Friday, March 17, 2006
-*- Venture Era Group...
Last week, someone gave me a call out of nowhere and addressed me as "Zee".. And the girl told me to go down for an interview for a job (!!!).. Stunned, I listened to what she had to say, and agreed to go down for the "interview" on Monday..Come Monday, due to my project, I had to cancel on the job interview.. I mean seriously, if I had put "Zee" in the form, it probably would be something that isn't very significant... So I called to reschedule the interview, well prepared for them to thnk that I'm not sincere and tell me to not bother about rescheduling.. But well, they were understanding and said I could come down on Thurday 5pm instead.. So I agreed, since they were being nice..
Come Thursday, I totally forgot all about the interview, until it was 4 pm and my sister had called me to ask me some stuff.. Somehow, I suddenly remembered the interview... And so I rushed down...
When I was there (the girl met me at Lau Pa Sat and brought me to the company), I knew I was cheated.. Venture Era Group - Healthcare Products!!!! Most people would know what that meant! It's Multi-Level Marketing!!! Goodness! I was cheated! Okay, first up, personally, I HATE MLM.. Majorly.. I understand the workings of MLM, and I feel that it's very deceitful! Argh.. But the girl seemed nice, so I stupidly decided to stay on to see what they have to say, before politely and insistently refusing..
But I really hate MLM la.. And they had thought I was a MALAY! I mean, no disrespect for malays, but come on! Just because I'm called Zee doesn't make me a Malay!! Can't I have a nickname for myself?? Grrr.. And I believe I spoke a bit of Chinese to the girl lor! Seriously no brain! Grrr.. Just because I'm called ZEE!!! Idiots!
Anyway, the product did seem convincing, but I'm super not interested. And the presenter pissed me off quite a bit.. I guess she was "trying to be friendly", but if I don't drink Coke, I'm not lying... I DON'T drink Coke! Goodness.. Anyway, since I wasn't too happy about being cheated, I didn't like her comments very much...
And after the presentation and this business plan overview, the girl who called me for the "interview" asked me to sit down with her for a cup of coffee... And a certain manager came down to talk to me about their organization structure and evrything.. But I gave him a very obviously-not-interested look.. But he still wasted like half hour of my time anyway. Stupid idiot..
Anyway, all in all, it was a majorly unpleasant experience and for that, I blame ALL MLM companies! I hate MLM!
I sincerely HATE multi-level marketing companies! DIE MLM DIE!!!
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