2004
-*- baby picts
oooh yah! forgot to tell everyone.. i've put up a new picture gallery.. it's called baby me!!! hehe.. do go take a look.. it's my when i was young (and adorable).. hhehe.. so yeah....~~~%%%~~~
-*- another boring thurs....
haiz another boring thurs.. hahah im in the eerily quiet cluster again.. siannening.. but this time it's not as quiet... so it's much much much better.. lalala.. im trying to decide if i wanna go for the tutorial that's starting in half an hr.. it's so boring, the lecturer, that is... haiz.. but i dunno if the participation counts towards the course or not..haiz maybe i should declare this module as the S/U (satisfactory/unsatisfactory) option thingie.. so it wun count towards me CAP.. hehe.. but then again, this thing no exam.. hahah so im not sure.. lalala... hmm i shall email the gong gong looking lecturer again to ask about the course.. as in wat contributes to the grading n wat doesnt... so i can make an informed decision..
hmm am i making sense.. im quite tired i think ... hahah.. cos i was watching sex and the city last nite.. gd show.. but kinda R(A).. well, to quote a fren.. it's not banned in singapore for no reason.. heheh.. so i was watching it.. i kinda cant stop.. haha cos i had several episodes.. so yeah.. i watched till 1 plus..
hehe n today i almost couldnt wake up.. hehe.. woke up at 630.. i was supposed to wake up at 6.. but oh well, if i didnt have to print the irritating n useless notes, i wouldnt have been late.. but i wasnt late either la.. cos i took a cab.. er.. i think i've drifted too far from my original topic.. so.. yea im quite tired... so i may not make sense.. hehe.. lalal... i tink i shd just skip the tutorial.. so irritating.. argh.. lalala... life is sian..
anyway, recently im having problems with my family again.. in fact, it's with one particular famile member.. if u'r close to me, u'll noe who it is.. so sickening.. made a big fuss over a small little thing.. im disgusted actually.. by "its" actions.. bleagh... doing childish things like that... argh!!!
anyway, i dun think i should dwell on it.. i shall stop here to end my grousing mood.. lalala... bye all.. no quotes for today.. bleagh.. byeee...
Monday, January 12, 2004
-*- life's good.... it really is...
my life is good!!! n to say that it's good is a complete understatement... my life is more than grrrrrrrreat, much much better than FANTASTIC, n definitely no less than EXTREMELY TERRIFIC!!!! wheee....reason for my exhilarating happiness? my life, no less!! hehe... i dunno i i did mention this before, i got a tv in my room after (quite a while after... but yea...) i've cleaned up my room n shifted my com to another place... (almost like a reward i tell u)....
next thing i know, my parents are talking about applying for cable (tv AND maxonline)... since cabling for landed property costs alot, my family has been holding that thought for a very long while.... so knowing that there's a slight chance we're gonna cable the home is already an exciting news by itself!!! whoopee!!! hehe... n on 31 dec, i was listening to my dad talking to the salesperson about cabling my home!!! before i know it, it's the day, (today is the cabling day).... i have cable maxonline!! n im now surfing like a mad woman!! hahah im downloadin stuff like mad!! im comtemplating the aspect of playing gunbound.. it interests me quite a bit... mehehe.. another reason y life's good has been explained in one of my previous entries... my problems from family n nus are quite gone by now... or rather my poblems with family are long gone and i have come to accept my sad predicament of 5 day week in nus for this sem...
another better reason is the coming 3rd anniversary of the sweet love with dearie!!!! we're not gonna do anything extravagant this year i think (we used to dress up n go fancy restaurants to eat meals billing up to $200... heheh)... we're just gonna enjoy each other's company... =) yeah but i've already decided on wat i wanna buy for him!!! shan't announce it here, lest he checks this webbie ( not that i think he does....) or anyone who reads this tells him.. heheh.... shall keep it a secret to myself and a few trusted souls!!!
whee... all in all, my life's grrreat! n more than that, im extremely happy....... YAY!!!
quote is rather cliche... but i kinda like it.. =)
*** dont look back....
your future's not in the past.... ***
life's good.... it really is... -
Thursday, January 08, 2004
-*- in school
hey hey everyone who bothers reading my bloggie! haiz im bored, in school.. have a 2 hrs break.. just had breakfast with kong! haha cant even consider a breakfast la... just a small pathetic pie thingie that doesnt even taste alll that great... haha im now in the engineering fac of nus.. haha shd have stay at my own sheltered n protected fac (arts n social sciences).. here the cluster (ie the rooms where computers are... i wonder y they dun just call it the computer rooms... haha it's ezier to refer to it, am i right? but i digress, here the cluster...) are very quiet.. actually it's eeeeerily quiet.. i feel like im the only one typing.. n everyone else is reading articles of sorts.. so they arent typing at all... either that or this keyboard is exceptionally n embarrassingly loud.. either way, im feeeling kinda embarrassed..but i dun really care, cos this is not even my fac.. n the people are people that i probbably will not even meet ever again (altho there are many chances to meet pple from engin fac... i am taking one engin module as a gem n im taking my sociology module in engin fac....).. but seriously, i dun really care...okie then, now that i have told everyone where i am, i shall update u about my life! hahah.. erm yeah, in my last entry, i was complaining, and whining, and telling everyone how my life is very screwed.. erm now, i feel that it has become much much much better..
first, my personal problems are more or less solved.. (erm ie my family stuff.. nothing too serious, just some relationships problems with family...)...
2nd, i feel as if my life has changed for the better altogether! i got a tv in my room, my home is gonna get cable (cable tv and cable broadband)... which means ill be getting the broadband!!! the fast speed downloads and all!!! im so excited!!it's all happenin in 4 days.. 12th jan.. i look forward to it! hehe..
3rd, my schedule in sch is fixed.. haiz, altho i heard bad news today that change my schedule to a 5day week thing, everything is fine.. i got the modules i had started out to bid for (though i've gotten them all at high prices)... n i got quite a relax schedule... mon: one hr of sch, erm, it's a tutorial, n ill be trying to get the early slot, like 10-11... tell ya y later.. then tues: 10-12 infocomm (icm) lecture.. 1400-1545 living with fluids lect, a gem (there, the gem that requires me to come engin rather regularly... ) then wed: one hr of icm tut.. have yet to choose the time, may be taking the 10-11 slot too.. for the same reason as for mon... thur is my bz day.. 8-18.. haha 8-10 eng lang lect.. 11-12 living with fluids tutorial (which hasnt started yet, which is y i can b so free to b bloggin....).. 12-2 sociology lect (which is in engin too!! so i dun have to travel that much...) then 4-6 is my singapore studies (SS) lecture.. lastly, fri: an hr of SS tutorial n 2 hrs of socio tut.. (timings still unsure.. ) yeap that's my 5day week... eerm the modules are very interesting in my opinion... will say more later...
now, i shall announce the reason for my choosing of early tutorials.. anyone who noes me at all would know that jiazi, being the lazy bum that she is, will choose later slots for tutorials or lectures... but y, oh y, do i wanna choose the earlier slots.. haha the answer is easy, early in the morning (or even late mornings).. my parents dun need the car (cos they usually are sleeping like pigggos).. n yeap u guessed it, i can use the car!!! hahaha yeah!! yeah but i need to confirm with my dad first.. if not ill choose the later slots....
oops.. my fren called me already... im meeting her outside the lecture theatre... so im leaving now!!!!!!!!!
quote is very last minute.. the only thing i can think of right now...... hahhaa...
***life is like a vaccum cleaner...
it sucks.........................................***