Saturday, October 18, 2003

-*- bedok...  
heheh im in bedok now.. my dearie's place.. heheh he's doing his boring game thing on the bed n im at the comp.. so just thot to leave a note for my blog.. not that anyone visits it anyway.. but it's just to make myself a little more occupied.. hahah life is so sian.. weekend n i have to do proj.. hahah but its a very fun proj.. it's a survey in youngsters' views on singporean english.. yeah sounds very interesting right? hahah n i was the one who did the recording! yeah so fun! hehe if anyone is bo liao enough to wanna hear the recordings, u can dl it from:
it's quite lame la.. but doing the project is interesting.. hahah altho i havent done anything... hahah but the recording was fun.. heehee.. a lot of bloopers n all.. yeah but now it's the data collection part liao.. so dunno wat will happen.. if something interesting happens ill make it known to anyone who even bothers to read this blog...
hahah i just realised that dearie thot he was waiting for me.. cos he thot i was still doing my proj.. ahah n im here thinking he's enjoying himself playing his boring game.. oh it's the magic cards thingie by the way.. hahah see how boring my boyfriend is? hahahah anyway i shooshed him to go shower liao..
lalala.. in about 2 mins he'll be out.. haha he showers damn fast! hahah i mean it.. okie.. now it's 1347hrs.. he's in.. let's time him! haha im a lame person.. duh as if everyone didnt noe that already.. hmm newae, im really adapting very well to the uni already i think.. it's like i feel very happy sometimes. cos i actually made quite a few gd frens.. erm.. frens that i can hang out with.. but so far it's been on campus only.. havent really asked anyone out yet.. haha.. hmm there's a girl that im really very fond oof.. erm as a fren that is.. hmm dearie is out! 1349hrs!!! so fast right? i never lie lor.. hahahha ... hmm i was talking about my fren.. her name is yvonne.. von for short.. she's very small sized.. n very adorable!! hehe n she's very tolerating to my whining! hahah.. yeah n she's alwats being lame with me.. doesnt seem to get irritated when i try to irritate her! heheh she's from my proj group.. the proj that i was talking about above... heheh.. yeah n she's very cute la...
hmm there's another girl frm the same group that i really like too! her name is meijie.. she's very pretty.. hmm attractive la.. she's year 2 this year.. she lives in the hostel.. very friendly... n she knoes german!!! i love german! as in the language.. i learnt it a very long time ago.. just the very very very basics of it.. like guten morgen.. (erm not very sure abt the spelling.. hahah) oh n eins drei zwei vier funf sech etc etc ...hmm so i was saying she's a very nice girl.. hehe.. glad that these two girls are in the same group as me! hee..
anyway, im going ouT!!!!!!!!! yeah!!!! byeebyee
so long!!!
by the way, words of wisdom are by my dearie....

*** no one ever gets into trouble
by keeping their mouths shut***

bedok... - 

jazzi craved @ 1:58 PM


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