Wednesday, April 19, 2006
-*- It's been a long module...
NM3217, a module I have developed a love-hate relationship with..A module from the recently renamed CNM dept, Publications Graphics and Design. It's quite a killer module, we have to do a lot of assignments, all of which more or less leading up to the grand finale, our Individual Final Project...
To cut the story short, sweat and blood for this module.
But I think I enjoyed the module quite a lot, mostly because
1) it's WEBCAST.
2) it's ALL about playing the computer! Software programmes we learn include Photoshop, InDesign, Dreamweaver.. Every week in labs, another most-used programme will be Windows Messenger!! Hahah it's like a major chatting session every week!
3) I have fantabuloustic friends in the module;manlymainly Jojo, Jono and Darryl.. But there are also often-MIA-and-not-in-same-lab Lizard and Kos...
Talking about fantabuloustic friends, I have to thank them a lot.. Especially JOJO and DARRYL... I wurve them lots!! My Master in Photoshop and my Naggy Idol...
Jojo ---

The ever-ANAL woman who never stops improving the visuals of my many assignments in the module! She, the more-perfectionistic-than-me perfectionist, nitpicking on the littlestest details in my Newsletter, my Flier, my Poster, my Brochure, my EVERYTHING... All for MY OWN GOOD... And seriously, my stuff actually turned out a lot better than if she wasn't there detailing them... She is really my Shen(2)!! *hails*
AND the best thing about her? She is UBER encouraging! Her compliments are soooo sincere somemore (heh)!! She says my brochure looks quite professional!! *beams* And she also said that my website doesn't look too bad! Hehe that's REALLY a compliment for my standard!!
Jojo, I WURVE U LOTSSS!!! REallly!! Thanks for being "sweet", "endearing", "exciting", "so clever!", and "CUTE"!! Hee. AND THanks for going through so much shit with me, and accommodating to me all the time, pei-ing me to lunches and skipping your lectures.. Thanks for being ANAL-ITIC!!! Muack!!
D, Darryl ---

My Naggiest Idol!! The neverending nagging of his, telling me what is due and what is supposed to be done, Scolding me and COMMANDing me to go look at the stupid website for information and then Telling me what to do anyway.. Reminding me about the assignments by just abruptly talking about them (even though I know zilch about the assignments being due soon...).. In a very subtle way, he really helped me a lot! I was so reliant on him for this final project thingie as well that I think I irritated him a bit.. Haha sorry for that, D.. But thanks for being patient with me the module-idiot.. You are my idol after all you know.. Although that's like a title you gave yourself..
Best thing about him? He sends me EVERY assignment after he's done them (way in advance I might add), although sometimes he is forced into doing it.. By me of course.. I'm "ba dao".. But he sends me his assignments ANYWAY.. Despite saying I'm ba dao and everything..
So don't deny it, Darryl, you love me lots too! *bashful* Hee.. But really, THANKS SO MUCH BUMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!! ;)
Another reason why I pseudo-love this module: I'm UBER-PROUD of the product of this module... My "baby".. Actually, my major baby no. 2.. No.1 was of course the MKT3420 project a.k.a 3M Command World Wonder Campaign! Hehe.. That was my most happiestestest project in my entire Uni life.. BUT, this is something I'm proud of too.. Not as much, WAY less actually, BUT still very proud..
Here here, take a look..

My Poster

My Website

Ta-dAH! Those are the fruits of the whole week's labour! I managed to cramp everything into the week! Started last Thursday and SUBMITTED TODAY! Hee So exciting! And Vin was there to witness the highly-anticipated submission ceremony!!
Being the Vain me, I cannot resist taking picture of the product of this whole week's effort.. So I forcibly SNATCHEd Vin's mobile and started snapping away.....

So that is it! My project.. VEry Final Project of my Entire Uni Life.. Submitted on April 19, 2006.. If I weren't this tired, I would feel sad and depressed... But well, I just hope my effort will be worth it.. Wish me Luck! ;)
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