Tuesday, September 30, 2003
-*- lalala
haiz.. it's been confirmed.. im not getting my wallet/anything in my wallet back... it's been almost a week.. oh well, guess i have to fork out $300 to make a new IC.. wad crap.. oh well, that's just too bad for me yeah?anyway, i've got good news too.. i finally passed my driving test!!! yeah! i got a license last friday! hahah after i lost my ic.. haiz.. sadness...
anyway im so boggged down with sch work lately.. it's so tiring.. i dun even noe why pple say that uni life very slack and all.. it's so not slack! bleagh.. oh well cant complain.. at least im studying.. not working.. i think i will dread working so much! bleh..
oh man.. i just realised that i dun have anything to write.. hahahha.. okie.. so long for now!!! byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
***you make me so happy,
the thought of losing you scares me...***
-*- bzzzzzzzzzzz
hey peeps who actually care to read my lame blog! er.. willbe quite bzzzzz lately.. so my updates will be sparse n limited.. so keep coming back to check.. i may have surprises for ya! =) thankx zarn for commenting! i lurve ya!! heehe.. okie.. mi go sleep liao.. just finished my tutorial.. bleagh.. life is mudane n sucky.. do same boring things everyday.. oh well.. bye peeps!%%% love is a condition in which the happiness of one
is essential to the happiness of the other... %%%
Friday, September 26, 2003
-*- ALL DAY Wrong...
have you ever had a day when everything went wrong? when everything wouldnt have gone wrong if it werent for the first wrong? im not making sense? maybe u'll understand me better at the end of this entry...yesterday, thursday, 25th sept 2003...
background: i have lessons form 10am to 6pm non stop on thursdays.. which means that i usually have to wake up at 815 and leave my home at about 855.. so as to reach NUS in time for my very first lesson of the day.. the 1000hrs eng lang lect.. (i love this lect by the way.. makes me wonder a lot about the english language....) so here goes.. my horrible thurs when ALL DAY went WRONG....
time: 0900hrs
oh man.. i just woke up.. im definitely gonna be late for my 1st lect of the day, which is also the first lesson of the day.. sheesh.. even if i wanna rush to school now, i'll be abt an hr or so late.. reaching at about 1045hrs.. tired and lazy.. i decided to sleep on for a little while more.. (note: 1st wrong of the day: waking up late......2nd: making the wrong decision to continue sleeping for a "little while more"..)
my alarm for my 2nd lesson rang.. i got up.. glad that at least i didnt oversleep again.. cos i have a test for my 2nd lesson.. sociolinguistic n language teaching.. a general elective module in NUS.. ie not as important as my core modules but a requirement to fulfil to get my cert in NUS... very interesting module.. cute guys and all... hmm i digress.. anyway, i got up early enough to go to sch in time for my test that is during the 2nd lesson... im glad.. not happy but good enough..
i managed to leave home a little more than an hr b4 my lesson starts, which means that i have ample time to get my book for the open book test for the 2nd lesson n still be just on time for my 2nd lesson.. i boarded the bus that takes me straight to NUS.. great sunshine day! i thought to myself.. i turned on my radio on my handphone and heard on the radio:"weather report for the day: showers over many parts of singapore, temperatures of 25 to 30..." i was like:"what?!? the sun is shining brightly and all!!" i turned to look out of the window.. the skies were turning black.. before i knew it, it was raining.. slowly n lightly at first.. then started to get heavier.. 5 mins after my comment about the great weather, the rain was coming down onto singapore fast n furious... the rain's not gonna stop for a while, i thought to myself.. bleagh.. i started wishing very hard that it wasnt raining as hard in the west part of singapore.. fat hope i thought.. showers all over singapore! oh well, i kept my fingers crossed still..
reached the west part of singapore.. oh well, heaven is trying to be funny.. rain is as heavy, or heavier than the east.. not very funny if u ask me..... anyway, i reached my bus stop on time.. the rain was horrendous.. the pathetic busstop couldnt keep the rain from the people in the busstop for shelter.. shuccks.. im on time but i cant get into the campus.. my bus stop is about 5 mins away from the campus.. which is the next nearest shelter i can think of... oh crap.. my test was in 20 mins, i dun have my book with me n im STUCK in the bloody busstop that cant keep the rain out.. great.. n my mood would not have been so bad had it not for the bitch who flatly refused my request to share umbrella.. in a very f-up way i might add... i was friendly and all but she went: the umbrella is too small.. wat a bitch! yea i noe, i was the one making the pathetic request.. but couldnt she make her point in a more subtle n less hurting way.. (by the way, im quite a big person)... argh... B.I.T.C.H
desperate, i started hailing for cab.. a cab slowed down on the opp side of the road... the cab uncle signalled me to cross the road.. a bit brainless i think.. since the rain was pouring n i didnt have an umbrella with me, duh... plus im going in this direction, which means it will make more sense for him to make a u-turn.. so i signalled back.. hoping he'll make a u-turn to pick me up... he agreed! i was so happy and grateful when i was looking at the cab make a turn into an entrance to a particular building & waiting for the traffic to allow him to turn out.. so he can come pick me! and guess what...... just as he was turning out, the cab light turned red and the words changed:on call!.. wat a load of crap!
missed my cab, feet all wet, knee down cold n dripping rain, bag soaked.. like that cannot get worse.. i was gonna be late for my test! well, a thin thin silver lining: there's a guy at the busstop who actually wanted to share the cab in with me.. which means i dun have to pay so much...
yay! i got a cab! & guess what! 2 other girls came along and joined us in sharing the cab.. though we kinda had to drop them at biz ad.. when we were actually both going central library.. but nvm! it was great to split the cost like that! but that's nt quite a blessing.. you'll find out pretty soon...........
got off the cab n said my byes to that guy... went to my class.... planning to put my wet bag and then go get my book for the test.... stepping into the cold n freezing classroom, good news welcome me: test is not today! yeah!
yay! 1st lesson over! luckily no test.. i couldnt be happier.. so happy.. went shopping in the bazaar.. BUT!!! all's not well.. how could it be? its my ALL DAY WRONG....
late for my Info comm (icm) lect but who cares?! cos the bazaar was so exciting! red earth stuff going at prices lower than retail price! finally, after a long time of trying and all, i decide to buy the shimmering pink mail polish n 3 nail buffers!!! so happy... i reached into my bad..(still a little damp.. but dun care! im happy!..........) to get my wallet...
time stood still.. (i sincerely apologise for my language in the sentence that follows......) fuck! i cant find my wallet! not in my hand! not in my pocket! not in my bag! i lost it! (both my wallet n my composure) !!!! shit.. no wallet! no money! no cards! no nothing! nothing!!! i went into a daze... where could i have lost it? when did i see it last? where hv i gone since? how much do i have inside? what are the important things? ans to all qns: ???????????????????????????????????
i went crazy.. walking as fast as i could (on the wet n slippery floor of the bloody campus-- all the rain's fault) to the classroom that i was in... my 2 poor frens following right behind... didnt noe what to do.. i didnt either... how do pple remain calm after losing their things? what's the 1st thing i shd do? how? how? how?
nope.. not in that room.. FACT dawned on me. i lost my wallet. no way i can find it already. i musta left it on the cab.. the cab that i wouldnt have taken were it not for the rain.. the rain i wouldnt have be caught it were it not for my decision to go school late.. the decision i wouldnt have made were it not for the fact that i actually woke up late....... my 1st wrong.. led to my wrongest wrong....................
because of that one wrong.. i lost my wallet.. my ic.. my almost $200, my cardssss, my precious picture cards of mi n my darling love............
one stupid wrong thing.. wrong day....
i cried.
(a lot happened after that..... will tell u peeps another day......................)
cry your heart out...
maybe you'll feel better...
but that's just MAYBE...........................
Thursday, September 25, 2003
-*- this is a coconut...
hahah lame title.. oh well, if anyone understands that, pls leave a comment.. haha.. cos i doubt many will noe wat exactly im talking about! hahah hmm that day, after i did my blog up properly, i slept at 6.. cos i wanted to wakie my dear up for his camp b4 i went to sleep.. n guess wat.. i woke up at 10.. er.. note: i have a lect on monday mornings at 10.. n NUS (national university of singapore) is like more than an hr away.. so u guessed it.. i skipped my lect! hahah.. n i didnt want my parents to find out.. so yea.. i went to vin's place just to watch the emmy's n to sleep for like an hr.. bleah.. how lame..ooh n when i got home, no time to sleep!!! went shopping with my parents!! hahah.. didnt noe my mum could shop for sooooo long.. hahah.. but was great day.. cept that we only shopped for my parents' stuff.. bleah.. oh well.. a day out with mummy n daddy.. hahah im just a little girl inside.. AWWWWWW... hahahah
hmm today was a total slack day!! hahah went for my driving lesson.. then when i got home, i ate n went to bed!!! im such a pig! oh well.. hahah then went to airport to fetch my sis in the evening! she just came back form vietnam... haha.. hmm makes me wonder.. about some personal stuff... yah really personal stuff.. so shdnt really share.. haha but it's rather worrying.. esp to me.. cos im kinda closest to her.. er.. in my family that is.. so im very worried about her.. *sigh* dunno wat to do man.. oh well, i shall worry about it myself..
okie.. i gotta go.. *yAwNZzZz* tiring day.. hahahaha altho i slacked all the way!!! wheeeeee!!
bye to all! n dun be afraid to come back for more!!!
hahahah im lame..
*it breaks ur heart to see the one u love happy with someone else...
but it's more painful to see the one u love unhappy with u.............*
Monday, September 22, 2003
-*- wheehee! completed!!!
whoa.. after about 3 hrs.. i finally decided on this!! more or less la.. may change n all! yay! so fun.. hehe.. but my entries wun be as cool as some other entries.. haha.. not quite good with words! bleagh.. anyway.. it's been a tiring 3hrs.. me is going to sleep!!! yay!! nitenite everyone! *yaWnZ****if u love someone, tell him.
cos that may make two persons happy. ***
hmm just trying out some of the setting stuff.. im so not into webpage design.. i'd like to design them.. but i dunno nuts about them.. oh well.. so i have to try n try!
my new blog.. im so into blogs lately.. i think i have like 3 or 4 blogs.. for what i dunno.. oh well just trying to find another part of my life for myself... so keep reading and find out more about me!!! ;)