Friday, April 14, 2006
-*- Nara a.k.a Song Hui Qiao a.k.a Burger a.k.a Paedophilic Witch
a.k.a WW2 Female Fighter, lastly a.k.a Christine Chen Hui Qing....
Singapore (April 14, 2006) - The rampant postings by many bloggers all over the world of un-glam pictures of "Christine Chen Huiqing", who is known to be lying about her age being 16, has obviously exposed the many faces of her (mostly un-glam, but let's not be so mean). 
Many a time, the mutiple-personality individual has threatened to take the lives of many many many involved in this unfortunate event. The named targets include Mr. C.K Tan, Ms J.Z Xu (alias: Zee), Mr Daniel, Ms Mabel (alias: Maboul) and many others. However, there has been no reported casualty, which may indicate to the public that her threats are but empty ones.
"She has short term memory," an undisclosed best friend said.
That may be so, but public should still be warned of such mutiple-personality character. Her real identity may have been disclosed before, but no one can be sure. However, it can be sure that she belongs to a lower height-range (see below).

"Christine" has also been reported to be caught in an indecent act (see below). She has allegedly traumatised the young prey, when she tried to hit on the victim in KBox Clementi room 28. The victim, only named as "Eden", 16, is now said to be in slow and torturous recovery, due to the shock of the event.

Many speculations have been going around regarding the real identity of "Christine", but there has not been a concrete report as to who she really is, or in which era she was born in. Could it be World War II?

Her real identity? Or yet another façade? Speculations are all over town, and many are perturbed with the existence of such a character. Public be warned of "Christine Chen Huiqing", who goes by many more aliases that it is impossible to keep track.
(The above report is based on many reliable sources, which are quoted, as well as informal interviews. Pictures in the report have come from many sources. However, the level of truth in the report, or in any of the photos, cannot be verified fully. The reporter is not liable for any discrepancies between the report and reality whatsoever. Readers should read with discretion.)
Nara a.k.a Song Hui Qiao a.k.a Burger a.k.a Paedophilic Witch
a.k.a WW2 Female Fighter, lastly a.k.a Christine Chen Hui Qing.... -
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