Tuesday, September 30, 2003

-*- lalala  
haiz.. it's been confirmed.. im not getting my wallet/anything in my wallet back... it's been almost a week.. oh well, guess i have to fork out $300 to make a new IC.. wad crap.. oh well, that's just too bad for me yeah?
anyway, i've got good news too.. i finally passed my driving test!!! yeah! i got a license last friday! hahah after i lost my ic.. haiz.. sadness...
anyway im so boggged down with sch work lately.. it's so tiring.. i dun even noe why pple say that uni life very slack and all.. it's so not slack! bleagh.. oh well cant complain.. at least im studying.. not working.. i think i will dread working so much! bleh..
oh man.. i just realised that i dun have anything to write.. hahahha.. okie.. so long for now!!! byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

***you make me so happy,
the thought of losing you scares me...***

lalala - 

jazzi craved @ 9:55 PM


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