Friday, October 24, 2003

-*- bedok again...  
hahah im in bedok again.. my hangout for the most of my days. hahah yea dearie is out.. he has the nine days off.. so we're spending quite a bit of time together.. great to be with him so often.,.. just like when we were in jc.. only better.. cos we've grown a lot... we've stopped having stupid n irrational breakups and all... yeah we used to do that.. now we both know that we love each other so much.. so we dont do that..
anyway, im in the room alone.. cos he's out in the living room playing PSII with his friends.. Winning Eleven.. hahah some soccer games... its quite fun.. just that im so lousy at it that i dont like playing it.. hahah.. im such a loser.. but oh well
haiz im so tired.. been sick for a while now.. so yeah.. cough sore throat runny nose fever.. u name it.. haiz bad time to get sick.. cos dearie very rarely gets so many days off... but my sicknessesssss not pulling me back from enjoying.. hahah cos im still out with deardear whenever im not studying or he's not occupied.. so yea! hahah last nite we had a mahjong session.. until 6 plus this morning.. hahah then we went to bed.. i think he definitely couldnt sleep well.. cos i was coughing and everything.. poor baby...
oh n later we're going fishing! life's fantastic!! yeah! okie i think that's about it for today.. feeling a little sleepy already.. i think im gonna rest for a bit before going out to buy baits.. to fish!! yeah!!!
bye all!!

***give a man a fish and feed him for a day,
teach a man how to fish and feed him for life***

bedok again... - 

jazzi craved @ 8:42 PM


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