Tuesday, June 10, 2008
-*- Zee Lady Chatterley
In Mitz’s words, “Lady Chatterley was this woman married to a paraplegic and she had a lover cuz she wanted a real life with a real man. “Yes, that’s me. Intrigued? Yeah, I’m a slut. I’m a job slut.
Yes, I have a lover (job) behind my paraplegic (job) cuz I want a real life with a real (job). If all goes well, I’m gonna go through a divorce tomorrow and elope with my lover (job) in two weeks!
My latest update was the oh-so-desirable interview that I went. I bet NO ONE prayed for me, cos I didn’t get the job. Haha… But really, I wouldn’t have mind being in that company. Oh well, what to do, such is life.
Anyway, since that interview, I have successfully moved on and gotten myself a real job. Sort of. Actually the process should have given me some hints… Seeing how my past two hundred interviews have failed and fell flat on my face, I decided to keep all interviews from my family, lest they get even more anxious for me. In fact, they were more worried about my unemployment than I was… So I went for this interview SECRETLY, hid it from everyone cept Vincent.
Anyway, towards the end of the interview, the director who interviewed me asked me when I can start work!! I mean talk about desperate man! Seriously no QC! One interview and she offered me. I mean I AM IMPRESSIVE, no doubt, but she didn’t need to show me her desperate-ness what!
Well, I also didn’t have much QC. So a week and a half later, I started work, as an events executive in the organization.
First week went quickly, I was stumbling my way through, waiting for some kind of action. But it went past without any surprises. Lonely lunches, and prompt knock-off time, the usuals of a new job.
In the 2nd week, I realized, there won’t be action, EVER. I was involved in two events that week, both of which I wasn’t really working, more like having fun and eating. And that’s something I’m so not used to!!! To me, doing events is HARD WORK and more HARD WORK.
Being the slut I am, and can’t help but start wandering lustfully. All of a sudden, I saw two men (I WISH, jobs I mean) lying in front of me. I couldn’t help but decide to try them both out. How seducing those “men” were. Let’s just call them King and Prince.
King is introduced by my ex-colleague, who is with King already, and wanted me to join her. Prince is recommended by my sister’s friend, who used to be with Prince and loved it.
I love both men. I didn’t know how to choose. But Prince couldn’t wait and decided to give me an ultimatum, June 6, or NEVER. King? No response. He liked me, but there were some issues. I had to say yes to Prince or I’ll lose him forever. I did so on June 6.
And after I said yes to Prince, King asked me again on Monday evening – HATEFUL! But well, thankfully or not, he only called me in to tell me how incompatible we were. That he would need me to be in rubber boots and wear construction caps to work on the ground. I was like, erm, not so much my kinda thing.
So the story goes, I will be meeting up with Prince and planning the elopement for two weeks later. I shall be signing an elopement letter tonight and I am officially a Job Slut!
Story of Zee Lady Chatterley, I say.
Labels: Interviews, Life, Work
Friday, June 06, 2008
-*- The Stark Difference
Two persons asked me the same question:“Should I get it in black or silver?”
And they are both referring to cameras… So I asked for pictures… 2nd person, aka Vincent Fu Ah-Shun, sent me links to this…

Erm, well apparently, not the SLEEKEST camera, but still acceptable.
Talk about sleek, see what the first person, aka Mitz-Mich-Merchelle-Jean-Yeang-with-the-longest-name-that-I-can-never-remember-the-order-even-after-ten-years (small thing to note: she has since added her hubby’s last name to her name, killing me even more).. ANYWAY, she sent me the following…

Sleek eh? Well, for Ancient Egytian standard, according to Vin…
Stark difference.
BTW, she bought her camera two weeks ago. Vin hasn’t, but will do so as soon as they come up with the appropriate 120-mm film that fits into this new HAPPENING camera, much like the following:

OH WAIT! That was for Mitz’ "new" camera…
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
-*- All the Best to Ms. Zee
I'm up at TWO in the morning. Not uncommon at all, cept for the fact that I am supposed to be up at 7.30, which, come to think of it, isn't uncommon either! Haha.. But I must be going to bed straight after this.. Which I will, I promise myself (silently)...Aaaaanyway, if you are reading this in the morning/afternoon of 15th April, please pray for me okie?
I shall be going for an interview at 5pm, and this is thusfar the most exciting opportunity I've gotten even near to, so pray for me. Pray that I will be the bestest candidate they see all day, that they would offer me the 2nd interview!!
If all goes well, then I shall announce the nature of the job. Otherwise, it shall forever and ever remain a secret that few will know, and those who know shall be killed if they expose the secret...
So let me know if you did say a prayer for me okay? Hahah in whichever religion, I'm an anything-goes girl. ;p As long as I know you love me enough to pray for me ya?
Haha okay then, Good Luck to ME!
Labels: Interviews, Work
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
-*- Bombing updates
Okay, did I disappear from the face of the earth for so long????So I'm bored out of my mind lately, and I've been doing mindless things and brainless surfing of all sorts of things... Been clicking on links on friends' personal messages - Yes, I've been that bored! HAha..
So today, as usual, I was looking through my msn list, and saw my lifelong friend's personal msg, she's got a blog! So, naturally, I went to the link... First of all, I just found out she likes Justin Timberlake... Which is something I hadn't known - that explains her initals JT lately. I mean it's her initials too, but suddenly she wanted to be called JT. Hmm but apparently it's been since yonks ago, so oh well, think I'm really not in touch eh? HAha...
And then, I found out this old pal of mine actually got a new guy in her life!!! Stupid woman didn't update me of her life! She's gonna have to update me about this new guy soon... Also, before this, until many months after the break-up, the very same girl had failed to inform me that she had broken off with the ex.... No love!
Then I went on to another friend... An ex-colleague, I haven't spoken to her for the most three months? Four months, tops. And I decided to msn her, since I don't think she knows that I've quit from the company we both were once in.. Our conversation as follows:
{Zee Miss Huh} said:
hey girl
XXX says (4:55 PM):
hey hey!
{Zee Miss Huh} says (4:55 PM):
hows it going
XXX says (4:55 PM):
whr are u working now??
XXX says (4:55 PM):
im gd!
XXX says (4:55 PM):
getiing married tmr
{Zee Miss Huh} says (4:56 PM):
Okay, that's a bomb update la! She's getting MARRIED!!! That's big man! Whatever happened to "I'm fine thanks"? Or, you know, "Same ol', same ol'"????
I mean, no update no shit and suddenly she's getting married.
Imagine my surprise.
Anyway, as you can imagine, my next ten lines were "OMG', "OMG", "OMG", "OMG", "OMG", "OMG", "OMG", "OMG", "OMG", "OMG".
And then the conversation did go more coherently after that....
But I really do feel like I've been left behind by the rest of the world, how?
So, anyone else getting married tomorrow? Update me pls.
Oh, and if you are giving birth tomorrow to an alien that you've been carrying for two years now, I don't mind being notified either. I'll be happy for ya, I am a true friend like that.
Monday, February 25, 2008
-*- It's been a while, hasn't it?
Okay fine, I haven't been blogging. Again. Like what's new? And yes, I haven't seen my own blog since the last time I "updated", which was barely a real update, since it was a re-post! Heh. Anyway, no Zen, I don't blog. I really don't.BUT! Things may just change!! Because.......
*drum rolls*
Stunned by my happiness? Yes I was happy in the job, but many things had changed since September. Many people left, and many new people came in, and I guess it was time for me to move on from the company.
AND I'M HAPPY!!! It's been a month plus since I tendered, and almost 3 weeks since my last day (cos I had leave to clear!), and I'm so totally enjoying myself! Sleeping late, waking up late, KTVs, MJ, poker (but not so much), plays, and miscellaneous rubbish things I do when I'm absolutely, totally FREE! Like going to Sentosa to spend a few hours in the sun ON MY OWN! Absolutely lovin' it!
Anyway, latest on me? Looking around for a job, but not mass-sending out resumes yet - tap on my network of friends first! HEh. And responses seem quite reasonably excitable. Oh well, we'll see what happens!
Now on to more urgent things! Pictures!!!!!!!!!! (or rather, videos!)
Okay, so I was at the Airshow yesterday, and I LOVED IT!!! There was a Black Knights Demo - OMG OMG! They were SOOOO COOOL!!! AND! I've decided that I wanna marry the last single black knight!!!! Heard that his name is Jeremy or something!!!!
Okay I'm totally droolin, but man! A girl is allowed to drool okie! *slurps*
So, we're having a contest, my dear friend Alyssa and I, to fight for the last single Black Knight of 2008.. so come join us! Haha! If you wanna check out your competition, here's a little preview of the two very sexy contestants!
ANYWAY, the display was very exciting, and they were really damn cool la, with several "stunts" that were more memorable, like the one where one of them was flying upside-down! And underneath it, was another one! Damn cool! I only have videos of their stunts, and I think the videos speak for themselves! Okay first one is pretty simple, they are just flying across the sky - WHICH I WAS ALREADY IMPRESSED LA!
Haha, yes I'm a loser like that!
Disclaimer: Personal Camera + Unprofessional Videographer = Shaky results, and many umbrellas & heads in view...
Okay, if the vids display funny (i.e there's an additional picture beneath the actual vid), I'm sorry, but I have no idea why...... But can you hear the roar of the fighter jets! Damn! So sexy lah!
Next are the crosses, where two of the aircrafts will come from either end and cross each other! One of them is the single one!!! Think it's the one that starts from the right (at the very start of the vid)! Haha.
Disclaimer: and sometimes, a finger at the corner...
Whoohoo! I think at some point, I said "This is the one I'm gonna marry!" HAHAH!
Next up: They TWIST AND TURN!! I think the official name is Twinkle Roll? Something like that....
Pretty Cool huh.
Next up: PRetty cool as well - the afterburner climb!!!
Man, I would love to be in the planes man!!!
Next up: very tacky stunt, but quite sweet as well - I would love to call it Love is in the Air, but that's TOO CORNY! Well, the black knights call it the Flaming Heart...
Oh, quite cool, after the "Flaming Heart" was formed, we heard a cheer behind us, and when we turned around, we saw a guy on his knee, and then followed up a whooping hug of his girlfriend... Tacky, but apparently it gets people into the marrying mood..
okay, next up: My most favourite vid! It was what I was talking about above, the Mirror Pass (a.k.a upside-down) and some other tricks!!! Be patient, the mirror pass is the last part of this vid...
Ain't that the coolest!
More information on the Black Knights can be found @ RSAF Black Knights 2008 Website
> > > OMG! Visited the website, feel UTTERLY cheated by the people who told me about the single Black Knight - the name is not Jeremy (or it could have been Jeffrey that I heard, but that one is married). The un-married one is called Lester... And he's not the one doing the cross.. Erm, very hard to identify him in the demo...... But he IS the youngest la, so still okay la... Anyway, Alyssa and my contest shall be still on! Wahahh come join us! ;p The rest of the Aero Demo, erm I wasn't paying attention - haha did a LITTLE walk around, went for lunch and all, and waited till the AIRBUS came out!
And AIRBUS came on -- only got pictures, but it was quite cool - seriously it's like a very very quiet humongous giant... Very mild and tender - but very serious as well! I like!
And who can resist pictures with the giant?
Of course, Alyssa couldn't resist a picture with the hot pilot! Haha..
I shall just settle with my little Ferrari private jet....
And so airshow was great, and we were leeaving - only to realise....
Queue for shuttle bus - all mixed up with the queue for cabs, which I was supposedly in...
That's the queue that continues from the mess inside....
And - FINALE: The queue from across the canal!!!!
The above is the queue for the shuttle bus - and mind you, that's just a third of the view, and it's layered, meaning people are snaking around, along that length... Think these people should be just about to reach home now.....
Not as bad, but below is the queue for cab...
So the two of us decided to walk, and have Vincent come drive us home.....
What an adventure!
Labels: Happy Days, Singapore Airshow, Videos
It's been a while, hasn't it? -
Monday, September 10, 2007
-*- Nice re-post!
Reading through my past posts (yes, I needed to reminisce a little).. And found this post that I decided was one of my best posts... Have copied the post as follows (but here's the link)Date of post: March 23, 2006
Time of post: 2350 hours
Title of Post (very aptly): Fu-berish
Post as follows:
In a late night chat with Mr Fu Vin Vin:
Z: OIE! Don't fall asleep! You haven't answered me! What if someone threatens to kill me if I make you fall asleep on the phone? (*sorry, a lame topic we were discussing)
V: Then you weigh the crocodile lor!
Z(???): HUH?!?
V: Yup! You put the crocodile on the left side of the scale and then you put something on the right side..
Z: EH?! Put what?
V: Something lah! I forgot liao...
Z: Why do you have to put leh? (the crocodile I mean..)
V: Because I need to find the yellow...
Z: Yellow?
V: HM! The yellow in my report...
Z: Huh? Why do you have to find the yellow??
V: Because Sunshine bread is better.........
After a while...
Z: So why is Sunshine Bread better?
V: Huh? (as if I was the one not making sense..) That's a line (in advertisements I suppose).. Because Sunshine bread is better!
Z: So what has it to do with crocodile?
V: Got link one! But I forgot what's the link liao...
HAHAHAHA!!! I was so sad that my phone couldn't record his Fu-bberish! Hahaa!!
And then I just let him fall asleep.. We still stayed on the phone though.....
V: Hello?
Z: Ya?
V: What were we talking about?
Z: You were talking to me about weighing the crocodile...
V: OH!
Z: What were you talking about anyway?
V: That made a lot of sense to me okay!
Z: Errrrr okay.. *pregnant pause* Anyway, why were you talking about weighing the crocodile?
V: Because I had to weigh the crocodile, so I don't have time to pick up the phone! *totally dignified* HMM!
Haiz... Adorable pig..
Labels: Re-post
Sunday, September 09, 2007
-*- My two Business Trips.
Am back Am back Am back!!!Kuala Lumpur killed. And the aftermath even worse. Work and more and more and more work.
It really killed me, more my spirits than anything else.
On a happier note, Beijing trip rocked my world. I was totally happy in Beijing. Missing home and all (especially my dearie, and SINGAPORE FOOD!!), but I really enjoyed my trip there. The exposure was one of a kind, ranging from Beijing city tours, experiencing the lives of the old dynasties of China, and the local family lives; to being under one roof with 3,400 delegates from all over the world; to the hour-long, police-escorted, traffic-stopped, 60-coach convoy; to the 1000-pax, Great Wall dinner (also police-escorted convoy). Guess it's an exposure that guarantees a lasting memory.
I must really thank the COO for insisting that I go on the trip. And the director that had faith in me. Really glad I did this Beijing trip.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
-*- My Journeys - Life, Fun, Work, Travel
Dear Long-forgotten Diary,Been a long while, kinda miss days when I can wile my time away just blogging the entire day. I didn't even have so many things to blog about at that time! Irony!! Haha now that I have more things to blog about, I really have pretty much no time to blog about them all.
Quick Summary: I am still happy! :P Though times are hard.
Work is really hard at times, really really hard. So hard I just want to break down and cry, but rarely anymore. Somehow, I think I'm much stronger than before. A year ago, I would have cried looking at the shitloads of work I have to do. Now? I shut up and CHIONG! Odd thing to hear from me, I'm sure! But really, bite the bullet and chiong is kinda what I have to do to get through with the piles of work.
Sometimes it just feels so taxing, I need to scream at everyone and/or run away from life. Just for a day. Nobody but me. Focus my world on me. And nothing else, no one else. No emails, no human interaction, no forced smiles, no hypocrisy. You think?
Everyone around me seems to feel that I'm not doing a lot. A lot of people actually undermine my efforts. But HECK them! (Sometimes even the supposedly supportive people are totally not encouraging.)
I will prove them wrong, I promise myself this.
Anyway, on a much lighter note, I did kinda just take a break.. Went Genting with Ah Fu! Pictures available! Click here!
Trip was very short, but was definitely fun! Hehe, we did very many silly things, but was all good fun! Being silly is our thing! :P Themeparks were different with Ah Fu, I say! He was SO FUNNY on the rides! If only I could take pictures of his look on the rides! Hehe!
By the way, Vin thinks that the below ride is the SCARIEST Ride in the entire world!
Well, the gist of it is that: I TOTALLY ENJOYED MYSELF during the SHORT trip we had. :)
So there was the long journeys (there and back, I mean) that Ah Fu and I took together.
Next up for me?
Yet another long journey in the pipeline - TWO, in fact.
In about 6 hours, I have to wake up to a gruelling day. Lugging my packed bag, I will prepare myself for a 6-hour long journey to a place never been discovered, a land where no one has found - KUALA LUMPUR...............
On a COACH, no less.... BAH!
It's gonna be like a major Deja-Vu for me man, I was just on the coach like a few days ago? Taking the long long journey. To a place unfamiliar to me, where it's gonna be home for me for barely a day and half. Yeah, blardy short trip - All CRAMPED with work. I'm gonna be very good friends with the office in KL - and I'm talking about the office space, not the colleagues, since I'm gonna be in the meetings/trainings like DAY LONG. Blegh.
And I have been warned about this trip - it kills, bad. With the boss, NO LESS. THE BOSS, THE COO, THE DIRECTORSSS. Basically a regional meeting/training. Oh! I didn't mention, I'm on the same coach with ONE director and THE BOSS. *kill me now? PLEASE?*
Onto happier thing... 2nd long long journey. Come Tuesday, I will, once again, lug my packed bag (this time about TEN TIMES bigger), and starting yet another estimated-to-be-7-hour journey. Thankfully, or not, this one will be on the plane. Destination China, here I come!!!
Yeap! Going Beijing! The Heart of CULTURES and all traditional beauty! Where Zee is gonna be bombarded by right about 3000 delegates, from ALL OVER THE WORLD! With the EWET China team, naturally.
I am really excited and nervous about this trip. It's gonna be with THE COO (a fine lady - she's one of the main reasons I shut up and chiong - main main main reason being I wanna rock the world!), and the LAO JIAO or old bird of the company. Stress! But super looking forward.
And oh yes, I've been warned about THIS trip as well - yes, it will also kill, bad! But it will be a most treasured memorable journey of my life - I promise myself. Will be the first real away-on-business in my life, and it will be BIG. Can't wait. Really. No words can describe my excitement now.
But as always, it's gonna be a whole shitload of work I will have to do, there and before. So I will still die.
Oh did I mention? It's gonna be a GOOD TEN DAYS. Will be back on 8th September. Nice.
I love my life. As if you didn't know that. :P
Yours sincerely,
Long-forgotten Blogger
Labels: Happy Days, Travel, Work
My Journeys - Life, Fun, Work, Travel -
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
-*- Randomness is the cure of staggering posts...
Has it been yet another two months? Man, if I keep this up, perhaps I can manage with a healthy 6 posts a year huh?Apologies la.. Been so busy!! Day by day, Week after week, and months just pass so quickly. And before you know it, you have been on your first job for more than half a year. Amazing, no?
Work hasn’t been too bad.. Though busy, I am enjoying myself, with occasional grouses. But like what’s new right? Who doesn’t complain about their jobs? And who doesn’t hate their work sometimes huh? At the end of it all, all that matters is that you will have to make sure you did your best and you have accomplished the most that you can.
Just to update everyone, socially, yes I’m still alive.. Been doing a lot of alone shopping lately though, with occasional extravagant play/musical goings… Haven’t met up with many friends la.. Guess it’s because everyone is busy with own things as well? What with everyone working extremely hard, and studying for exams and mugging lives away… Once again, I have to remind myself that I do miss mugging my life away… Better remind myself of mugging life, if not I’ll really soon forget the feeling of it… Anyhoo, been happy anyway. So why look back huh? Memories are meant to be placed in our hearts ma, hor? HAHAHA Cliché with capital C!!!
Anyway, was saying that I had gone on shopping spree lately, on my own! After work! Hahah just last month, bought SIX pairs of shoes!!! (inclusive of FOUR pairs of heeeeeeels and one heelys, and a cutesy casual wear flatties..) and a bag (or two? Don’t remember), and quite a few tops, quite a few skirts and perfumes and whatnots! So ya, I think I have spent quite a bit last month la huh? But I feel so happy la!!! Hahhaha..
And I think I really have to officially claim March 2007 as the luxurious month la! I went for the shopping spreeeessssssss, and like FIVE Productions la! There were a local play (Titoudao - very local very hokkien and yet very poignant, I Love it), a ballet dance performance (Coppelia - I got a bit bored after a while...), a NUS production (Watching the clouds go by– I SAW TAY PIN HUI THERE!! And the play a bit too "communistically-themed" for me, though I did enjoy it..), another local play 251 (the story of Annabelle Chong - quite good, I was a little surprised. Was well-done, though it's a little not too disappointing that there was no input from Annabelle Chong herself..), THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA (though I was a little disappointed, and felt a bit cheated by the fact that it's the Australian cast, was still a great experience for me! :))
Though I went for the few productions, I have give credit to Michelle! She was the one who gave me the tickets to Titoudao & Coppelia! Thanks Mich(tz)!
Hmm anyway, that was that la huh? Not much update to talk about.. April was just a busy month with a lot of preparation for my BOSS (not the big big big boss, but the director of my division) and a lot of chionging out with stuff for the company only.. Hahahah..
Hmmm guess what? I have come to the end of my free time to blog! An hour is all I can spend la huh? Hahahaha oh! Another part of my exciting life is my family! Mainly my DARLING HAN HAN!!! Presenting... Rhys Toh Jun Han!!!!!
And of course, not forgetting the photo whore in me!!! Hee~!
Labels: Baby Rhys, Happy Days, Piccies, Plays/Musicals, Shopping
Randomness is the cure of staggering posts... -
Sunday, February 25, 2007
-*- Nolstagia and more..
Man, it's been so long I don't even know where to start! Do I start talking about how different my life now is? Or about the events I had done in the past two months? Or what? But I'll try...Working for almost 5 months now, I feel like my life is very radically changed.. My group of friends have shifted from school-mates to colleagues, whom I have grown very attached to.. After all, I spend everyday with them. I see them when I step into the office at 8.30am (typically) and leave work with them when I get off at 6+pm.. During events (only two so far, but two BIG ones), I sleep and eat and slog and work and slave with them (some of them)... It's hard not to grow attached to them, really.. And even those that I don't work onsite with, they bother to come over and talk with us onsite.. It's really a close knit company and I really love it.
Of course, I miss days when I can slack and just stone at the forum in NUS, or walk to Arts canteen during the break of a lecture just to get a strawberry lime or can Milo, or sandwich or caesar salads to gobble during the lecture.. I miss being able to go for KTV-cum-go-crazy sessions in the middle of the day, skipping half the day's lectures.. Or even Skipping the whole day's lessons just to sleep at home! I miss hanging out, with everyone.. I miss NUS, I do.. Most importantly I guess, I miss the carefree life that I had, and did not treasure.. Towards the end, I did realise how good my life was, and I treasured it to heart, but of course, it had to end right?
Now that I have moved on to another part of my life (the peak, I would say, since I'm supposed to be working and earning my living for a better future..), I have begun to lose grip of many little pleasures that I enjoy when I was still studying.. Gone are the days with leisure afternoons, just sleeping my time away, or even playing games or going shopping alone.. Gone are the days when weekends don't matter, since every other day felt like weekend to me. Gone are the days when I can just sit and chill with friends at coffee joints, just chatting our lives away..
I'm sure I can still do most of what I was doing, but it does feel different.. KTV sessions are now scheduled in the evenings, coffee sessions are few and far in between, leisure afternoons are now strictly on Sundays.. Going out can be a tiring chore now, though I try very hard to squeeze time for that.. Doesn't it feel different? Does, to me..
Looks like I've decided to go the nolstagic direction for the post huh? Haha.. But really, I miss the studying days.. I don't want to slowly lose grip of it.. Really not.. Oh, and I just realised.. I miss blogging about mundane things like buying a new camera, going for KTV, going SETTLERS.. and all other silly things I do..
But I must say, beyond looking back, I feel that what I'm doing now is no less exciting than my studying times (duh! haha the excitement in the past was trivial actually).. It's exciting in a totally different direction. I am experiencing very different things from before, and very different from my friends as well.. I'm being exposed to things I hadn't expect myself to be involved with when I was studying.. I'm meeting ASEAN ministers (of tourism only) and I'm meeting Middle-easterners who pay thousands just to have dinners (from the two events that I have been involved in so far, will talk about the events I was involved in soon ).. I don't think that's shabby.. In fact, it's quite cool, if you think about it.. So yeah, I do love my present.. I love that I get to be onsite for different types of events, I love that it's giving me very different type of life from before.. I must really say that I don't think I could have had it better at the other jobs that I was offered.. I'm sure those jobs would have given me a different type of satisfaction level, but I'm really glad that my first step is East West.. And there's so much more to come from the company.. Tacky it may be, but I really can't wait!! Haha..
So although I really miss the old times, I love what I'm doing presently, and I can't wait for my future to surprise me. And I think you can say that I'm truly happy. That's all that matters, really.
Labels: Life