Tuesday, April 25, 2006
-*- Eurold Tour....
Just back from the briefing for the Europe tour I'm going on, in May... Been kinda looking forward to it for the entire day.. Was talking to the loserish, karma-struck duo and YY-神 about it.. Today is the first time I'll be seeing my tour members whom I will be spending SIXTEEN days with.. In sixteen days, many exciting things will happen, including romantic boat rides in Venice, enchanting views at Paris Eiffel, scenic valley drives in Switzerland, tours of magnificient historic monuments and architecture, and many many more..Sixteen days of such romance, adventure, and fantasy... AND NO CUTIES!!!
And what is worse than no cuties???
*braving the risk of being struck by karrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrma*
And I'm not being mean! It's the truth!!! *not telling lies is one criteria of good karrrrrrma*
Seriously, my parents were the youngest old people there!!! There are people who are as old as (my guess) 65!! Or maybe even older!!! *smacks head*
I mean seriously, I had expected the tour mates to be you know, yes, perhaps old like 50, BUT WITH SONS (or daughters)!!! WHERE ARE THEIR SONS (err, and their daughters)?!?!?!?!? Grrrr... HAIZ!!!
A little voice inside my head: "Don't worry Zee, MAYBE they are mugging at home.... They WILL be there........"
*more composed* I have a 10-in-36 chance... It's a group of 36, only 20 odd people were there today.... The rest were mugging, perhaps?? *pray hard*
Anyway, I shall try to be more upbeat about it.. I AM gng EUROPE (EurOLD)after all lah.. Can't complain.. Haiz..
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