Thursday, September 25, 2003

-*- this is a coconut...  
hahah lame title.. oh well, if anyone understands that, pls leave a comment.. haha.. cos i doubt many will noe wat exactly im talking about! hahah hmm that day, after i did my blog up properly, i slept at 6.. cos i wanted to wakie my dear up for his camp b4 i went to sleep.. n guess wat.. i woke up at 10.. er.. note: i have a lect on monday mornings at 10.. n NUS (national university of singapore) is like more than an hr away.. so u guessed it.. i skipped my lect! hahah.. n i didnt want my parents to find out.. so yea.. i went to vin's place just to watch the emmy's n to sleep for like an hr.. bleah.. how lame..
ooh n when i got home, no time to sleep!!! went shopping with my parents!! hahah.. didnt noe my mum could shop for sooooo long.. hahah.. but was great day.. cept that we only shopped for my parents' stuff.. bleah.. oh well.. a day out with mummy n daddy.. hahah im just a little girl inside.. AWWWWWW... hahahah
hmm today was a total slack day!! hahah went for my driving lesson.. then when i got home, i ate n went to bed!!! im such a pig! oh well.. hahah then went to airport to fetch my sis in the evening! she just came back form vietnam... haha.. hmm makes me wonder.. about some personal stuff... yah really personal stuff.. so shdnt really share.. haha but it's rather worrying.. esp to me.. cos im kinda closest to her.. er.. in my family that is.. so im very worried about her.. *sigh* dunno wat to do man.. oh well, i shall worry about it myself..
okie.. i gotta go.. *yAwNZzZz* tiring day.. hahahaha altho i slacked all the way!!! wheeeeee!!
bye to all! n dun be afraid to come back for more!!!
hahahah im lame..

*it breaks ur heart to see the one u love happy with someone else...
but it's more painful to see the one u love unhappy with u.............*

this is a coconut... - 

jazzi craved @ 12:38 AM


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