Tuesday, May 09, 2006
-*- My room is a time-zapping machine.
IT'S TRUE!! I SWEAR!!!Everytime I enter the room, time is lost. I sit down in front of the computer for what seems like only 5 minutes and WHAM! it's 5 in the morning. Sometimes 6, sometimes 4.. But always 5 minutes to me.
BUT at the same time, the room has amazing energy-replenishing effect!!
Once again, IT'S TRUE! I SWEAR!!!
I would have a long day, and perhaps may have already fallen asleep and gotten super groggy and sleepy on the sofa. And I would slowly climb the stupid stairs up and go into my room. And I sit down in front of the computer, AND ALL MY ENERGY IS REPLENISHED! And before I know it, I'm being scolded (by assorted people) for staying up so late everyday....
My room is an amazing place, I'm serious.
On a totally different topic..
It takes amazing photos!!!
Like the ones I took when I went to the zoo...
Some photowhoring first......

Yupz, there were Me Vin Thomthom and Oyce.
And now.. The Animals!! (in no particular order)

The Cutest thing we saw: A STONING PENGUIN!!
He's just stoning there, we suspect, right under the aircon.

Still STONING....

And my favourite animal: White Tigers...

My fave shot in the entire day...

Aren't they all so pretty? The animals, especially the white tigers, AND the photos..
The white tiger is a VERY beautiful animal. Rare of the rarest. Here's a little tidbit: White tigers are actually an anomaly. The unusual white coloration is a result of a gene mutation..
MUTATED GENE, but yet so beautiful. Isn't the animal kingdom amazing?
ANyway, I love the zoo!! Though it is quite small and has not-enough variety, it's very good already.. I especially lurve the Fragile Forest, where we can actually go into this dome, and really have the animals really just around us.. Very close to them.. That's where a butterfly kept coming back to my hand to rest. Just one particular one. Took a picture of it with my mobile, so it's lousy quality..

Haiz anyway, see what I mean? FIVE minutes, and it's 4AM in the morning.. Grrrrr.
And I still haven't gotten to the part where I get all excited that I went KTV THRICE last week. Monday, Thursday AND Saturday. I'm Horrid.
I have yet to come to the part when I'm supposed to get EVEN MORE excited about my EUROPE TRIP!!!!!!!!! EUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPE!!!
Countdown: TWO DAYS!!!!
Damn. Don't think I can blog anymore, shouldn't have spent so much time uploading the pictures.
BUT I lurve all the pictures! So ALL is worth it! ;)
My room is a time-zapping machine. -
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