Tuesday, December 30, 2003
-*- boo hoo hoo - NUS probs, more nus probs and lastly, ear infection
haiz very long never blogged already... hahah i think since the last time i blogged, my life has been more messed up... haiz...............first, my registration for modules to read for next sem in NUS is very screwed up... since i didnt do the declaration in nov (sometime around there), i can't declare my major until next sem.. which means that this sem my modules will be very hard to get... cos major students are given priority.... n i may only be given a seat if there are vacancies... n even if there are places, i have to vie for it with other students who may wanna take the module.. i.e i have to bid a higher points.. waste the points.. haiz nus uses very stupid system... students who wanna take any modules must bid for it... students are given points in the start when they enter uni and at the start of every sem.. so the points must be used "wisely", according to the students' priorities... but since major students are given priority, they dun have to bid high points for the modules they want, cos when they bid, the vacancies very high......... haiz.. n now that all the major studnets have gotten their modules, im left to fight with 80 plus people for 13 seats... HOW can i get it??? so i bid very very high lor.. so siannening right? argh! now im still waiting for the results... plus i appealed... hope that somehow or another i can get the place in the module.... oh btw, the module is information and communications management module.. media communications... haiz.. reallly hope to get that module....
2nd thing is that the modules i wan, the timetable SUX!!! i have to go school tues to sat... hahah but i think i've kinda managed to change my timetable to such that i dun have to go on sat... will be very sad if i hav to go school on saturdays... cos dearie only books out on weekends.. dun really wanna waste my time with him... but tues to fri is sucky enough!!! argh! i noe i shdnt be complaining so much, since many people actually have to go everyday, even saturdays.. so yea.. haiz but i still am sad about the 4day weeks... n 4days is if i can get all the tutorials that i want... if i cant, i may have to go everyday, n on many days, go for only an hr.. that sux.. considering i have to travel an hr to go n another hr back.. SUX!!! n i cant drive cos my erjie "needs" the car! argh! haiz i hate my timetable for this sem.. i lurve it the last sem.. hahah cos it was a 3day week thing n everyday i go for very long.. so i wun have to waste the many hrs travelling.. haiz...... but now....... oh man, im whining.. haiiiiiii.....
okie.. next screwed up thing... my ear kena infection... i just went to the doc today.. he said a few things.. he said that it's serious... then he said i'll be fine after i've taken the medicine n used the drops... so wat does that mean?!?!? anyway, the stupid med cost me so much man.. bleagh.. i think docs are earning too much... he only looked inside my ear for 5 secs n said some standard stuff n gave me some lame ass medicine n charged me $50++ for everything... haiz... not that my ear is better... still hurts.. i still hear muffled sounds... hear my own echo... so irritating.. =( somebody come n sayang me!!!!! hahah yeah vin does that a lot... he very nice to me! actually he was the one who kept pushing me to go see the doc.. hee.. he really cares so much for me! keke.. im so in love!!! hahahah im love sick.... lalala... love sick but very much in pain.... ear hurts alot... haiz......
haiz altho three small probs dont seem that bad.. but i have many other probs.. so yea... sad la.. hope that next yr will be much better! =) which is in fact 2 days later.........
boo hoo hoo - NUS probs, more nus probs and lastly, ear infection -
Wednesday, December 17, 2003
-*- i got flowers!!!
he gave me flowers today!!! so happy!!! he's such a sweet darling dearie baby!!! cos lately im rather sad n troubled n depressed... yeah some problems la.. so he went to buy flowers for me.. hahah u may think that buying flowers is very common a thing... but it's not common for my dearie.. he's not a buy flower guy.. he feels embarrassed buying flowers, then he feels embarrassed when pple look at me when im carrying flowers (which is SUPER rare.. i tink only once he gave me flowers in public....).. so it's very pwecious when he gives me flowers... and im very happy today when he gave me flowers today..plus he surprised me lor.. hahah cos everytime we pass by a florist i always wish that he'll buy me flowers... even if it's only one stalk... i dunno about other girls... but im like that.. i dream a lot about him buying me flowers... so yeah..
so about today we met up at jurong point as usual (his nite's off)... then when i reached, he passed me a card.. cos i was depressed about my personal stuff... then i was very happy already...
after dinner, we went walk walk around... bought his stuff and all... then he suddenly went missing for a while... when he came back, he suggested sitting around for a drink for a while... then after the drink, i had wanted to head upstairs, to walk him to the taxi stand... he pulled me aside.. then he distracted me with the sushi shop next to the florist n walked into the florist... suddenly, i didnt want him to waste money on flowers (so un-me!! hahah i've always loved flowers.. esp blue tulips... hahha but that's SUPER rare...)... n i pulled him back... then he pulled me in and took this bouquet of flowers from the counter... n gave it to me!!!
as it turned out, he already ordered the bouquet of flowers when he reached jurong point way before i did (he arrived about half an hr earlier than me...).. and after our dinner n walk walk, he went missing cos he had wanted to go collect the flowers.. n the stupid florist hadn't done it yet... so the drink was to drag some time before he could collect the flowers... wheeeeee!!!!
when he gave me the flowers, i was SOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy!!! hahah he has nv done this b4.. haha to say the truth he only gave me flowers twice.. hahah in the almost 3 yrs relationship... yeah he really really really really really doesnt believe in giving flowers.. oh well.. i've come to accept that, though i often dream about him giving me flowers... hahaha.. n today my dream came true!!!! and they were tulips!!! purple n pink tulips.... it's really almost impossible to find blue tulips.... but purple n pink!!!! so pretty!!!!! i shall a pict tmr!!! hahaha YAY!!!
yeah im super happy today... though im still quite sad about my personal problems... erm which are rather personal...
but all in all, my dearie has very successfully made me very happy... i feel so happy when im with him.... he's the love of my life..... i love u baby...
***be in awe with the power of love***
Friday, December 12, 2003
-*- im home!!!
im home! home from genting n KL!!! so shiok! had the most fun man! okie i shall tell in a chronological way......7th dec sunday - - - just travelling travelling n more travelling.............
(early morning)
didnt sleep at all... planned to sleep on the car trip.... at 530, i drove dear to my home... 730, roll call by daddy... everyone's late... we ate our breakfast and set off to pick my dajie (eldest sis) n bro in law up... met my auntie n family there... n off we went to GEnTiNG!!!
msia already... on the car, erjie driving, daddy keeping the lookout for erjie (usually he doesnt let my sis drive in msia.. but he was tired), mummy asleep, as was dearie... i was just stoning... couldnt sleep.. little cramped in the car.. not cos it's small.. but cos we're all fat! hhah..
halfway there... went thru TWO police stops! one of which my dajie's car n my auntie's car kena... my auntie hubby sillylyly took the summon, while my dajie didnt (we all know why)... haha.. erm the 2nd one was only the car i was in... erjie didnt get the summon either... then we stopped at a rest stop... had lunch n ice cream!! hahah... then moved on...
destination reached! we're in genting! it's VERY cold! but super shiok! hahah everyone started putting on his/her sweater n jacket n everything to keep warm.. nobody thought of going into the hotel lobby tho.. hahah enjoying the weather...
everyone settled in.. we went the indoor amusement park n played those games that actually gives those small tix to redeem toys... we stole a whole bunch from a machine (the lock on the machine was faulty...) the kids were sooooo happy! then buffet msian dinner.. not bad.. after tat, the kids n my auntie n the two maids went back to the hotel... the rest? CASINO!!! whee... so shiok... okie.. im 19 going 20, so is dearie... my cousins were 17 n 16, (a guy n a girl respectively....) - therefore, all 4 underage.... but we all went in without getting checked! haha.. i look old, vin looks big (his size)... but my cousins are young n small looking (esp the girl.. the guy is very big sized but short....) they just hid behind our parents n sisters.. hahah so we all made it thru! so lame... then we played jackpot n this dice game.. we place bets on wat numbers will appear n then the person flip this dice cage thingie... then see which numbers are shown on the dice.... then collect winnings... yeah was damn fun... at the end of the day, i.e about 130am, i had lost about RM30... that's less than S$15.... hahah... yea then it was snooze time!
8th dec monday - - - play play play n play non stop!
wakie for breakie-cum-lunch (bleah i noe i noe... brunch...) after that was the indoor theme park time.. we went to play this zero gravity thing! was so damn fun!!! its this thing that blows very strong air upwards... so strong that when we step in, it will feel as if it's zero gravity (ie we'll be flying)... SHIOK!!!! it was so fun (n a little ex - RM30plus for a person)!!! hahaha yeah n i got a cert n a tape!!! wheeee!!! aftr that we separated.. cos the four of us (my cousins mi n dearie...) wanted to go outdoor theme park... but we ended up staying indoor... cos the fog was too thick most rides werent open... yea we wasted RM16 buyin the unlimited tics thingie n we played two rides only... so sian right? they not enthusiastic enough... then dinner...
after dinner, we went into the Ripley's Believe It Or Not gallery... a lot of amazing things inside! hahah there was a statue where if a woman touches it, she'll get pregnant! hahaha.. erm n the world's luckiest chair - made of horseshoes... hahah got a lot of things la! we stayed there till almost 9pm.. after that, we tried to go into the casino, but failed.. the two of them too young looking... so we went back to hotel... hoping to find someone to go with us...
hahah when we reached, no one was in.. two min later my auntie, the maids, the kids n mummy came back... they had the kids to shower n everything while we complained o them about lack of activities.... dajie had promised the girl cousin (sharon) that we would go disco... but no news from her.. at 1145pm, a call from her n we were off... but sadly, the disco was under renovation.. bummer.. we went back to hotel, wanted to just slack, when we decided to give the casino a shot again.. this time, with my mummy, dajie, auntie n uncle, and this fren of my daddy (refer to entry on sat dec 6)... so we helped sharon make up n all... after that we all tried to go in... sharon still got caught anyway, but she used my dajie's member card to enter... surprisingly, vin got caught too... so we went in using the other exit... n viola! all of us in the casino again... this time, we also played jackpot n dicey dice game! hahha yeah we spent a lot of time in there... we left at 5 plus in the morning... leaving jentson (the guy cousin) n sharon with my mum n their mum... at the end of that session, we lost nearly RM100.. we would have lost more, if it weren't for dear's triple 3.. he betted RM15 on 3 n triple 3 came up.. the pay out was 10 times... so we won RM150 back.....
9th dec tuesday - - - pack n leave... for KL!!
(very early morning - 5am)
when we (vin n i) reach back in the hotel from the casino, we took our shower... n we went for breakfast!!! hahahah we very piggy! we went for the hotel's restaurant's buffet breakf.... n after that? we went to SLEEP!!! hahahah shiok
everyone awake but me... hahha everyone's packed to go (dad mum n auntie n family going home n mi, my sisters n korkor, dear going KL for another day)...
off we went.. bye genting! we went to this temple on the genting mountain place.. we had the vegetarian lunch there... YUMMIE!! hee... shiok.. after that we went our separate ways... mi n gang to KL, dad n gang to singapore.....
after a super long ride n a lot of jams, we finally reached our hotel! yeah! so shiok! the hotel rooms are so big! hahah we had 2 rooms for the five of us... (in genting, my parents, erjie, dearie, dad's fren, dad's sis, n my auntie n family n two maids all squeezed in 2 rooms.... so this was quite luxurious....) after settling in, it was shopping TIME!!!!
wheehee! haha we went to Times Square (right opposite our hotel; our hotel view was actually the complex).... it's very happening place... it's many many many storeys of shopping n an indoor amusement park... (i have pics of it).... so shiok! i bought some stuff... hahah spent a lot of money... bought some (erm.........) lingerie... real cheap (RM200plus for 2sets!!! that's about S$100 for 2 SETS...) n extremely pretty!!! (*embarrassed*), n a board game (game of life) etc etc n dearie bought tranformers stuff etc etc... anyway, we bought a lot of things la.. spent a lot of money... oh!! n i bought a dolphin keychain from rip curl!!! so pretti!! n anyone who knows me at all would noe how much in love i am with dolphins.. so u can imagine my happiness... hee.... after that was dinner... then hotel!
hahah we played GAME OF LIFE!!! whee.. four of us (mi n vin, dajie n kor) played till 130am.. hhah so fun... cos we were trying to explore the game.. we werent sure how to play n all.. hahah ... dajie was a big cheaterbug... after that mi n dearie went back to the room we share with erjie (she didnt wanna play, we think it's cos she quarrelled with her secret bf....) n slept... shiok!
10 dec wednesday - - - shopping shopping then homey home!!
wakie at 930... shower n off we went for breakfast.. then it was packing time... we packed n chucked everthing onto the car, then off we went to shopping!!!
shop shop shop till everyone dropped.... we went to at least 3 shopping centres... i bought a skirt n a PINK top!! hahah anyone who noes me noes how much i dislike pink.... but i lurve the top i bought... erm n a long skirt.. very typical me... vin bought 3tops n a pair of boxers! hahahahah erjie n dajie bought bags... GUCCI bags... erjie bought a very sweet pink one, dajie bought 2.. one black handbag , one document bag.... same range... with that they already spent about S$800-S$1200 (erjie n dajie respectively)... to think i thought i spent a lot............
eat eat... we stopped by coffee bean n had coffee n cakes... then walked back to hotel to drop our shopping trophies n went to times sqaure for the amusement park! so fun!! we played only 3 rides... but that was enough to make me nauseous... we took the limbo rock thing... 360degrees one... very shiok... then we took the top gun (it used to be called top gun.. but now got new fancy name liao)...it's this 2 hammer looking thingies that hold people on the hammering end... then spins 360 degrees several times.. that was wat that made me super nauseous... next was the rollercoaster (rollie in my pics gallery)... that was shiok!!! a lot of 360 turns!!! hhhaha that was really fun.... but we were all very nauseous after that... hahah yeah then we left the amusement park... for macdonalds dinner n last minute shopping.. vin bought stuff for his mum... n dajie for the kids (samantha n fionn)... n we left KL..............
the ride home was fun.. hahah we played this lame game that we have to name countries/cities that start with a certain letter.. we only played A, B, and C... hahah but was very fun!!! after a short break at one of the rest stops, erjie drove n i accompanied her cos everyone fell asleep... but before they slept, we played a lame game.. i tell them im thinking of a person/car/number or anything then they ask a series of yes-no qns... then see if they can guess... yeah that was how we spent the whole journey back... lame but at least fun......
we finally reached singapore sweet home... after sending dajie home, erjie mi n vin went home (mine)... then we packed vin's stuff, my stuff n erjie's stuff... after that erjie went orh orh... dear said he didnt wanna stay my place (which made me very sad) n he went home........... i went to bed after that... too tired to be sad/angry...
whoah.. im lame.. i actually typed out the whole of my trip! probably for nobody.. buy at least i enjoyed it... i can print it out n paste it in my diary! ahhahhah oh welll .... that's all for today!!!
yawnz.. nite nite to all!!!
***Be nice to people on your way up
because you meet them on your way down***
Saturday, December 06, 2003
-*- genting here i come!!!
oh my! im so excited! the day i've been waiting for the past 2 months is finally here!!! im leaving for genting in 8 hours!!! yeah! n everything has gone successfully, despite all the glitches and all.. dear's passport expired, his camp doesnt allow him to leave (twice that happened....) etc etc... it's all over! we're going genting FOR REAL!!! whee...haiz too bad that we're not going alone, but with my family... oh well, it's still as excting! at least dear and i will be together n having fun! hee... im so happy!!!
hmmmm but my dad may be quite a spoiler... i don't know what the f*** is wrong with him today... he kept going against everything i say lor! every sentence i say he just says something back to invalidate the sentence, like as if everything i say is wrong lor... got real pissed with him... left the house in a tee n a pair of shorts... couldnt stand talking to him for another minute... and there was the whole car lending matter... i mean im not asking for much... i just wanna borrow the car on weekends to drive around instead of taking the bus/cab (usually the cab)... and it's not like he's going out or im not gonna return his car when he wants it... and without any hesitation, he just refused.. fine! everything my erjie (2nd sis) wants, she can have... but i cant borrow a bloody car? he bought an xtra car just to make sure that she (or anyone who is "eligible to drive", which apparently im not) can drive around in a car lor... and ALL im asking for is to lend mi his older car for a few hours and he has to flatly refuse? that sux man! im a new driver, not a lousy driver... why cant he be trustful and let me use the car? after all, i've proven to be a safe driver, getting the car back in good condition (or at least in the condition in which it was lent to me).. argh crap he just doesnt wanna believe that i can actually drive properly now! that or he doesnt wan to let me drive, lest he feels obliged to buy a car to let mi drive..... wateva it is, it's pissing me off....
plus he was very mean to dearie.. he expects him to share a bed with a guy he doesnt even know! okie lemme explain... we'r going genting tmr (like that's not obvious enough.. hehe)... n so in order to make it easier, we're all meeting at my place ("we" means my auntie n her family, and my dajie n my bro in law)... which means my dad's fren will be staying over at my place and so will vin (supposedly...) so thing is we only have one extra rooom in the house.. in the xtra room we only have a queen size bed... so my dad's suggestion is to let that guy stay in the room, n vin too! that's like very disgusting lor.. 1st of all, he does not know that guy.. 2nd of all, i know him and doesnt like him AT ALL.. he's this 30plus year-old who doesnt have a stable career (he just got sacked months ago) and only got a steady girlfren recently... and since he doesnt have a stable job, he doesnt have steady income.. solution? leach off my dad... or any1 who can afford to (that includes someone whom my family quarrelled and still are pissed with).. yea and since he didnt have a steady girlfriend in the past, his solution is to go thailand AT LEAST twice in a year (for more 'innocent' people: he goes there for the prostitutes there)... i mean how disgusting is that?? argh.. so i wont want my bf to be sleeping next to him....
plus when i told my dad that i wun be sleeping tonite and will be playing games with dearie if he comes over... and my dad very hostile-ly said that if we're gonna do that, he cant come over and he has to reach my home 730 in the morning... i mean how unreasonable is that???? crapp.. so i told dearie to stay home.. tmr i go over drive him... im really very pissed with my dad... everything i do today seems to bite his ass and he seems to really wan revenge and thus he gets really mean with me, using very f-up words....... ARGH! im pissed with him...
haiz... to think i was so happy a while ago.. now that im remembering wat my dad did im pissed... bleah...
okie... about today...
this morning i very happy! hee.. dearie came over early morning.. ehm like at 1am.. then we slept.. when we woke up, he had to go orchid country club.. which is all the way in Yishun.. so as agreed yesterday, i drove him, bai n chun (erm the guys that he usually take cab to camp with) to orchid ctry club... i used to live in yishun and so i know my way around there... was very happy to drive my dearie to that place! hee.. to any place!! yea it feels very shiok to drive around la... =)
hmm then i got home, slept n had lunch n (at 4pm) went vin's place... spent the whole day there... dinner play games sleep watch tv... hee.. i lurve his place... but not half as much i love my own room! hehe.. haiz but it's sad how dearie doesnt like my home as much as i lurve his... anyway... was glad to go his place... cos that meant i could get away from my dad...
haiz yea that was my day!
records of fuel $:
23nov03: $20 (vin's mum)
28nov03: $6 (me, cash)
04dec03: $10 (dad, my cashcard)
haha cos im lazy to keep records.. so i shall keep my records here... keke...
okie dokie.. im done for now! checking out in a bit! just wanna say bon voyage to myself!!! hahaha yeap n cya peeps in 4 days.. on wed! hehe BYEEEEE!!!!
(saw this on a car.. have i been reading too much of my eng lang tutorials or does the statement have 2 meanings??)
***drive something out of the ordinary***
Thursday, December 04, 2003
-*- "new" room!
***song in background: Collin Raye - One Boy, One Girl***whee i feel as tho i have a new room!!! heheh yesh i finallllllly got down to packing my room.. it looks so new!!! hahah new look... as in not totally new... just several things look different! whee so happie!
yea i spent the whole day in my room, trying to shift my com n then packing up the mess... hahah actually it is not very neat now.. but i shifted my computer to my other table in the room... (yea i have 2 tables in my room....) so my original comp table looks so clean now! hahah n my current comp table looks like a computer by itself! hahah all my comp stuff are here.. my CPU, monitor, printer, keyboard n mousie mouse...all on the table.. hehe... hmm the table is very high for my comp.. then when i type i make a lot of mistakes cos im not used to the keyboard being so high.. guess it'll take some time to adapt to.. hee... wah n it was hard work trying to fit every part of the computer stuff into my table! in the end, i decided to leave my scanner somewhere else.. since i use that the least.... so whenever i need it then ill take it out to use.. hmmm but im happy with the result... hahah but i still have a big pile of rubbish behind me now!!! hahaha i live in a dumpster!!!! hee... yeah like pigs do... keke..
yea as everyone can tell by now! im very very very happie about my shifting of comp! hehe.. i dunno about looking neater, but my room sure looks different! n i like changes! so that's enough for me!!! hee.. im lame..
haiz but i think my dad thinks it's still very messy... hahha actually i just tried to straighten all my things la.. so according to him it's not neat unless i throw all my "useless" stuff out.. 'useless stuff' being my plushies!!! which i will nv throw out! they are my precious! hee... all of them.. (btw, i should have almost 30 plushies - i didnt count - on my bed... big n small... hee.. mainly small.....) bleah he's very mean to me right? hhahah yeah but im not gonna so yea....
whhhheee all in all im happy with my 'new' room!!!
yeap that's all folks!!!
***failures are just the roads leading up to a glorious success...***
Wednesday, December 03, 2003
-*- girly girly prommie stufff....
hey hey hey!! hee.. today is so fun!!! hee.. yeah i slept very late n so woke up very late! hahha like about 2.. yeah n i was supposed to meet kat n huishan at 2!!!! heheh heng we all very late people! hahah ended up, we met at 3!! haha n that idert huishan was SOOOO late..heheh cos she's helping her fren to find the tape thing that girls stick on their tube to stop it from slipping... hurhur.. cos her prom is tmr!!! so exciting!
i still rem that time my prom (erm which was just last yr........).. i prepared like a madwoman! hahah time at hair place, make up place, nail place. all at far east! hahah yeah but i didnt really like my hair that time though.. too bad.. but i did have sooooooo much fun that day! hahah even though everyone went home after that.. heheh.. well at least i had the prom nite to look back at.. heheh.. that was the only good thing that happened in cj.. erm other than getting to noe the frens i made there la..
ANYWAY, i was toking about huishan's prom! hahah so fun sia! hee.. we so hiao.. we (kat n i) did her nails for her!!! haha cos i have the nail art stencil thingie! hahah so fun! actually i was just hiao-ing! ahah i lurve painting nails!! *eee so girly!!!* heheh yeap that's me... erm ABIT BIT girly.. heheh... i think she was quite happy with the results.. i hope she is... =)
hmm n her dress is quite COOLZ too.. hehe it's 2-piece... yeah i lurrrrrve the top! it's so sexy!!! n not at all slutty! shiok! halter-neck.. erm a slit in the front to show her left side of the stomach... very pringtee... got beads on the right breast... (erm on the top la.......) erm yeah generally it's a simple but special top! i lurrve it!! especially on her.. plus she has the body to wear it n look PRINGTEE!!! yeah n the skirt is not as phenomenal... but not bad la.. heheh yeah as u can tell i don't like the skirt as much as i lurve the top!! hee... but all in all, it's very nice n very pringtee... (hahah due to the late hours, zi's vocab is RATHER limited.............) but it IS pringtee! =p
lalala anyway, kat is laughing at my vocab.. yeah she's sitting right next to me.. wat sia right? i mean blogging is a PERSONAL thing! how can she just sit next to me n watch?? tsk tsk! haha but then again, whoever that's readin this, u might as well have been sitting next to me right? since u can read this too...... haiz am i making sense.. i think i am.... =)
haiz today is a fun day... but i guess it's a little bit bit sad too.. erm cos one of my frens (i shall not disclose her name...) having problems with her bf.. erm or her ex.. whichever la... haiz.... hope she feels better soon........
anyway, that's all for today.... erm well, yesterday (stricly speaking...)....
***Not everything that can be counted counts,
and not everything that counts can be counted***
girly girly prommie stufff.... -